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Everything posted by TheSignalEngineer

  1. Experience of deliveries is variable for me at the moment. One sale was delivered two days later in Aberdeen when another taken to the post office at the same time took 8 days to go 15 miles to north Manchester. A parcel to me from Rails took a week to cover what is normally a 40 minute drive across the hills. Ebay purchases are taking between two and ten days to arrive.
  2. Similar with the USA S100. I wanted a Longbridge one but they were built by a different manufacturer, and even then had different cab sheeting in their industral days. The nearest to it is the NCB one which I picked up discounted and it will go under the knife as did a 64xx when I got fed up of waiting for Bachmann to produce a 74xx version.
  3. Looks like that was done by Cambrian,
  4. Well, I put my wishlist votes in. I can't see that many being made in my lifetime as some are a bit odd-ball but appeared in the area I model in the 1950s. The race is now on to see if I finish any of the ones currently under costruction or awaiting erecting shop time will be on the market RTR before I get round to finishing them. Thanks for your efforts, much of what I need on the wishist actually appears in the poll.
  5. A selection of my pictures from Saturday. Apologies if some look a bit grainy as a few were screen grabs from videos. Exhibits were so good I could have done about 200 if I had been properly geared up.
  6. I have no idea what it will be but I have probably already built at least one or have got a kit/donor ready to start. I have form in this area, including the Pillbox and Dancehall brake vans, plate wagons, coke hoppers, SR 8-plank open, pipe wagons and resurrection of an ABS Southern banana van. Candidates from the recently done pile include a 74xx pannier tank and LMS 6-wheel fish van. WIP includes an LMS 4-wheel fish van. They could join the recent fashion and fill the gap of the LMS/BR 9ft wb banana vans, both currently being prepared for assembley. To be really useful they should do a proper LMS ventilated van to replace the present stunted one or perhaps an iron ore wagon of correct length.
  7. Very sad news. Feelings go out to you and staff at this difficult time. I have always looked out for your name when going to shows so I could replenish bits and pieces I am running short of and to restock the kit stash.
  8. Named at Bescot open day in 1988 as 31430. Tops number increased by 100 when ETH disconnected. Name later transferred to 37116 and also later carried by a Midland Metrto tram.
  9. Spotters up our end referred to them as 'Consols' from the Consolidation (2-8-0) wheelbase. We sometimes referred to the Royal Train 47s as 'The Plum Duffs'
  10. I had one to check signal sighting and aws operation between Rugy and Nuneaton. 'Sister Dora' from the Bescot Engineers fleet at the time. did two round trips standing behind the driver at 60mph. Couldn't stand up when I got off at Rugby and tried to walk back to the PSB. It was like a vibration massage machine on steriods.
  11. They were known as Bouncy Castles in our office when haf of us commuted on them.
  12. I was going to leave off one layer then I looked out of the window this morning and put on an extra scarf as well as full Dark Peak Explorer gear. Yes, There's a couple of things I need shortly but couldn't get. Last time it was someone like H&A Models and Eileen's who took home a lot of my budget.
  13. I did spot you when I was watching Hills of the North but just the back of your head as you were engrossed in something round the back. Probably something to note for the future as the fiddle yard was more or less directly in the draught from the door at that end. There is another way into the hall from the corridor by the toilets. May be better to direct people through that way. When I first walked past just after opening time the Banker was coming down the hill. Looked to be running a bit unevenly, but when I came back for better look later it was running fine. There seemed to be quite a number of families with children this morning. When I've attended past shows in the City Centre back to the Co-op days it was always well attended and plenty of people willing to chat. It was at the Co-op that I was introduced to Comet Models by the late Geoff Brewin and to RMweb by an exhibitor named Andy York.
  14. Excellent layouts all round. Good to chat with a few societies and suppliers. Looked well attended and the halls much better than previous venues. Thanks for your efforts.
  15. A sketch of the layout will give us what is needed in the immediate area. An explanation of what happens off-scene, e.g. distance to next box, junctions etc, will determine whether distant arms are necessary. Photos can give a better idea of what structures to use, straight post, bracket or gantry depending on sighting distances and clearances. Eric
  16. We had at least two signalman who had gone to the 'Tin Orse' factory (Austin at Longbridge for those from other places) but came back before long as they couldn't stand the boredom of 8 hours day in, day out, doing the same task a thousand times over on the assembley line. Yes there were some good jobs there, but mainly the few skilled men who set up and maintained the machines.
  17. The Birmingham area was similar. That was one of the reasons you didn't find any 'captive' yard shunter turns worked by 0-6-0T locos by the late 50s. Most of the local passenger services except at peak times had gone over to DMUs c1956/7.
  18. Around 1967 I found a document in the office which had a running order for main line electrification schemes under the Modernisation Plan. It envisaged most main lines would be progressively wired by the 1980s. Steam would be gradually eliminated as electrification progressed, not the mad rush for diesel everywhere by 1968 as actually happened.
  19. In the last ten years of their life we had about 30 of the 2Fs at sheds in our area. I think they were all Belpaire rebuilds from memory but a mixture of cabs. Bournville still had at least two 700 outside frame rebuilds at nationalisation but sadly they didn't last quite until my spotting days.
  20. John Turner has a picture on Flickr showing vacuum fitted D1892 open M401033 still in its as built (c1934) but very faded large LMS livery at Harborne in the mid 1950s. The description says c1957. The condition of the station building then being used by Chad Valley Toys was better than it was in 1950 photos. The loco shunting the wagon appeared regulary on the branch from 1952 to 1960/1.
  21. Once spent an after work session in The Dog with the signal gang. One member was a regular there. I caught a train into Birmingham and woke up at Saltley. I realised the platform was on the wrong side, having slept all the way into New Street and out again.
  22. I think that these two manhole covers on Platform 1 at Stoke-on-Trent must qualify.
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