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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I said you might lose those brownie points. :girldevil:
  2. Morning yet again from Estuary-Land. Had a quick look on Farcebook this morning where someone has posted an amusing pic of a Metropolitan Police car with silhouettes of motor scooters on the front wing. Fog has disappeared and the sun is shining but not for long according to the forecast.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Rather foggy outside, I am not going out until lunchtime when it should have cleared. AndyRam I hope you can keep that canine in its kennel. Must go now, time to run a bath.
  4. They came as part of a set with a large RIB and a rather toy like pier, I have never seen any other examples of this model.
  5. Some of their motorcycles are spot on for 00 scale as are some of their figures. I have some navy frogmen produced by them that are even articulated.
  6. Evening all from Estuary-Land. When shopping for my bread and newspapers today I decided to call in to the big orange shed for a few items. When leaving said orange shed I espied a large box of offcuts and other items such as parts of kitchen units. Upon making enquiries I was told I could help myself as long as I deposited a few coins in the charity bucket provided which I duly did after selecting a few items. The charity in question is Shelter. I understood it was per household.
  7. Congratulations, and heres wishing you many happy years of retirement.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Much like ChrisF I have been feeling my age but yesterday afternoon I popped down to town to visit Smiffs to buy a couple of magazines. I actually felt better for the exercise and there was no swollen ankles which is the usual result of spending to much time on my feet. Whilst doing so I had a look in a couple of the 'pop-up' shops that appear at this time of year. One in particular seems to stock a better quality of tat so I took a look and was amazed at some of the electronic stuff that is available including a mini drone no bigger than a saucer. I did consider purchasing said drone for my friends 10-year-old lad until I saw the label 13+. I did see some other things that I'm sure he would have liked such as an enormous remote control tractor but that was too costly. They also stocked a few diecast items from Oxford and Corgi but they were at RRP so no savings to be made there. Muggatee awaits so its be back later.
  9. Those markings are often available as a transfer sheet.
  10. Indeed, they also came with a diorama base the most useful being the one from the German 6 wheeled armoured car. This consists of a length of road with a detailed surface water drain, it also features a shell hole that is easily filled in.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Forgot to mention that when I weighed myself this morning I discovered that I had shed 5 kilos but I can see that coming back over C*******s with more beside. I too like Belgian beer, my preference is Chimay blonde but one has to take care as its 8% ABV and you have to take care decanting it from the bottle as each bottle contains live yeast, the result of consuming said yeast can be explosive! On the subject of alcoholic drinks apparently spiced rum is all the rage. Time now for dinner, a nice salmon fillet and green veg. Be back later.
  12. There were still plenty about a couple of weeks ago. I obtained one at the Romford exhibition (from Flair Rail) and John Duttfield also had some in stock. I was hoping to build up a rake of them but at £30-£35 each I gave up on the idea.
  13. Looking at the video the figures are not of the soft plastic of the originals but neither are they of the hard polystyrene used for the kits. In fact it looks like the 're-used' plastic used by Dapol.
  14. Yes I meant the 1/76 figures. When they were first introduced there was something called banana oil that you could coat them in to make them take paint. Currently if you have any of these soft plastic figures the trick is to give them a coat of dilute PVA. Regretably Airfix have never re-issued the Guards band or colour party. An alternative to Airfix is Roden who produce a large range of 1/72 military figures as well as some vehicles that can be used on model railway layouts.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. As Tony said there may have been a bit of dampness overnight but no sign of it now. I would like to have visited Warley this weekend if it wasn't such a pain getting there. The same applies to the Peterborough show in a couple of weeks. I feel disinclined to drive such distances, mostly because of the cockwombles you meet on the roads. Muggatee awaits so its be back later time.
  16. I think you will find that they are hard plastic now.
  17. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Diorama duly collected, it only took 25 minutes as the maker is quite local to me. Jamie, are the results of the local boar hunt made available? Though I object to hunting in principle I do appreciate that some wild animals have to be controlled, after all its not Oscar Wilde's 'Unspeakable in pursuit of the inedible'. Whilst on the subject isn't it wild truffle season down your way? Muggatee to be drunk, be back later.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Thoughts are with Sandy and Debs and many happy returns to Judge Dread. A bit quiet here on ER's this morning, I gather there's a show on somewhere. I'll be collecting a small diorama this afternoon from a chap who churns them out as a hobby. Just show him a photograph and tell him what scale you require, he gives you a price and produces a bespoke model building/diorama for you. That must have cost a lot of brownie points, you might even be in deficit!
  19. Evening all from Estuary-Land. There is a list somewhere of 'funny' place names including a certain village/town in Austria that keeps getting its sign stolen. Theres a few others that would be censored as well.
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