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Everything posted by TheSignalEngineer

  1. The photos at Lye came from this article. http://www.preservedthumpers.com/articles-egyptian-thumpers.html
  2. There was a picture recently on Facebook showing an Egyptian DMU built by BRCW running through Lye.
  3. Thanks, original post corrected. I was trying to post from my phone and usually end up with complete rubbish if the predictive text is switched on.
  4. Probably not. If I saw it a a toy fair I probably wouldn't even pick it up for a closer look
  5. It also depends on your era and rail type. The first mention of point operating distances in the Board of Trade Requirements was 180 yards. Over time this was increased to 350 yards. The problem is that at that time the standard rail was 95lb Bullhead, often with C or D switches. The pull needed for an E switch in 113lb Flat Bottom is considerably greater and when that was introduced the office I was in tended not to mechanically work over 200 yards, especially with double-ended points. Ground Frames inherently by the nature of the operation tended to be at the points or in the middle of a double ended set or group.
  6. Spent a very cold foggy January night next to it c1990
  7. If Bachmann's performance with locos is anything to go by we will have forgotten about them by the time the website is back to being any use. I'm about 2 days from finishing my 94xx conversion so that won't be on my Wish List any longer.
  8. A typical loco-hauled formation on a Bristol to Paddington train c1970/1 would have been BFK,2xFK,FO,RB,4xSO,BG
  9. There is a picture of it passing Reading depot in 1971. Blue livery, 1st coach looks like Mk2 BFK, heading towards Paddington. Another around the same time shows it stabled at Ranleigh Bridge with the reporting number 1B02. Correction for predictive text on my phone.
  10. Don't know off-hand. Several of the Bristol shots it was still in two-tone livery. Later it seemd to stray to South Wales on freights. Pictures of it on unfitted trains at Newport in Blue turn up. There's also a picture of it on Pullman stock on the net.
  11. I've seen pictures of it with 1A22 and 1A32 at the Paddington end. There are several pictures on Flickr IIRC You may have to search for Class 53.
  12. Nice box. Spent a bit of time working there in 1966. Think I'm going to have to build one of those. Story line of my layout is that its LNW/GW junction was remodelled in 1940, so it could be that the old box was not big enough or in the way of for the new arrangements.
  13. From how I saw them work on the Midland division I always thought the 25 was more a replacement for the Ivatt 4 or Fowler 4F. A resurrection of the Derby small engine policy with plenty of double heading.
  14. Thanks, that's great. I can try a couple that are available with different primers and go from there.
  15. A list of all those shades would be useful. I'm trying to achieve an early DMU shade but at the moment am getting too vivid or too dark.
  16. Single EE Type 1 on an Edinburh - Glasgow express, first coach is a Hawksworth. https://flic.kr/p/dvfPYF
  17. SR-allocated Panniers were overhauled at Ashford. 4601 of Dover Marine and 4624 of Weymouth were reported in the erecting shop there in July 1960. There are records of 4634 and 4672 on shed in 1959 and the Folkestone locos awaiting transfer away after the Kent Coast electrification in 1961.
  18. Good to hear some better news.Regarding Humbrol, after production went to China I had trouble with Matt Black either not covering evenly or drying gloss no matter how well it was stirred. I started using Tamiya XF-1 Flat Black. This morning I was in the local art & craft shop for a couple of items and noticed that the latest delivery of Humbrol enamels were made in the UK so hopefully the China product is now getting out of the system.
  19. Good service on my latest order. Placed when I was reviewing what I needed after i got back from Doncaster on Saturday. Arrived 10.30am on Tuesday morning. Can't moan about that.
  20. Fotunately saw the first message about the discount. Was going to order last week but didn't have time. Placed order when I was reviewing what I needed after i got back from Doncaster on Saturday. Arrived 10.30am on Tuesday morning. Can't moan about that. Edited for predictive text
  21. Class 30 was too heavy. Class 33 was slightly higher power at rail IIRC, over 30 tons lighter and ETH as built so would have been a better bet long term.
  22. Change at the time was fast moving, besides those in the nature of traffic carried. The first Pilot Scheme loco delivered was in the middle of 1957. Annual totals for the 174 locos were 1957 - 21, 1958 - 82, 1959 - 68 and 1960 - 3. By the time that delivery of the Peaks wast completed Brush were working on Falcon and BRCW were working on Lion so the 40, 44/45/46 were already redundant technology. The 47 was a more or less a hybrid of the Sulzer power unit from Lion in the Brush loco.
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