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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I haven't removed the model ship from its case yet and I'm becoming less sure that I should. On closer examination the hull appears to be constructed of card or plasticard, whatever it is its very thin, about 20 thou (about half a millimeter). It is also quite old if the case is anything to go by. The detail is quite remarkable, the ship has three holds, the aft hold is modelled with the hatches in place. The centre hold is modelled loaded with steel drums awaiting the hatches to be closed and the forward hold the hatches are being put into place. There are lots of other little details that make it an interesting model.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Spoke to next doors builder yesterday, the renovations required are far more than the new owners envisaged. One of the jobs is to link up the guttering on the front porches. This has caused the pointing to be washed out on brickwork beneath the gap, this is about 90% on their wall but affects some of my wall (about 6-9 inches). Muggatee to be drunk, be back later.
  3. I do believe that some people have been prosecuted for doing the same.
  4. I commuted by car for about 20 years. My usual practice was to buy an 'old banger' with a long MoT and when that was near to expiry trade it in for another old banger (with long MoT). Fortunately I never had to claim on insurance or had a claim against me. I had a couple of accidents that were not my fault, the most serious was when someone opened their car door without checking, my car only suffered a few scratches.
  5. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I've been examining today's purchase. The case is held together by screws, dozens of them. Not only that they are a mix of single slot and crosshead screws under several coats of paint. Luckily the back is not painted and should come off easily. I'll keep you posted on progress.
  6. I know of someone who sent back some circulars with the message "Stop sending me your cr@p or I'll send you some of mine." The circulars kept coming so he did as he said he would (in their prepaid envelope, annominously.)
  7. And quite a few where dashcam driver is at fault and no other vehicle is involved.
  8. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a very successful day at Brentwood today if the number of modelling tokens dispersed is anything to go by. £240 in all, half of it went on one item, a waterline model of a small coaster being loaded at a dockside enclosed in a clear case approx. 12" X 12" X 2' 6". It also features figures of crew and dock workers and the scale appears to be 00, the figures and some cargo certainly are. Only thing is when I got it home there was no place to put it so it is residing on the dining table at present. Now its time for dinner, be back later.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny at the moment but not expected to last. I see Debs is posting on E-bay so we'd better behave ourselves, the awl is being sharpened! Now I'm off to Brentwood to dispose of a few modelling tokens.
  10. There is a more local cake http://www.foodsofengland.co.uk/kitchels.htm
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Splashed the cash a bit in Tess Coe's today. Got a few C*******s items that I usually purchase nearer the day, only because they sent me a double points voucher so I made the most of it. One of the items was a Stollen cake, I try to leave purchasing them until the last minute as I find them so tempting which means I will probably have to purchase another one nearer the event.
  12. I once lost all the electrics on a Mk. 2 Fiesta. What had happened was part of the loom had become dislodged from its holding clip and fallen onto the exhaust manifold. The heat from the manifold not only melted the insulation but the copper wires within.
  13. Shoplifters usually go for items that are light and portable.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Chukinitdarn outside at the moment, well not all of it down so much as horizontal at times. Not a lot else to report, be back later.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Have the modelling tokens ready for the toy fair this weekend, hopefully a couple of traders I want to see will be there. They stock items that most other traders do not. I've penciled in the Stevenage show on the 12/13th of Jan, just have to keep an eye on the weather. Now its muggatee time, be back later.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The usual bin wagons dawn chorus this morning was accompanied by the lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon. A timely reminder to check on the councils website for the collection arrangements over the festivities. I had a couple of Facebook friend requests last night from young ladys who seem to be under the impression that I'm a gynacologist. Thats it for now, be back later.
  17. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just tried a piece of panettone, quite nice but I still prefer stollen cake. The club AGM finished about 9 o'clock, a bit earlier than I expected so some time was spent afterwards 'chewing the cud'. Christmas lights are appearing in many of the streets hereabouts, some in places where it appears someone has risked life and limb to install them.
  18. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Seems to have got very dark very quickly but no sign yet of anything falling from the sky but it can't be long now. The builders are still in next door, the sounds made by their drills indicates that they have discovered some of the walls are of box tiles, harder than brick and not very easy to drill through.
  19. As it was combined into the principle publication Back Track I would assume that all rights went with that title to the current owners Pendragon Publishing. I suggest that you ask them if they still hold the rights.
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