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Everything posted by TheSignalEngineer

  1. I remember a young S&T lad trying to back a van along that platform on the left and ending upside down in the four-foot. (Not me)
  2. I would take up procrastination but never seem to be able to get round to it.
  3. Perhaps @Mallard60022 could get a little light relief from this. https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/enjoy-the-waterways/canal-and-river-wildlife/keeping-our-ducks-healthy There a a few things like word search puzzles and suggestions for things to do in the Duck Guide download. https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/enjoy-the-waterways/canal-and-river-wildlife/keeping-our-ducks-healthy/duck-guide
  4. Mine's about the same. Just off to a big tin shed before I get grounded as I have realised that I'm almost out of PVA glue and have about 25 yards of ballasting to do.
  5. We need a banner at the top of the page like those @AY Mod has put on some other threads.
  6. Perhaps we should all build a module then exhibit them at an event next year.
  7. Looks like my annual trip to the NYMR opening week will be off. We usually visit twice a year. When going to other places we try to call in at lines we pass. Even if we haven't got time for a ride I normally buy refreshments and/or something from the shop if thete is one. Lines will have difficulties actually running because of the volunteer situation even without the loss of revenue.
  8. I used Parkside LMS solebars for mine. IIRC the BR Lowfit came in three incarnations, none of which match the Mainline/Bachmann models. The first was effectively the LNER body modelled by Bachmann on an LMS clasp chassis. The later ones had steel bodies on LNER-style clasp brakes chassis, then some steel ones had 4-shoe brakes.
  9. We nearly gave ours up this year but decided to keep it on. Looks lile it may have been a good choice On our last house move we were having to give up the plot we had then and there was lack of provision in the area. We joined the local campaign for more sites which was eventually successful, but in the meantime had picked a property with enough garden to build a 36ft long 'mini allotment'. Now hoping for better weather than last year.
  10. My usual heavy excercise is to take out a mountain bike on a remote route. I have several straight from the door and lots more where I park in a remote layby. Most rides I will see only a handful of people and don't have any need to interact with any of them, so hopefully this can continue. As far as my allotment is concerned there are only nine plots, parking is on-site and it's rare to see more than two of us there together. I usually go when six of the plot holders are at work. My prescription is not for a life-threatening condition, and with a bit of co-operation I built an 8-week buffer in the pre-Brexit period. Mrs SE has cut out her gym classes and I have stopped using the swimming pool. Looks like we could be off the school run for a while, but daughter can work from home most days. Hopefully the measures will have the desired effect, but I fear that the NHS has been depleted to such a level that it cannot cope with a spike in demand.
  11. In the 1960s they moved to a new building across the road on the corner of Temple Row and Cherry Street. I think they are now in Newhall Street.
  12. For the enlightenment of the panic buyers I will be adapting some recipes including bog roll pesto and andrex quilted* with tomato and basil sauce. * other brands available although this one does hold the sauce better.
  13. Well if I'm wrong so are Historic England. https://historicengland.org.uk/images-books/photos/item/AA42/00437
  14. Washwood Heath yard had Hill 60 and the Dugout Sidings.
  15. No worries there, i've got a hard disk with about 12,000 photos on it I've been meaning to sort through for about three years but other things get in the way, then there's two or three rooms need painting. Oh, and there's about two kilos of ballast need to go down on the layout. (note to self - get down to Wickes tomorrow and get a big container of PVA.)
  16. The Mk1 bullion vans used to come into Curzon St when i was working down there. The Freightliner flats used to go into Lawley Street. I remember one of the containers getting nicked, at Southampton IIRC, when it was contained something like 4 tons of the old size two bob bits.
  17. When the Bank of England building was on the corner of Temple Street and St Phillip's Place there was an entrance from the tunnel which had the old Milk Sidings. It was hidden among the stables for the shunting horses used at the south end of the station I understand. There was also a Blacksmith's shop down there. I went in that part of the tunnels in 1985 when I was doing the plan for signalling of the reopened station. I couldn't identify the BoE entrance but there were a couple of bricked-up areas. Couldn't get any good pictures down there as it was the darkest place I think I have ever been other than underground in a coal mine.
  18. I will be heading from the R**lw*y R**m to the allotment under cover of darkness to plant my vegetables.
  19. Always knew when one was coming to Birmingham c1960. They came on the 12.10pm Paddington - Birkenhead due 2.19pm. This train was used because it was first stop Snow Hill. Around 1pm there would be a Police presence around the station and at the Fish Siding on the Snow Hill side. Just after 2pm the Station Pilot complete with PC riding shotgun would head through the station to take up position in the Down Sidings South. The Bullion Van was detached and moved to the Fish Siding for unloading straight into road vehicles to go to the Bank of England Cash Centre. Detaching was a smartly done move as the train was only booked four minutes in Platform 5, although it always seemed to get a clear run when used for this move and could pick up about five minutes between Aynho and Birmingham with a King up front.
  20. At least he was in the cess. On night in Darkest Nottinghamshire I was walking round our possession area to check all was OK to lift the block when a lad on a motorbike appeared riding down the four-foot.
  21. Kent Walton, ITV presenter and wrestling commentator.
  22. As there's this thing about us oldies self-isolating I've just bought several more kits for the stash. This afternoon I will check my stock of glue, solvent, paint etc to see if there are any items I need. I think I'll get some more IPA as it makes good anti-most things cleaner.
  23. I'm still using a Stanley 748 drill for big jobs. I had it in 1960 IIRC. Still using the Stanley plane I had at the same time. http://www.findmytool.co.uk/stanley-drill-748-review.php
  24. Went to Aldi last night. Few customers, no checkout queues, no toilet paper, no paracetamol, no jars of pasta sauce, no fish fingers and potato waffles but no shortage of what I would term ordinary foodstuffs. We hadn't done a big shop for 10 days but gòt everything we needed.
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