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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. There is/was a 1/72 model of the USS Nimitz made, problem is its just short of sixteen feet long.
  2. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Ian, most properties around here are terraced with no rear access. Last year a neighbour had some concrete laid in the rear of his property. They simply laid down protective sheets and pumped it through the house, as described by Jamie but without the 'railway'. Mind you that was in the dry summer weather (its too cold to lay cement at the moment anyway). My house is an end terrace with half of one side of the back garden only separated from the street by a wall and gate. I am thinking of having a base laid for a new shed, were exactly its going to go is the question, the old one is too far from the house to run any cables etc.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I missed the lunar eclipse last night, I forgot all about it. Not to worry though as when I went to bed last night I was so cream crackered I went out like a light. Thinking of absent ER's, does anyone know whats happened to Dutch master? He hasn't posted here for ages. John, nice to see an improvement in Sandy, onwards and upwards as they say. Rather cold here this morning, the central heating has only just switched off after running all morning. Thats it for now, be back later.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Every month I subscribe to a couple of vintage lorry magazines. Though they both come from the same publisher only one is stocked by Tesco's, for the other I have to make a special trip to WH Smiths. I purchased the one from Tesco's yesterday and it came in a plastic bag with another 'free' magazine. To my delight it turned out to be the current copy of the magazine that I normally get from Smiths. One extra journey and a couple of quid saved, like!
  5. Playing about with it, its just come up with the name 'Dungford'.
  6. It appears to work by taking two or more existing place names and cutting and splicing them. For example Romford and Hornchurch could become Romchurch and Hornford. The problem with that is that many place names have a Celtic, Anglo-Saxon or Norman root* and to mix these up can give an unrealistic sounding name. *There are others to choose from.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Very frosty when I looked out this morning, warming up a bit now what with the clear blue skies. I found this on t'net last night, I've posted it on its own thread as well. http://www.obscurehub.com/english-place-name-generator/ Handy if your stuck for a name for your layout. Muggatee awaits, be back later.
  8. Ever had problems thinking up a name for your layout? This might help >> http://www.obscurehub.com/english-place-name-generator/
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Not a bad day at the swap meet, though I only purchased a few diecasts, none of which are to my favoured 00 scale. One was a 1/43 VW splittie camper van from a French partwork, a very nice model at a bargain price. I have several models from the same part-work and they're quite good. The other purchases were a trio of diecast 1/64 American cars from the 50's-60's, excellent models from a company called M-2. I have several models from that company and I'm planning an 'American Diner' diorama to display them. C & C's to all ER's that require them, be back later.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A quick hello this morning as I'm shortly off to the Brentwood swapmeet. See you all later.
  11. Wait until we get on to replacing its headlamp bulbs.
  12. PhilJ W

    Oxford N7

    If it was a GWR locomotive the only colour would be green.
  13. Too lazy to cook dinner this evening, off down to the chippy.
  14. What we have to remember was that compared to what the likes of Triang and Hornby had to offer the Airfix wagons (and Kitmaster coaches) were way ahead in detail and accuracy.
  15. But he made contact with the other car. Its very easy for even a heavy car to be turned over if it is moving, it only requires a light tap in the wrong place to 'unbalance' a car. Many years ago my car was struck in such a way and ended up on its roof, that car tipped the scales at just over 1700 kilogrammes, the initial collision left a dent no bigger than my hand. The only injury was a cut finger on the broken glass.
  16. Quite likely as ambulances in Poland carry similar colours to that in the clip. Indonesia also drives on the left.
  17. I expect he will be even busier over the next few months following the micro-layout article(s) in the current (Feb) MR.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The DofE's accident was all over the news last night, even pushed B**x*t into second place. As a normal Range Rover weighs in at about two tons I wonder if that extra half ton of armour contributed to the vehicle rolling over. Interestingly I have the same model of car (different badges) as the other vehicle involved and I'm not surprised that the occupants were not badly hurt as they are very strongly built. When I moved to Burnham-on- Crouch the first winter there (1984) we were snowed in for a week. I needed some wellingtons but the only places in town likely to stock anything suitable were the boat chandlers. They only had sailing boots, about twice the price of normal wellingtons so I had to purchased a pair. I was pleased that I did as wearing them I could easily walk accross almost any icy surface, the soles so designed for use on a heaving ice covered deck so in the end it was a good buy. In fact I still have them but they haven't been needed for a few years now. As Jamie said, as soon as you find a route around the supermarkets to the things that you want they re-arrange everything and you need to find a new route.
  19. I filled in the consultation, the government should pay instead of passing it on to the BBC.
  20. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The suspicious phone call turned out to be legit after all. A second call came through and I let it go to the answerphone. It turns out to be the water company warning of a possible interuption of supply. They must be working on the assumption that everybody has a mobile and uses text. Fortunately there was no interuption of supply despite their digging a great big hole further down the street. They did ask for anyone with any queries to ring an 0345 number, not a free number as IMHO it should be.
  21. The only complaint I heard about the wagons themselves was the hinges on the cattle wagon and meat van being too obvious. The answer was to cut them off and glue the doors shut.
  22. Just had a suspicious phone call, a recorded voice saying that there is a text message for me. Suspicious because I don't use text and I don't even have a mobile. I dialed 1471 and the number began 0844 which I think indicates an overseas number.
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