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Everything posted by TheSignalEngineer

  1. Lost the power supply for my slide scanner. Fortunately it was a common voltage so I was able to get one in the days of Maplin. Another mystery was my Mainline Collett Goods. Got lost in the late 1980s or early 1990s. My son had a small layout which then accompanied us on two house moves and he had gone of working in other parts. The layout hung on the garage wall for seven years and had deteriorated so was being stripped down for spare materials in 2006. When I took off the engine shed the Collett Goods was up against the back wall. OK as long as you can find the iPad.
  2. I've not seen a photo of them working on the S&D 'proper' but there is evidence that they worked between Bristol and Bath. There is a picture on the web of one entering Bristol with a Maunsell set. Regarding allocation to Templecombe they didn't seem to last long, two being condemned there and the other two quickly swapped with the LMR for 82xxx tanks from Chester.
  3. Picture 77 on this page shows 9710 at OOC carrying Shirtbutton livery in 1960 http://www.bundesbahnzeit.de/page.php?id=HS2016-01-17_England, eighteen years after it was last used.
  4. I had one old slide box with open cell foam in the lid to hold the slides in the trays. Took me ages to get all of the bits off them when I came to scanning. replaced it with a sheet of foamboard and no more problems so far. My old movie camera suffered a reaction between the soft outer plastic on the tape door and a piece of bubble wrap. I've also seen polymer migration problems between bubble wrap and wire insulation.
  5. A few miles further for me but 15 minutes quicker than Partington
  6. Rare but not impossible. I have seen pictures of freshly painted containers leaving the works in unfitted 5-plank opens.
  7. Several on-line forums formerly on Yahoo Gtoups are now using Groups.io
  8. I did think he could be on top of the church nearby (All Saints?) but the angles don't look right.Also they are taken from two different places, so perhaps he was well-in with the Fire Brigade and they had a turntable ladder handy.
  9. Possibly part of National Gas Engine Co. which was on both sides of Richmond St. The part to the West side is still standing. It amalgamated with Mirrlees Bickerton & Day in 1961 and became Mirrlees National Ltd.
  10. I think that was a factory in Wellington Road. Lord Sheldon Way and the Metrolink go across the middle of where the sidings were and the road to the left of the second picture is Richmond Street. The line in the foreground has gone but the one to the left is still there. I think a couple of the OLE structures are still there at the end of Sainsburys car park, which now occupies the site of the sidings by the top line in the picture. See https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/side-by-side/#zoom=16&lat=53.4912&lon=-2.1069&layers=10&right=BingHyb
  11. If you only want to load or unload them off scene you need to file the bumpers off the bottom corners IIRC
  12. It was quite common to see containers loaded in 5-plank open wagons.
  13. The Michael Clemens Railways site has a lot of WR timetables which show the trains that were diesel worked. Cowbridge is definitely in there. The 1949 timetables are here http://www.michaelclemensrailways.co.uk/?atk=592 Sections 8 to 11 show everything West of Newport.
  14. Can't remember if this was posted before, but I was researching some buildings around the Black Country this week and noticed this one in Old Hill. Can't describe it as I don't know if it will pass the filters.
  15. Scouring the CWNs it appears that the last 18 Maunsell SO in the loose stock must have been withdrawn around the end of the 1963 season. They were still plentiful in 1961. I'm not sure what diagrams link up with what numbers but the late survivors were spread virtually across the whole range from 1285 to 1450
  16. Yes, they made both, I want the Belpaire type. The last one which came up on ebay recently still fetched over £200 even though it looked as if it had fallen off the end of the fiddle yard. Keyser also made one I think but that was with the original boiler. They come out a lot cheaper. The Alan Gibson kit hasn't been available for some time but I may have to register an interest in case I live long enough for sufficient orders to be place so it will be made again.
  17. The Bill was published in November 1946. Given the complexity of what was taken into the BTC it would probably have been in preparation very soon after the Attlee government was elected in 1945.
  18. I see your point but the problem is not only limited to the old classes. When working in the north of London I tried to classify the variations within the 313 sets used on the LMR. I gave up half way through as I hadn't found two identical sets. I think the biggest differences would be the choice of which boiler and cab to use, but for BR days they have a choice of a few with original boilers or G6 boilers with Belpaire fireboxes and Johnson or Deeley cabs.
  19. To me this is a part of the systemic problem within our railway. Too many of what used to be Requirements, enshrined in the Rule Book and other documents are now just reduced to the status of advice which anyone can ignore if they think it will improve their bottom line. Fortunately I'm out of it, partly because I didn't like the way things were heading and didn't want to be part of the next Big One.
  20. Some details at the bottom of this page including the map from the leaflet http://www.cornwallrailwaysociety.org.uk/latest-input--news--old-pictures-etc/category/all/38 And the full (almost) logo here https://flic.kr/p/fAopKA
  21. I'm still waiting for someone to do a Johnson 2F 0-6-0. The scope for liveries and variations would be large for these locos which in their various guises were around for almost 90 years. Their light weight and small stature meant that over the years they got almost anywhere that the Midland and LMS operated from Bath to Barrow. Some were also bought by the M&GN c1896 becoming LNER J41/J41 classes, the last being withdrawn in 1944. These ran to South Lynn and Yarmouth.
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