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Everything posted by mswjr

  1. I have used this on my Manor tender, I riveted it all together but did not want to solder it as i have had one in the past twist when i put heat on it, and could not get it back . So i sealed this Tender with pet seal, Look at e bay, You have to make sure that you run it around into all the corners etc and it gets very hot before it cures so wear gloves, It works a treat it sealed it all and is still working, I would recommend it and use it again.
  2. Nice, Im not happy as my Bachmann A1 will not pull my Bachmann mk1s 8 is the limit, Ill have to weight it i think.
  3. 13 coaches on that steam loco, Wish my R T R locos would pull that,
  4. I have seen this lever on some of my early loco mswjr loco drawings, I am not sure what it operates, But i do know that is it worked by a cable that runs throu the hand rail and into the cab, The only thing it can operate is a blower or the blastpipe (angle or size ) or may be lubrication, Ill dig my drgs out and have a look tomorrow.
  5. Please can anyone direct me to a thread on here about painting engineering brick, I have a lot to do ,and so far mine look crap, I am not happy at all with the colour, Any thing on this will help. Thankyou Garry
  6. Thankyou Guys, Just looked at that site, I did know of it ,But did not look, Forgotten about them, I have also found the telegraph pole bits on the site as well ,so i am a happy bunny now. Thankyou
  7. Hi All, I need some 4mm scale parts for a real location model that i am building, I can not find anything online, Got a headache looking , So can anyone tell me where i can get square point rod wire in straight lengths not coiled, and Telegraph pole parts ,ie cross bars ,to build my own, Much appreciated Garry
  8. I think the Black is paint on top of black plastic, I know this as i removed the transfers from a Hornby Black loco,and the black came off as well, So i had to do a repaint, Have you all the info now for the rebuild of this running plate on this loco, I have seen a 72xx rebuild on line in the past,But i can not find it for you at the moment,But ill keep looking.
  9. Thankyou that is a great help too, And has explained what i wanted to know,I was browsing e bay for some coaches ,This is when i noticed that some had different part numbers,Now that i know what they mean,I will be able to look foe what i want, Thankyou, Both a great help.
  10. Hi All, This may have been asked before but i can not find it on the web,or on here, Can someone tell me where i can find the part numbers for Bachmann or and Hornby coaches, ie, Bachmann are 39-025d, I want to know what the end number means, so i can find the coaches that i need. Thankyou much Appreciated
  11. Nice work ,Glad i have only 4 on my loco,I bet your glad that they are nearly finished.
  12. Both those in the above picture are lovely ,Very nice.
  13. And one of the bridge on the opposite end of the layout.
  14. Hi All, This is my new project, I have done a few 5 inch gauge Standard Gauge Locos, But i have a soft spot for the early narrow gauge stuff,After a visit to wales,and a few books later .I decided to build Linda in original condition,As im getting older i decided to make it in 3 1/2 inch ,But it is still big,and getting heavy,I am not putting all the fine detail on her,like i did on some of my other locos, as i want to play with it before i get much more older,I have also started some wagons to go with it.
  15. Here is a bit more of what i have done so far, Not the best photos , As i need a better camera,
  16. This guy had the same problem, Might help a bit, Dont leave it too long as your loose interest, Your be a happy bunny when you get there, George Dent Model Maker: 72XX COM
  17. Looking at your latest pictures i would say the smokebox saddle is still too low, the front running plate looks to be tapered also, Which says to me that the saddle needs more off, but dont start cutting yet, Must be a way of measuring the footplate step over the cylinders and then measuring the step from the tank bottom to the saddle bottom.
  18. Agree with the support brk, From your photos the support bracket looks like it is touching the boiler,and it looks like it is touching the running board, exactly where the distortion is, So yea i agree TOBOLDLYGO ,Try and remove this and reassemble without it, It will not be the clips as others are o k. And these clips will be moulded all the same on all models, So money on your support bracket,,
  19. Hi All, This may have been asked before but i can not see if it has, So can anyone tell me is there a way of fitting a tender closer to the locomotive on Hornbys bullied pacifics, I do like these locos, But the gap between the loco and tender looks naff, and it looks quite difficult to do. Thankyou
  20. Well im out, After last weeks episode, Did not even try this episode, Reading above confirms it for me, Shame really as i did like Dr who,
  21. All i can say is ,When i done mine The bent footplate was quite straight when stripped, It was only the body when bolted up that was distorting it, I just put a 6 inch rule up onto the body ,Then filed it flat whilst checking against the rule, when the body looked flat along the bottom of the tanks and the saddle ,Then the running brd stayed flat when assembled back, Sound easier than it was, It took a while and was a ball ache ,But you will get there.
  22. Well i wish i read this last night ,As i visited today Saturday, Not a shortbread in sight, Loads of warships thou,
  23. Mine was similar to that, It was the smokebox saddle, On mine this was too deep,and was also twisted so that the running board was not as bad on the one side, This twist was easier seen ,when looked at head on,It could be seen not parallel to the buffer beam, When i looked at it closer,you can see that the whole smokebox was stuck on twisted, To correct it i removed the steam pipes, then i filed the saddle a little at a time whilst keep putting it back on the loco untill it is all square again, Then refit the steam pipes, Thou these may want to be filed or filled, Hope this helps.
  24. Useful and interesting reading guys, Can i ask would all narrow gauge trains in the U,K have this sign or red flag on the back, I am mostly interested if the penrhyn quarry trains,Mainline ,locos ,linda,blanche, as it is these that im modelling,and ive not seen the flag or sign on those trains,But the rear of them is not always shown . Thanks
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