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Posts posted by davidw

  1. 2 minutes ago, DaveF said:


    I hope you don't mind but I had a little play with your image from earlier this evening - I used the top one which you had already worked on.




    I selected the sky in Photoshop Elements, then inverted the selection so that only things that are not sky would be affected, without any feathering applied.

    Then I used levelsto brighten it , colour saturation to increase the colour.  Next I went to Brightness/Contrast to brighten a little bit more, followed by adding a little bit of extra contrast.


    Then I deselected everything, followed by reselecting the sky and feathering by 10 pixels so the rails etc were not selected.  That was followed by slightly darkening the sky using levels.


    It is about the same quality as I get in my layout room when I have the light on.



    I've just seen the attempt that DaveF made. That's what I had in mind.

    • Like 1
  2. 46 minutes ago, great northern said:

    This evening, a request for your help, both in telling me what you think of an image, and how it might be improved.


    A few evenings ago I decided, for some reason, to go and take a photo in full artificial light, and spend as much time as necessary to mess around with it, and see  whether I could get a presentable result. After a lot of messing around, this was the best I could do.


    To me, it seems clinical and sterile, but I really would like to see what you think. Obviously, it will look different on other screens and devices, but nevertheless  its worth a go. My screen seems to be too colour saturated, whatever I do to alter it, so I had to take quite a lot out.


    Next, there is the original JPEG image.


    I wonder if those of you who know far more than I do about processing images would like to have a go at it, and we can see what transpires.

    Hi Gilbert, 


    The top picture may be worth trying in black and white. Alternatively (and I'm not sure how easy this would be) add different colours blue hues darkening the further up it goes...

  3. 1 hour ago, Tallpaul69 said:

    Not sure when you were in the trade David, but I think things have improved in the last ten years!

    Having said that, unfortunately, of those who do keep to their region/period in rolling stock, it is true few seem to research suitable formations and even fewer suitable timetables.

    However, that is not to say that I disapprove of the application of Rule 1, but suggest it should not be inflicted on the paying public at exhibitions! Also, there are a lot of inter region workings and locations for those who like (as I do) to mix things up a bit but in a realistic manner. (Reading, Oxford, Banbury, etc.)



    It was in the last ten years. Observation of those coming through the doors weren't bothered. As you say few do research. But at the end of the day, it's a wide hobby. But like I say I was surprised.....

    • Like 1
  4. Generic coaches seems madness to me. But when I worked in the trade for a while I was amazed at the lack of fidelity customers paid to coaches and rolling stock. 

    It's a loco centric hobby. A small percentage of purchasers are consistent in their region period and even smaller percentage cared was was behind locos.

    • Agree 3
    • Interesting/Thought-provoking 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Tony Wright said:

    I've just started construction of two more DJH A1s (60153 and 60159, the first for me and the second for one of Geoff Haynes' customers. Geoff will paint both).


    I hope they turn out similar to these I've built..............




    What became 60126.




    What became 60129.




    What became 60155. 




    What would become 60157.




    And what became 60158. 


    I cannot, at the moment, find similar shots of other DJH A1s I've built. 


    I'll take shots as the two new builds progress. 


    I would have thought my request to see other DJH A1s might have yielded more examples. 





    Not an A1 Tony, though I think that you've a photo of my A2 Bronzino. I've a DJH A2 Sugar Palm too,but I don't think I've visited with that.

  6. 12 minutes ago, AY Mod said:


    It doesn't matter how many say no; only how many say yes.


    Just under 20 years ago we had the first £100 mainstream RTR loco (Bachmann 9F) and we're at the point now where I don't think we'll see any newly tooled (non-toy) loco with an RRP below £100 again.


    I completely agree. But those saying yes do seem to be getting less **. I'm not sure what the answer is - deeper pockets and more selective choices is only part of the answer not sure if there are others?


    Fire/flash sales in twelve/eigtheen months time can't be good for the manufacurers,  dealers or ultimately the purchaser. Its quite a dilemma.



    ** comment based on working in model trade for a short time

    • Interesting/Thought-provoking 1
  7. 18 minutes ago, jessy1692 said:

    At last iv had free ish evening and the weather is good so managed a coat of varnish on the B16, one step closer to the layout. Just about to get it coated up and pop the windows back in. 



