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Workbench Tool Holder

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Hi all,


Here's a couple of photos of a toolholder I made for use on my workbench. I got fed up losing things - for some reason it was always my tweezers that seemed to disappear....


It's simply a piece of contiboard supporting two magnetic knife racks (a couple of long ones will cost you about 15 quid from Ikea) using studding. The magnetic effect of the holders is quite weak - just enough to keep the tools in place. I can't claim I invented this idea - I first saw the late Bernard Weller (of Exactoscale fame) using it. Now all I have to do is discipline myself to replace tools on the holder each time I finish using them....




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Hi, yep it works, just one little problem that I've noticed, things become magnetised!!!! It's okay for the likes of the jewellers screwdrivers but the needle files have become a right pain, the small drills we use attach themselves and then one spends ages looking for them.....:angry:

I still use mine though as it does keep the bench a bit tidier. ;)


All the best,

Dave F.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi, yep it works, just one little problem that I've noticed, things become magnetised!!!! It's okay for the likes of the jewellers screwdrivers but the needle files have become a right pain, the small drills we use attach themselves and then one spends ages looking for them.....:angry:

I still use mine though as it does keep the bench a bit tidier. ;)


All the best,

Dave F.


Hi Dave,


Yes I've noticed that, but only on the small pair of tweezers is any magnetism detectable at present (I noticed it was attracting the steel guitar wire when installing Bill Bedford sprung w-irons). I've not noticed problems with needle files, but since my work is mainly dealing with etched brass and whitemetal at the moment it's maybe not surprising ;)




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part of the excitement of working at a bench with an anonymous pile of tools - is in the search for the one that you know you have, should be in the pile, and is hidden at the bottom. It is akin to the thrill of hunting, you chase around seeking out the elusive to eventually capture your prey.


I could never cope with the idea of every tool neatly ordered just waiting to be plucked from a rail, I'd be knocking everything over to reach after spending all my time deciding on which one to choose from. At least in the anonymous pile I forget I actually have one, find another way of doing the job without one, or keep the tool vendors happy at a show by purchasing a new one ...

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I must admit that my workbench is a nightmare - clearing it up is one of those 'must do - later' jobs. That said, I can normally find tools quite easily. How different it is in the house when SWBMO 'tidies up' - and then denies moving anything. Thank Gawd she doesn't know the combination to the workshop!




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Everything has a place and a place for everything...on the workbench. I'm with Kenton on this, the thrill of the hunt is greater than the thrill of the kill etc...Fortunately, SWMBO lets my tools live in peace, providing they are tidied away every couple of weeks or so - the reminders can be quiet painfulbiggrin.gif.



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I just use a couple of the cutlery drainers from Tesco, Asda (other super markets do exist) as seen in the photo below. And as you can see it helps to keep my workbench spotless. :blink: :blink:



The bigger picture.



I did have a tidy up once, couldn't find bu99er all for weeks. :lol:



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I use a cutlery tray for most hand tools, and various jars for others, everything to hand in theory.


It generally works, but occasionally I mislay something and then I have to confess, it can be hard to find. When this happens I'll have a proper tidy-up, and then I can't find anything for ages!

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