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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Probably made it into the engine room and/or the way the truck cab was turned by the initial impact with the freight train (facing the passenger train) it formed a crumple zone.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A tad late this morning, a contact received a 'ransomware' demand almost identicle to the one I had recently so I passed a website on to him that enables you to check for any hacking attempts, there is a thread here on RMweb about it. Sunny but cold and very gusty here at the moment. Andy, I hope the bank gets its act together re. the fraudsters and best wishes to Debs, Mal and Sandy and John. EDIT forgot the website http://www.haveibeenpwned.com/
  3. Apparently the only fatality was the truck driver though there were other serious injuries.
  4. The Victor was always my favourite V-bomber.
  5. Mine came up clear but has been cut and pasted once. I was aware of that anyway and took precautions.
  6. Here is a selection, including the one I mentioned starting at 5:12.
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Still reading through the latest Bylines only to discover a second article by Chris, they'll be making him editor next.
  8. I've had one of those that went straight to my spam folder. Needless to say it was deleted forthwith.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. This mornings sun seems to be in hiding but its still a bit gusty out there. I mentioned that I'd replaced the old incandescant bulb yesterday and I'm pretty sure that they can be re-cycled but I will check first. Because of the cost of LED bulbs I made a habit of 'buying some in' whenever there was a special offer such as BOGOF, I now have enough to replace all of the bulbs in the house twice over. Thats it for now, muggatee awaits, be back later.
  10. A friend of my parents lived for more than 30 years after losing most of his stomach and bowel. He was badly shot up at Arnhem and it was the German medics and doctors who saved his life. He did have to stay on a special diet for the rest of his life and strictly no alcohol.
  11. If thats the one I'm thinking of there was black ice on the road and the driver tried to stop but the truck just slid onto the crossing.
  12. This is a scam, just bin it.
  13. A road van was a brake van that could carry a small amount of goods. They were used on lines were the loads requiring a covered van were to small to warrant the use of a small van.
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I decided to replace the old incandescant bulb in the spare room with a LED bulb. The difference is quite amazing despite them having the same rating. Only partly read through Railway Bylines and I've yet to read Chris's words of wisdom but I will by the time the weekends over.
  15. The latest copy of 'Railway Bylines' has just dropped onto the mat so I know what I'll be doing this afternoon.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Welcome to the madhouse Dave, as you can see we don't bite.
  17. I've been using Firefox but a couple of months ago I was unable to access my e-mails on it (Virgin Media) So I've had to change over to Chrome for them. I am still using Firefox for RMweb and for Facebook which appears to be much better.
  18. Dalmally to Southend is a heck of a long line.
  19. Plenty to choose from here >> http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_track_gauges
  20. Unfortunately a lot of the old records were destroyed, very few issuing authorities bothered to keep the records and many that do survive are in private collections. One thing that I have which is very useful is Glass's index of registration numbers 1929-1965. This give the issue year, and sometimes the month as well of most registrations but does not identify individual vehicles. Why not post the photographs here, I'm sure there will be someone who can identify many of them?
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