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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The tree gang only departed when it got dark leaving a massive pile of logs, I'm not sure that they've finished yet. The tree in question was a scots pine at least 80 foot tall but planted only a few feet from the house. The smaller pink tree has gone, I know not where and care even less. Whilst I went to Tesco's I visited the Go Outdoors outlet next door to see if I could get a gilet, unfortunately they only have the ones with the outside pockets at the moment but I have been informed that they do have the ones I prefer in stock from time to time. They have a sale on at the moment and the prices are very low so I was tempted, I might go back there for another look soon. Thats it for now, be back later.
  2. But the same type of nut behind the steering wheel.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Didn't hear the bin wagons dawn chorus this morning as it was drowned out by the people removing a rather large fir tree from a garden just around the corner, they are then proceding to reduce it to sawdust. They started about half past seven this morning and are still at it I am in complete agreement with GDB on that score. Also this morning I observed a bright salmon pink object placed with my bin bags this morning, it had been placed there some time overnight. upon examination it turned out to be a fake C********s tree (I didn't think that bright salmon pink fir trees were natural) about two feet tall, all wired up with LED's and a battery pack. The bin men left it behind and I don't blame them. I think my friend, Brian (Wheels) Stubbles tops the lot when he tried to boil an egg in a microwave. I can imagine what his other half said to him when she got home but it cost him a new microwave. Muggatee awaits, be back later.
  4. I once put some eggs on to boil, sat down in the armchair and fell asleep for a couple of hours. I like hard boiled eggs but these were like rocks when I removed the carbonised shells.
  5. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Reminds me of a saucepan left on the hob to boil dry.
  6. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. My dad had a near involvement in a rail accident, more than a year before I was born. This was the Gidea Park accident in 1947 when a through train ran into the back of a train stopped in the station in thick fog. My dad had just got off of the stopping train and was just leaving the station when it happened. http://www.railwaysarchive.co.uk/docsummary.php?docID=438
  7. This has happened a lot in the UK as well. Appropiate place name too.
  8. Locally they have to leave half the bus sticking out because of cars parked in the bus bay. Another thing is many car drivers do not seem to understand that buses stop frequently at bus stops. They often follow so close behind them that they have no room to pull out and pass. I even saw one that was so close to the bus that she had followed it into the bus layby before she had realised it, the bus was completely in the layby but her car was sticking out holding up the traffic.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Its my usual habit to switch on the Breakfast show to get the news and weather especially the local news and weather. Instead this morning all that was showing was a picture of the front door of number 10 and the reporter repeating parrot fashion that TM was facing a leadership challenge.
  10. How do you know he's overweight?
  11. This is not the one but has the same information. http://www.beamishtransportonline.co.uk/2011/05/duke-of-sutherland-saloon-no-58a-arrives/
  12. I think I've got a write up on the Sutherland coach bookmarked somewhere, I'll have to dig it out. It includes several interior shots that should prove very useful.
  13. Evening all from Estuary-Land. No haircut today as I just realised that some magazines that I want and are only available at W.H. Smiffs are not on the shelves until Friday and by putting off the haircut it means only one walk stagger crawl into town. My TV aerial developed a fault and I was quoted over £200 for a replacement so I opted for the Virgin cable instead with internet and telephone added on as well. Does the outdoor pursuits shop stock gilets? I am on the lookout for some new ones, ones with an inside pocket or two. Most I have seen are devoid of any sort of inside pocket which I prefer for things such as wallets.
  14. Looked out just now to see a few metres of old co-axial cable laying on the patio. At first I was wondering where it came from then I realised it was from my old TV aerial. A quick check using binoculars revealed that the aerial is still firmly attached to the chimney. It has been redundant for about 15 years since I went over to a land line. Does anyone use an aerial now? theres still plenty attached to buildings but I suspect most like mine are redundant.
  15. He's on the RMweb naughty step at the moment.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Glad to see you back Mick and I hope that you stay well and Mel hope your problem gets sorted pronto. I need to venture down to town today to get a haircut and whilst I'm there have a look in some of the 'pop-up' shops. Won't be buying much if anything at all just having a look to see if there's anything useful then get it a lot cheaper after the festivities when they're clearing stock. Muggatee awaits, be back later
  17. Corgi made a very nice model of one. I had one (of the models) about 60 years ago.
  18. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Ian, those cookies look delicious. Certainly in the opinion of the dogs the way they're eyeing them up. Time to put the dinner on, be back later.
  19. Morning all from Estuary-Land. What terrible news John, You and Sandy are in my thoughts. I think I can imagine what Mrs. Baz's hat rack looks like. My maternal grandfather was a cabinet maker and made much of his own furniture. As a child I remember two such items in my grandparents house. One was a large decorated wooden board with a mirror and hooks either side for the hats and a small shelf underneath. The other was a high backed chair with coathooks attached to the back on the sideframes. This had a lift up wooden seat with a box underneath were things like gloves were kept. His father had his own furniture making business in Hoxton beaneath the arches of the Broad Street line. Most of his work was commissions for the west end stores. When such items appear on Antiques Roadshow I wonder sometimes if he had a hand in their manufacture.
  20. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Roundhouse mentioning removing an item of furniture from his loft reminded me. After I had the new boiler installed in the loft I decided to have a drop down loft ladder installed. This effectively reduced the size of the loft hatch, only by a few inches but if I had put anything up there it might have to stay there. I also had the loft insulation topped up at the same time.
  21. "Was that a bump we just went over?"
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