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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I've decided to pre-order the new Hornby Ruston, problem is now which one?
  2. The railway scenes were shot in Wales, as was Carry on up the Kyber.
  3. I've been tempted, despite saying that I had no interest in the Hornby threads I spotted the term 'Peckett 0-6-0' so I had to look only to discover the Ruston-Hornsby 48DS as well!
  4. I wonder how well it would work without the match truck?
  5. When I saw the announcement I was hoping for the inside cylinder version as operated by the Metropolitan Railway (101/102).
  6. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I have had no inclination to venture into Red Box Land at the moment, by all accounts I'm not missing much. Not much else to report, be back later.
  7. Its surprising how empty suburban streets are during the day. A couple of years ago I had a fall in a similar sort of street, I was unable to get up and it was about fifteen minutes before someone came along and was able to assist me. Someone could have looked out on hearing the collision but not noticed her laying on the ground, possibly because there was a wall or fence in the way.
  8. I've seen it mentioned that the local coral rock was used as ballast so if it can be ground up small enough you shouldn't have a problem. The section between the two tunnels that I suggested above would be an ideal subject for what you now intend as it not only has the tunnels as a suitable scenic break but incorporates the Hamilton dockside and the Springfield trestle which was quite close to the Rural Hill tunnel.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright sunny and breezy this morning but a tad cooler. Not been bothered by the countdown as by just moving the cursor slightly it was out of sight. Congratulations rather belatedly to Stewart and his other half. It would have been my parents 73rd wedding anniversary as well, mum didn't have a wedding dress (what with rationing and demand they were in short supply) and dad was in his army uniform, he was waiting to be demobbed which happened a week or two later.
  10. A good pic of the Planet locomotive in the above. Some interesting pics of the Astors railway as well, but still some doubts over gauge, some quote 2 foot and some other sources quote 18 inches.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Ventured into town today, easy on Sundays as car parking is free. Despite that the place is like a ghost town what with the bigger stores either going to the wall or pulling out. Anyway I got what I went into the town for and stocked up for the next couple of months. To work it should be http not ttps.
  12. The one that amused me was the young fella who reckoned he was going to remove the body and fit a pair of handlebars. I told him to try counting the wheels.
  13. Here it is on Wiki. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bermuda_Railway
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. David, I have always had a knack of being able to distinguish Canadian and American accents, I think because the Canadian accent is 'softer'. There are different accents in other languages as well, I remember when the twinning between Havering and Ludwgshaven was just starting and one of our group having a friend in Austria and speaking fluent German was roped in as interpreter. It amused our German friends that he spoke in a distinct Austrian accent. Nice tie Chris, its so long since I wore a tie that I'm not even sure I could knot one now. Thats it for now, muggatee time, be back later.
  15. Can you give a link please to the printed track with conduit? A fellow club member is constructing a (static) London street scene and wishes to incorporate conduit tram track.
  16. Must all have been at the same pub quiz.
  17. I had a Reliant Kitten van mouldering away in my front garden for a few years. In a fit of sanity I sold it on about 7 years ago and its now disappeared from Streetview which was last updated 18 months ago. However a view from the end of the street it is still clearly visible.
  18. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just been watching the history of the Cutty Sark on Channel 5, very interesting and some of it is very dark. Interesting fact, less than 5% of the original fabric of the vessel was lost in the fire. Here's a little question for you, what is or was a cutty sark? Mal likely as not knows the answer as there is a connection with events on the 25th.
  19. Y Yes, the Astor Estate private railway. It had a depot and engine shed at Ferry Reach station (not Point, my mistake).
  20. The Bill Kitchen who managed the railway passed away in 1950. This would have been his son. The two most modelable parts of the line IMHO are between Richmond Road Tunnel and Rural Hill tunnel, only a short distance apart but with 3 or 4 stations and Ferry Point where the line met the narrow gauge Ferry Point railway.
  21. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Great to hear Sandy's improving and welcome back Chris. The bin wagons dawn chorus was this morning with the lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon very busy. They will next be back on Friday and then back to the usual Thursday slot. I'm trying to straighten out a long and narrow piece of 6mm MDF, at the moment its sitting on the floor weighed down with a couple of 7lb weights. Thats it for now, be back later.
  22. The single engined motor vans and the trailers only had a third width cab on the right not a full width cab and only the single windscreen.
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