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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I thought you were refering to another president there.
  2. Don't forget that the Escort for all its styling was basically a 105E Anglia underneath.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just noticed that I hadn't re-adjusted the central heating thermostat when I arrived home last night, I thought it was a bit chilly this morning. Its my usual habit when I go out to turn the thermostat down a degree or two as the house will be empty. Not a lot else to report this morning, be back later.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just returned home from the SEERS meeting. It was 'track night' tonight where the test track(s) are set up for members to run their models. Those who attended the Southend show last weekend would have seen it in action. Not a lot else to report, be back later.
  5. On the A20 yesterday http://www.newsfeeds.media/two-good-samaritans-killed-as-they-tried-to-rescue-driver-of-overturned-car-in-a20-crash/
  6. Morning (yet again) from Estuary-Land. Despite my being a genuine ER this morning I spent the early hours trying to get my e-mails back. Virgin media done something and I got a screen saying that there was maintainence going on and that it was unavailable. When it did come back all I was presented with was a blank screen. After contacting a gentleman in India he suggested I try Google Chrome, after a bit of tooing and froing I eventually was able to see my e-mails on there. At the moment most of my other stuff, including RMweb is on Firefox which is where it will stay for the present.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A tad nippy this morning but no surprise there as I had to scrape the frost off of the car windscreen yesterday evening before going to the club. Got to go now as a soak in a hot bath awaits, be back later.
  8. Evening all from Estuary-Land. To keep things flat such as when gluing tiles or laminates I've a couple of 7lb weights that I retrieved from a skip at work many years ago. One is a 'flat iron' style, shaped like a brick with a cut out with a bar across the top and the other is a pyramid type with a ring at the top. How old they are is anybody's guess, they could even date back to Victorian times.
  9. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I thought there was something wrong when I signed in 20 minutes ago, no posts on ER's for five hours (that was until Baz broke the silence). Downloading is still slow at times perhaps thats putting some off?
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny here this morning but a tad chilly. Not much to do other than get a few bits together for the club meeting tonight. Muggatee awaits, be back later.
  11. Quite likely because the US are 6 to 10 hours behind us.
  12. According to some news reports she was wearing earplugs listening to music on her tablet.
  13. I have just had a short spell of slow going but its now speeded up again.
  14. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Rather damp outside glad I'm indoors. Just found an opened half used pack of oven chips in the fridge that had to be used today which they duly were, delicious.
  15. S&M models also make the Stalwart in 1/76 scale.
  16. A lot depends on outside factors such as the value of the £, and with Brexit coming up I wouldn't want to call that one.
  17. Some pretty good cars among that (BL) lot, as well as some turkeys. The Range Rover like the Capri had the market to themselves within their own genre.
  18. The banner was clearly displayed last night and it was very slow, even timing out a couple of times. This morning though it was back to normal maybe even slightly quicker.
  19. Morning all from Estuary-Land. At least RMweb is now up to speed. Last night was pretty dire, so slow that it 'timed out' a couple of times. I see that Rails of Sheffield are to produce a model of the recently restored 1904 NER petrol-electric railcar, I've already paid my deposit for one. Not much else to report, C&C's where neccessary, be back later.
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