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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Gave my sister a call this evening, mainly to inform her of the recently rediscovered long lost cousin and to have a chat about other family things. She suffers from glacoma, kept under control by eye drops. She told me that she is going to have an operation that involves inserting a micro-tube in the eyeball just underneath the eyelid to relieve the pressure in the eyeball. After that there will be no need for eye drops and no further deterioration of her eyesight. The wonders of modern medicine.
  2. I purchased a couple of these cabinets a couple of years ago. I then realised, or so I thought, that I had nowhere suitable to put them. Out of strong sunlight and/or strong enough walls. I have just spotted that I have a place that 'ticks all the boxes'. A previous owner of my house had converted a cupboard into a through passage and a quick measure confirms that there is room for both cabinets one above the other. The wall I intend to mount them on is the side of a chimney breast and never receives any sunlight direct or otherwise.
  3. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I have been following the Ldle display cabinets thread. I bought a couple a few years ago and then realised that I had nowhere suitable to fix them too, or so I thought. I have just realised that I have the ideal place right next to where I am sitting that ticks all the boxes. Its what was a cupboard that a previous owner had knocked through to make a through passage. There is just enough room for both cabinets if they are placed one above the other. Its not in full sun, in fact it does not receive any sun whatsoever. The wall I intend to attach them to is plenty strong enough to take the rather heavy cabinets, its the side of a chimney breast. Well thats another job on the list to do in the new year.
  4. One thing you had to look out for though was the proportions, some are obvious like the VW van being to wide, not as bad as it seems as it can be overcome by careful placing. Interestingly the J2 pick-up has a couple of less obvious errors, the cab is about a millimetre or two too short and the back axle is too far forward by about the same amount.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny here this morning if a bit cool but the seaweed wranglers say it won't last. Just taken a delivery of another parcel of tea, thats one thing that will not run short over Christmas. Glad that your session went well Chris and I hope it helps. Jamie, I saw a pic on Farcebook last night of the early Heysham electrics, I posted it to your homepage as I thought you might be interested. Thats it for now, muggatee awaits, be back later.
  6. The traffic density will be in the car park outside the Brentwood centre on Saturday as it will be the last one before Christmas and I expect it will be heaving as usual. Fortunately rain isn't forecast so the overflow car park will not be a sea of mud.
  7. I was recently given some miniatures of various whiskies and rums and have been trying them out. One stands out in particular and it is a spiced rum called Kraken. I have seen it on sale in some of the larger Tesco's.
  8. We might be asking the same question here in the UK after the 11th.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I forgot to mention that the parcel I received yesterday contained nothing of a model railway nature so I have nothing to fear from the awl. In fact the parcel contained two pairs of slippers, one pair of which I am wearing at the moment. My bank statement arrived this morning and I noted that the 200 extra modelling tokens had already entered my account. That will keep me warm when I spend them at the Brentwood toy fair next Saturday (it is a heating allowance after all). Speaking of which I have my gas and electricity from the Co-op, I received my 'divi' for the year from them last week, all of £3, not that I'm complaining as it is about the cheapest energy prices going.
  10. I've had that problem, solved by re-hanging a few pictures. Had to be careful as well not to place them in direct sunlight.
  11. Thanks, it was dark blue so therefore a 1.5 litre. I thought it was the smaller model because of the shorter bonnet but I wasn't 100% certain.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Best wishes Chris, hope it all goes well for you. Went to bed a bit late last night having spent some time on Facebook talking to a long lost cousin who I found on a local history group, my Grandmother and her Grandfather were siblings. She also informed me that two of my mothers first cousins are still alive, they must be in their 90's now. Hopefully I will be able contact them and fill in a few details of my family history. Thats it for now, be back later.
  13. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Next door has filled their skip in double quick time. A lot of the contents are the garden shed that transformed into a pile of sticks when they attempted to move it. Mind you the door looks as if its re-usable but the rest is just firewood. Muggatee awaits so its be back later.
  14. Wasn't there a sign in Welsh that translated as something like 'Back after lunch'?
  15. I've noticed that as well especially with Facebook and a few other unrelated forums.
  16. Sorry no pics but spotted in Tess Coes car park this morning a Riley RM. Not sure of what size engine it had but the badge was blue if that gives anyone a clue. In very good condition but best described as used often.
  17. At first I thought it was one of the Outspan Orange ones that were based on Mini mechanicals. Obviously when you look at it it is not.
  18. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I received an e-mail this morning telling me that Hermes would be delivering a parcel between 1 and 3 PM today. I thought that that would put paid to a few things I intended to do. To my delight and surprise there was a knock on the door at three minutes past one and it was the Hermes courier with my parcel. Well done Hermes. Did you show her your warrant card?
  19. Possibly because most MTK kits were thrown in the bin.
  20. I wish I could find the You Tube video of any icy hill with a double bend that even 4X4's were struggling with and then along came a bus that ascended the hill effortlessly.
  21. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I too managed to scrape my car in a supermarket car park. The local Asda's car park is in the basement of the store which means that thereare dozens of pillars supporting the building above. As I was reversing into a bay alongside one of the pillars I heard a scraping sound, when I checked there were some bad scratches on the rear wheel arch. The cause was the bottom 18 inches of the pillar widened out by 3 or 4 inches and this was not visible in my mirrors. Muggatee awaits, be back later.
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