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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Unfortunately a lot of the old records were destroyed, very few issuing authorities bothered to keep the records and many that do survive are in private collections. One thing that I have which is very useful is Glass's index of registration numbers 1929-1965. This give the issue year, and sometimes the month as well of most registrations but does not identify individual vehicles. Why not post the photographs here, I'm sure there will be someone who can identify many of them?
  2. Thats exactly what I intend to do with mine when I receive it. I've a few ideas floating around as to what to use, a redundant coach bogie is favourite with a built up platform as London Transport used with their Sentinel diesels.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Last night attended an interesting talk by John Jolly (Mangapps Railway) covering both railways and farming. As a result I missed last nights episode of 'Death in Paradise' so I'll be shortly watching it on I-player.
  4. What else could they do but sit there? Obviously the car with the dashcam done a three point turn and no doubt the others did likewise as soon as the road behind was clear.
  5. That was a brace to give more rigidity and didn't add a great deal of extra weight. It didn't work either as they still 'wobbled like a jelly' under heavy cornering*. Sufficient bracing would have added weight but the XR3 proved such a success that the XR4 was dropped. *My BiL was a test driver at Dunton who told me this.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Nothing much to say after Mal's devastating news.
  7. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-37481251
  8. Just returned home from an interesting talk on North American railroads by John Jolley (of Mangapps Farm fame). Apparently all American/Canadian railroad engineers are instructed to give three blasts of a specific duration whenever they approach a grade crossing. Those three blasts make up the first three notes of Handels funeral dirge, seems appropiate somehow.
  9. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Sad news indeed from Mal, thoughts as ever are with you. A bit delayed getting back from shopping this PM. Take one bus stop on the brow of a hill with a bus putting down/collecting passengers and one idiot who really should go to Specsavers. Result one car buried into the back of a bus resulting in quite a hold up. I don't know if a mobile was involved but seems likely.
  10. Very sorry to hear your news Mal, thoughts are with you.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The bin wagons dawn chorus has been and gone, together with the bin bags. I am a tea drinker and though I am not a great coffee lover I will drink it when in countries where it is the normal beverage as tea in many of those places is dire. In fact the only place I have visited where both beverages can be found to a reasonable standard is Malta which has both British and Italian influences. The best coffee I have tasted was in Ypres, in a small cafe named Sante. I use leaf tea in a filter teapot, I don't use teabags because the bags are mostly plastic. I'll have to check out (pun unintended) the tartans as there are several Scottish surnames in my family history, one of whom moved to the west country and changed their surname in the 1500's. This was at the time of Mary, Queen of Scots and there is ample evidence of involvement with the 'establishment' so it might well be political. Thats it for now, be back later.
  12. I use the the boxes that Oxford Diecast put their models in, ideal for small components or figures. For things like plasticard or ordinary card I store them in magazine boxes.
  13. Cararama produced a working Mercedes hook loader model, a bit underscale for 1/76 but ideal for a lighter chassis (7:5 tonne).
  14. Has GDB been moonlighting under the name of Joe?
  15. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. My friend said he also attended the same protest, outside the same library. (He lives right behind the library.)
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Many happy returns for yesterday Mick. Good to hear that Sandy is improving and fingers crossed for Mal. Last nights snow is still hanging about but at least the sun is shining. Not a lot else to report, be back later.
  17. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I purchased a trailer with the intention of carrying layouts and models. The problem with it is that it is so light that it bounces all over the place even at slow speeds. However the micro layout that I am contemplating should fit in the back of my car with room for a passenger in the back. The trailer can then be used to carry the folding tables and chairs as well as other items such as my walker. All I need now is the round tuit that goes with the layout. EDIT Tony mentioned the snow as I was composing the above. Only a slight dusting here just 4-5 miles from Tony as the crow flies.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Like others have pointed out last nights rain is now solid. That didn't stop two teenage lads with the usual teenage brain by-pass from attempting to ride two on a bike. Inevitably they came a cropper but apparently no serious injuries. Thats it for now, be back later.
  19. They probably sold more Spitfires than the entire rolling stock models put together. They used to make the rolling stock and other models in batches as and when the warehouse stocks ran low.
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