    As ever iv used Humbrol acrylic spray, I find it really easy to use and leaves a great finish.


    Also as some of you may have seen, my Dads carriage bashing continues with another buffet and the dia 334 FK one off in the works. Still a long way to go before they end up at my house for final fettling and painting.




    It seems he didn't know of the excellent steve-banks site before so no doubt he'll be going through that and his carriage books tonight planning some more butchery.




    A very impressive B16. I missed it's parentage.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 10 hours ago, great northern said:

    60054 passes Champion Lodge, which will soon need to be getting ready for some action.454and1643.JPG.526238d3400118da5bf8a1f38c2d876d.JPG

    Here's another experiment, a long range view of 60054 waiting to leave. I cannot now remember if I used any zoom on this.


    I think I must have done.

    Now that shot is brilliant!

    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 hour ago, great northern said:

    B1, against the light, and in monochrome.


    Four minutes later, it is followed by Grantham A3 60054, nearly ex works, with the 2.28 Down Newcastle, which will also stop here.


    Still can't quite make up my mind about double chimney A3s, but am increasingly coming to the conclusion that the original design and appearance was so good that an alteration like this made little difference. Let's have an opinion poll. Which do you prefer, single or double? German deflectors not included.

    Due to the period I model 1960, l don't permit single chimney A3s. So I guess familiarity dictates double chimney's the preference.

    My original intention was 1960+/-2 years. If I had stuck with that then 60092 and 60039 I could have left single chimney's and not faffed about with replacements. 

    Either way personally I think they are one of most elegant looking of locos.

    • Like 1
  10. 5 hours ago, Tony Wright said:

    Having run Heljan's latest O2s for over an hour each this afternoon, I'm delighted to report excellent, sustained performance...........




    Though that 'British Railways' does look too big.




    Could I do better?




    Probably not, even with Tim Shackleton's weathering.




    This 'Heinz 57' 2-8-0 doesn't even have brakes! 



    I thought I had enough Heljan O2s until I saw these.

    • Like 4
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    • Funny 2
  11. 4 hours ago, great northern said:

    Still no e mail. Here is the nice clean Ivatt that reversed the stock into the bay.


    and here is the Saturday Elizabethan, headboard correctly reversed, and with Golden Plover substituted by Haymarket today.


    I understand that the Saturday Elizabethan had  many additional vehicles added to the consist strengtheners and alternates... I can see the additional BG will you be modeling/representing other changes?

    • Like 1
  12. 7 minutes ago, Tony Wright said:

    Good evening David,


    It was usual to have a footboard at the outer end of the bogie with end-door stock/open stock (of both Gresley and Thompson origin); often with no centre footboard at all.




    As here.




    And here. I doubt if there's a centre footboard.



    On transverse corridor Thompson stock (other than the brakes), the bogies had no footboards.



    They were there on the brakes.




    Centre footboards would be there on the all-door stock.


    Please (all) respect copyright restrictions on these images.







    Thanks Tony, at source the Hornby model has a  centre footboard. Possibly incorrect? Unless specific to the prototypes Hornby have modelled.  I've so far used two BCKs as donors. 

  13. 1 minute ago, Darryl Tooley said:

    Yes, but that will be it as far as bogie footboards on end-door stock go.


    This was the normal arrangement on end-door corridor and open stock:




    (Dennis Seabrook Collection/LNER Society



    Thanks that's just the type of photo I was looking for!

    • Like 1
  14. I do have lots of weathered stock but I've not been doing any lately. What I have done is these:



    A pair of gresley open thirds/seconds.




    I've another SO and BSO to do. With plans for a CK, and BSK and end door stock. Quite pleased with the results so far.

    A question if I may. On the original Hornby model, there's what appears to be a foot board between the wheels.  I suspect that foot boards need to also be under the end doors is that correct?

    • Like 8
  15. 7 hours ago, Tony Wright said:

    I mentioned weathering some little time ago.


    In my opinion, few procedures result in enhanced realism on model railways more than weathering. Certainly, all locos/items of rolling stock on Little Bytham are weathered to some extent. 


    Some examples....................




