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New layout idea based on Millers Dale Buxton Peak District line

Black 5

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I have recently joined RM web and am looking for new idea for a loft layout in a converted former bed room which is 10 x12 feet. The idea I have is based on Millers Dale station on the former Derby, Buxton-Manchester line in the Peak district. Is this feasible in a 10x12 foot room? Ideally I want to have a fiddle year storing over 8 trains, curves with mininimum 36" radius, lift out section for the door. The scale will be 00, DCC. removeable sturdy based boards and gentle curves. Also have more shunting and movement interest.


At present I have a layout based on Dent on the S&C in another room in the loft which is 13 feet long x 4 feet at each end. The radius is too tight and limits my running of locos and stock with consequent derailments. I started this 10 years ago and have had much pleaseure out of it. However, due to these limitations, I wish to take on a new challenge.


i would be grateful if members can point me in the right direction.






:scratchhead: ( Thinking cap on!!)

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  • RMweb Gold

The first essential is to buy, beg, borrow or steal a copy of Bill Hudson's "Through Limestone Hills". It has all the info and track plans from Ambergate to Chinley. I think your room is too small for the quadruple layout of Millers Dale but have you considered modelling it before the widening took place? It would still have the quarries, goods yard, Buxton bay and mainline expresses as well as locals and only one viaduct to build.


Have you got the AnyRail free download? If so you can fairly quickly see what's possible. Will the track be SMP/Marcway or Peco etc? There seem to be a number of Peak layouts in the offing. How about a special section for them a la "S&C"? This thread wants moving to the Track & Layout design section.


Welcome to RMweb btw.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Rob and welcome,


Derailment free reliable running is a big part to enjoying this hobby.

There is plenty of advice on here on how is best to achieve this but feel free to add your own insights and experiences - we're always keen to read your exploits.




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  • RMweb Premium

Best way to get advice is to post in the various help areas - this is generally more for new members to introduce themselves, so...


Welcome aboard, Rob and I'm sure that you'll find lots to inspire and encourage you here. I'm guessing from your webname that you have a liking for Stanier's finest (to my mind, probably the best steam loco ever built - ducks behind parapet).




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  • RMweb Gold

Best way to get advice is to post in the various help areas - this is generally more for new members to introduce themselves, so...


Welcome aboard, Rob and I'm sure that you'll find lots to inspire and encourage you here. I'm guessing from your webname that you have a liking for Stanier's finest (to my mind, probably the best steam loco ever built - ducks behind parapet).





The Duchess pips it for me but for an all-rounder, it can't be beaten. (Also runs for cover)

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Hi everyone and thanks for your advice,


I am interested in this area as I walked the Monsall trail the other week and there were some fantastic still photos at Millers Dale station where I stopped for lunch. My interest was also inspired by the BBC Railway Walks programme show earlier in the year.


The thought of a new project feels me with apprehension but also determination and exitement as I now have the expereince of being a member of High Wycombe MRS with associated experience back up.


You are right- I have a interest in Stanier locos particularly the Black 5 and 8F. Both my locos are heavily weathered and are sound chipped in BR late crest. I also like my weathered sound fiited 9F and so all these locos would be great on a new project such as Millers Dale.


Thanks for the advice on the size of the layout and I will have to come up with some solution so the more advice given, the better.


Most likely I will use Peco code 75 track and not 100 this time. I may get some info on SMP track as we will be using it for the scenoic section of our new club layout



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Anything that is to look at all like Millers Dale would need more like 30' of length in OO. In N, you would still be struggling but might manage by bending the layout a bit.


Hi Joe,


Thanks for the advice. Most of the layout will be on a gentle curve but I don't want to make the same mistake with my S&C Dent layout where I cope with frequent derailments and limited stock movements. Am I being too ambitious?



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Hi Rob and welcome,


Derailment free reliable running is a big part to enjoying this hobby.

There is plenty of advice on here on how is best to achieve this but feel free to add your own insights and experiences - we're always keen to read your exploits.





Hi Kev,


I have frequent problems on my present layout particularly with some of my Royal Train Mk 3 coaches derailing in one area due to the 23" radius. The coaches are adapted Hurst Kits which look fantastic but when I try to run a full rake of 7 on the curves, problems occur. I have changed the bogies on some of them with moderate success but feel that they would work better on a new layout with smoother curves of at least 36" radius.




PS the back to backs are frequently checked too

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The idea I have is based on Millers Dale station on the former Derby, Buxton-Manchester line in the Peak district. Is this feasible in a 10x12 foot room? Ideally I want to have a fiddle year storing over 8 trains, curves with mininimum 36" radius, lift out section for the door. The scale will be 00, DCC.


A club member did a model of Millers Dale in N Gauge. That measured 16 x 3 ft to include the station and the signature feature of the two bridges (with some minor compression) so to model the same location in a larger scale in a shorter length would be severely compromised...

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Bakewell or Hassop stations may be more suitable for the area you have, both being on a curve.


Hi Keith,


Thanks for your comment. I will have a look at Bakewell station but I think I will have a look at the trackplan in the book "Through Limestone Hills" by Bill Hudson. If I can model one of the stations on a curve that would be better but I would like some goods yard interest too. As long as it can go into a scenic space 12x10 feet that would be good


I have already modelled Dent on the S&C and am looking for a new challenge

Will keep you posted.


Best regards,



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  • 1 month later...

Hi Rob


Just caught this thread today. so sorry for the delayed reply.  Great to hear that someone else has the "Millers Dale bug" - my familiy thinks that it's pretty serious, and probably incurable.


I've been modelling this station in N for the past few years.  Progress is slow, but maybe half done now...

Others are right, in that you won't be able to fit it all in in your 10x12 room, and you would have to compress or exclude various features, which may or may not satisfy your aims.


My layout is on two walls of a 4.6 x 2.8 m shed (around 15x9), and around 600-750mm deep.  On that I've included:

  • the station, pretty well as prototype, except for shortening the sidings to the quarries on the Buxton end
  • the two viaducts at the station, but curved gently to fit around the L-shape of the layout
  • at the Buxton end, the river passes under Bridge 75, before the railway enters the tunnel (Chee Tor #1, from memory?)
  • the two quarries and the railway line between the station and this bridge are heavily compressed, with just a small (symbolic) abandoned quarry included
  • On the Derby end, the river velley runs parallel to the railway, before curving under the Headstone viaduct at Monsal Head, and the railway disappears into the Headstone tunnel.
  • Most of the line between Millers Dale and Headstone has been omitted - no Litton Mill, or Cressbrook Mill, etc.  But I (a) wanted to get the big 5-arch viaduct in, and (b) wanted to frame the layout by the tunnel entrances at either end
  • Around the back, the two ends are connected by the fiddle yard - 5 tracks in each direction, plus a common 3-track yard for the Buxton traffic


As others have mentioned, Bill Hudson's book is the "bible", but I've found probably a dozen others.  Also, the Derbyshire Records Office in Matlock has drawings of the station viaduct in 1905, plus the platform mods being made at that time.


Good luck



(another one, but living in Sydney...)

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The Duchess pips it for me but for an all-rounder, it can't be beaten. (Also runs for cover)

Agreed, prefer the looks of the Black 5 and as an all rounder it's a magnificent loco, but if you wanted to drag a battle ship over the settle and Carlisle there is only a duchess.


(starts plotting a what might have been steep layout with double headed duchess express trains and black 5's on goods duity - perhaps not)

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