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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I was checking my e-mails this afternoon when they disappeared from the screen, I then tried to reload but it just timed out. I suspected the scam e-mail that I received a couple of days ago so I ran the anti-virus and that done the trick and everything was back to normal. The scam e-mail was sitting in my spam file as I intended to pass it on to Google but in view of what happened I deleted it altogether.
  2. The friendly/supportive rating I gave to this post was ironic.
  3. He was eager to get a Darwin award.
  4. Perhaps they were leaving it up to put the Christmas decorations up? Check that no one's removed the plug.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Dry and sunny this morning and not too cold either. Went into town yesterday to get a few bits, first off I found a parking space almost straight away then I popped into WH Smiffs to see if Backtrack was in. Not only was it in but so was another magazine that I take that is only stocked by Smiffs, saving me another journey into town. All other magazines that I take can usually be found in supermarkets or the smaller newsagents. The other magazine 'Vintage Roadscene' has an item on model lorries as well. Muggatee drunk so its be back later time.
  6. The removal of the hard shoulder is dangerous and those that have been removed should be re-instated. Its only increasing capacity on the cheap but what is it going to cost in lives?
  7. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Andy, I would suggest you start a regime of three payment refusals and the order is automatically cancelled. I am surprised the payment company didn't flag up the different address to the cardholder but then that could be a common occurence especially this time of year.
  8. Just found this, quite interesting. http://www.londonist.com/london/maps/fake-britain-map-fictional-locations-england-scotland-wales Includes the island of Sodor for Thomas fans. (Click on map to get an enlargable version.)
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Found a very suspicious e-mail in my spam folder this morning. On the face of it its a missive from Google about changes to service conditions, in fact it looks as if they have altered a legit notification. The first thing that was wrong was my e-mail address, after my name instead of @ then virginmedia.com it was %virginmedia@ then gtempaccount.com, and further down the page the Google links were all slashed through. Needless to say that is staying well and truly in the spam file. A bright and sunny day today and expected to last for most of the day. Thats about all, be back later.
  10. Evening all yet again from Estuary-Land. Watched 'Death on the Tyne', no belly laughs but quite funny so I'm glad I watched it. A chap I worked with was about 20 stone, he commuted by bike and wore the full lycra get-up, not a very pretty sight.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Blowing a hooley outside at the moment and the hail is rattling on the windows, nice and snug here indoors anyway. A bit of entertainment at Tess Coe's this afternoon, a bit of trolley rage resulted in voices being raised until security had a word in their shell likes. Keep us posted about neighbour Reg, it sounds more entertaining than much of what is on TV over the hols. Speaking of which I will be watching 'Death on the Tyne' tonight at 9 (Xmas Gold channel), hope it lives up to the hype.
  12. I went to Malta when the Bendybuses predecessors, the 36 foot long SMS types had just been placed in service. The SMS's had to shunt too and fro to get round some tight corners. A lot of the problems were caused by them being put on routes for which they were unsuited where they overheated and caught fire. They were quite successful on the limited stop Red Arrow routes.
  13. I understood that it was intended to be the new Humber Hawk until Chrysler got their hands on the company.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Talking of old money, I had a friend who's daughter was born on decimal day, and to think she will be 49 shortly, and before you ask her name is Jackie not Decima. While on the subject I still have 6 old pennies and two halfpennies all of which have been dug up in the garden. (No money tree though.) Thats it for now, be back later.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. They came to collect the logs from the demolished scots pine just before lunch, I didn't see them but they could be heard throwing them into the back of a truck. Might be visiting Battlesbridge to have a look in the model shop in the old mill, last time I went they were closed for holidays. Not much else to report, be back later.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. AndyR as Baz said I hope that fraudster gets fixed ASAP. Many happy returns to the birthday girl as well. I can't remember my 7th birthday but then it was over 63 years ago. It was a bit cold when I went to take the milk in from the step but no frost and a bit cloudy. Muggatee awaits, be back later.
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