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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Its there but not easily spotted due to the angle of the camera/light.
  2. Your not going via Gatwick by any chance?
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. When I visited Tesco's lunchtime though the car park was pretty full the store seemed to be no more crowded than at other times of the year. The usual bin wagons dawn chorus this morning included the lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon in full song, and thats before the holidays. The neighbours opposite have installed flashing LED lights around a shrub in their front garden and then leave it flashing away all night. I noticed last night it had been switched off. It rained last night and this evening I noticed that some of the LED's weren't working. Even heavier rain is predicted for tonight, I can't stop thinking of Reg.
  4. As a matter of interest did any of the participating clubs see any rise in membership applications?
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Quite honestly I don't need internet banking, if I need to make payments I use Paypal and when I need cash I use the post office at the end of my street. I don't have any other devices connecting to the internet other than my laptop. Not a lot else to report, be back later.
  6. Evening all from Estuary-Land. John, glad to hear that the first day of chemo went well, hope the next 125 days go just as well. Talking to a fellow club member this evening I discovered that he attended the same secondary school as me but 16 years later, by then of course it had completely changed, merged with another school but still using the same premises which had become the 'Sixth form college' part of the school. Those premises have now gone and are now a housing estate.
  7. The problem with the EFE cab is that in some dimensions it is oversize. The Oxford and the JB/Airfix cab are both more accurate in that respect. As Merfyn said the Bruff was based on the Bedford TL which was a later model than the TK.
  8. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I refuse to do on-line banking as I have serious doubts about security on the internet. If I have to use an account on the internet I have a separate account into which I deposit sufficient funds as and when neccessary, it currently stands at 42p. I generally use Paypal or if that is not available a credit card, not my debit card. Some interesting figures this morning, ten years ago in the UK 64% of purchases were made by cash, this figure has now dropped to 34%. When I go to exhibitions and swap meets in particular most traders only accept cash.
  9. I had a 00 scale card 'kit' prepared of the 100/101 motor vans. They are a bit crude and/or basic but the proportions are OK. I will try to dig them out if you are interested.
  10. I have seen a couple of cases where the horn has been used legitmately where the offending driver has taken such offence to someone using the horn thats he's forced the other driver off the road.
  11. The banks are legally obliged to reimburse the cardholder in such circumstances. In exchange they are allowed to charge such high interest on credit cards. One thing you can be certain of is that the banks do not lose out.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Stopped raining but still a bit dull this morning. No chance of a white Christmas according to Carol, more chance of a white Easter. Thats it for now, be back later.
  13. The ROD during WW1 termed 4' 8 1/2" as broad gauge to differentiate it from the 60 cm. 'narrow' gauge.
  14. The Astor estate line was 18" gauge according to some publications (including the Pomeroy book mentioned above). It had but three items of rolling stock, the steam locomotive, a miniature replica of a B&O 'Mainliner' 2-6-0, a 'utility', a boxy battery electric that seated six persons and a replica American box car for carrying visitors baggage. The Pomeroy book gives some of the basic measurements of the stock and this combined with the side view photographs it should be possible to create some workable drawings.
  15. There is a book about it >> The Bermuda Railway, Gone but not Forgotten! by Colin A. Pomeroy ISBN0952129809. I have a copy of my own and there is one currently available from Amazon.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. John, I hope things go well for you and Sandy. It was bucketing down a while ago but it seems to have stopped now. Not a lot else to report, muggatee awaits so its be back later.
  17. I would like to point out that 00/H0 track is only a scale half inch more out if used to represent 3' 6" gauge in 00. (7.5 inches as opposed to 7 inches). If you want to model 4' gauge using 16.5mm track what about using 1/72 scale? Plenty of figures and other scenic items available.
  18. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Building work is still going on next door and I understand that it will still be going on into next year. Rather surprising as the couple who bought it did so with the intention of letting it out. The house around the corner which has had the large scots pine removed is looking very forlorn as the rather large back garden has also been cleared, the new owner is seeking planning permission for up to six dwellings on the site! and thats keeping the original house. One result of the clearance was a couple of scrawney foxes running around in broad daylight looking confused, apparently they had made their den in the said back garden which was badly overgrown. The foxes have now disappeared, they were in poor condition so its unlikely they will survive the winter.
  19. There are ways of spreading the weight of a load. Using the L&Y pug as an example it could be placed on a length of track or even a pair of rails to spread the weight.
  20. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Dry but windy today, the wet stuff is predicted to hold off until late this afternoon. AndyR, it looks as if the fraudsters are unaware that you're on to them, either they are chancers or as thick as two short planks. I would tell them that some of the items that they ordered are not in stock/sold out and will not be available until the new year. ChrisF, I last went to a night club/disco about 30 years ago, at 40 I was by no means the oldest there but my companions were half my age or less. I have a photo somewhere taken at the time of me with a young lady on each arm. Thats it for now, be back later.
  21. He's yet to put his decorations up.
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