    Two vans weathered by the late, great Dave Shakespeare, seen in the past on his Tetleys Mills (now cherished possessions on LB).


    Some firms offer a bespoke weathering service...........


    Dirty Boy is one..........




    Nicely done, but a pity these Bachmann cattle vans are too long.


    The one in the background has my weathering. 




    Also nicely done, but another pity that the Bachmann ex-LMS 12T van is such a poor model.


    Better, is the Bachmann van to the left (which I weathered). 




    A Dirty Boy-weathered ER brake van (the device beneath keeps track clean). 




    And a Rob Davey-weathered example.


    TMC also offers a weathering service...............




    The firm's weathering on another ER brake van.




    And on this Bachmann Mk.1 CK. Very-effective.


    This is a later iteration, with no roof ribs. Good!




    This Bachmann Mk.1 has been factory-weathered. For some reason, I changed the bogies (forgetting to weather these). 


    Obviously, I've removed the all-too-prominent roof ribs and repainted the roof.




    These Bachmann 12T vans were also supplied factory-weathered.




    As was this Bachmann PO wagon. 




    Tim Shackleton expertly-weathered my Bachmann Mk.1 Pullman cars. RichardWilsonweatheredex-LMShorsebox.jpg.11a4482a1ab0e14363121a043c6f169e.jpg


    Richard Wilson equally expertly-weathered this Hornby ex-LMS horsebox.


    Richard will be demonstrating his weathering skills at the Loughborough show next weekend. 




    I weathered this Bachmann Mk.1 horsebox. 




    And also weathered this Bachmann Thompson CK. 




    Despite issues with the body-side profile of Hornby's gangwayed Gresleys, I use them because I'm too idle to make 'proper' ones (as I have with equivalent Gresleys in BR liveries). 


    My technique is quite simple - dry-brushing with enamels, then a once-over with polyurethane satin varnish (with a few drops of matt black added), all sable-applied.




    Expert weathering by Tom Foster. 


    I know many refuse to weather anything on their layouts, happy to create an entirely make-believe (if wholly unrealistic) empire. Each to their own, I suppose............


    There have been many examples of superb weathering on Ws. May we see more, please? 



    I think that that version of the weathered maroon Bachmann mk1 originally had commonwealth bogies. It so sad I know such things.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  16. 6 minutes ago, great northern said:

     Actually, it is three catering. Some other old fool must have taken over while my attention was elsewhere. Can't help with the RSP. I have three, and all of them have been with me for a long time. I just don't remember.

    I've done some digging. Mousa do or did one.

  17. 31 minutes ago, great northern said:

    Gannet on its way home now.



    Lavish catering provided in this train, four cars, effectively. We shall look at the first two this evening.


    4 catering that's interesting. Incidentally who does the pantry 2nd?

    • Like 3
  18. 15 minutes ago, 47475 said:


    The latest Bachmann email said "we have a bumper edition for you this quarter, including details of the all-new Class 08/09 Diesel Shunters from Bachmann Branchline and the LNER V2 from Graham Farish, plus our new EFE Rail announcement. What’s more, we’ve an exciting mix of new liveries and variants across a wide range of models, including locomotives, multiple units and rolling stock..."


    That would indeed suggest no more new toolings, depending on your interpretation of 'variants'.

    It also implies no new steam outline OO locos....

  19. 1 hour ago, Tony Wright said:

    Good evening David,


    Just add sections of metal to the right height.



    John Houlden did just that when he built 60066 for his Gamston Bank.




    It's quite distinctive.




    Built from a DJH kit, it's now Geoff West's property.


    Which period are you modelling 60066?




    With a double chimney, she carried an A4 boiler.






    It was very often on top-link jobs. 


    For one week in August 1960, I saw her every day on the Down morning Talisman. 






    One of the useful pictures used during Bytham's building (though it's a pity the station has been demolished).


    Though later than 1958, this sort of thing is my modelling motivation. A powerful loco, travelling at high speed on a heavy train.


    Please (all) observe copyright restrictions on the above prototype images. 






    1960/61 so it's got a 107 boiler, and double chimney, deflectors not present. In clean  condition. 


    Thanks for posting the photos.

    • Thanks 1
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