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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Fost and frog this morning, glad I don't have to commute any more. The fog has muffled the bin wagons dawn chorus somewhat as well as other noises. Off to run a bath now, be back later.
  2. Rick, was it in the box when you wrote the next post? LE when a previous post appears in the box there should be a 'Clear box' option below the box. Just click on that and it should disappear.
  3. I've set mine for 7 days which seems to have speeded it up considerably.
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Dry, warming up with hazy sunshine here atm. Mentioning marmalade reminded me of when passing through or near Tiptree, the smell of fruit being made into jam and other preserves could sometimes be overpowering. I do find the aroma of some fruits being cooked a bit like coffee, the taste doesn't come up to the aroma, strawberries in particular. Now having given many of you a nose worm as opposed to an ear worm I'll bid you goodbye, be back later.
  5. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just read Mal's post on the Jock 67C thread. Glad he's bearing up under very trying circumstances and keeping his sense of humour. Not a lot else to report, be back later.
  6. I done my 'Motorway' learning on the A12, complete with roundabouts since replaced by traffic lights (well it was over 50 years ago).
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright sunshine here this morning with a bit of high cloud predicted but no rain though. I might be going to the Tonbridge show this Saturday, if my friend feels up to it as he has a cold at the moment. C&C's to all, be back later.
  8. Its been very slow for the last couple of days.
  9. Sadly the Beverly that resided there was scrapped, and the Shorts Belfast.
  10. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The mystery of the bus on the narrow estate roads is explained. The police cornered some criminals on the main road with a road block and traffic was diverted. My neighbour informed me of this lunchtime. I did hear the 'blues and twos' but being so close to the hospital I tend to ignore them. A parcel arrived today from Hong Kong, a neat little truck model, well pleased. Now time to put the kettle on, be back later.
  11. Not forgetting the square chimneys.
  12. It appears to have been built like that for some sort of special duties. There looks like a skid brake between the front drivers which are connected to it by a massive spring. Perhaps the smaller wheels are to relieve stress on the frame when it is operated?
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. As Tony has said bright and sunny here this morning and the forecast is the same for the rest of the week. Next door are still preparing the house for letting, three months now they've been at it and its still not finished. A for sale sign has appeared on the house opposite, rather surprising as its also a 'buy to let'. C&C's to all that require them, muggatee awaits, be back later.
  14. Mine has been slow on Chrome but seems OK now on Firefox. (I have RMweb on both.)
  15. Click on the 'condense' tab at the top of the page to get just the headings.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I took my Tesco points vouchers in yesterday and was able to claim another 187 points, 62 on purchases and 125 'extra' reward points. When I got home however when I went to change the water filter cartridge I found that I only had one left. I felt a bit miffed as if I'd bought them with my 'big shop' I could have claimed more double points. As it turned out it was better as I received another 5p off a litre of petrol voucher.
  17. Thank you. I also remember the Wooton layout and I recall seeing it at another show but not locally, I think it may have been from some distance away. I did muse on having both layouts at a show together with my clubs (Basildon) layout 'Aldwych' lined up together.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Felt lazy this morning so stayed in bed for a while. Rain has stopped, but for how long? Got to get some more water filter cartridges, used the last one this morning, at least I can spend the £19 in vouchers at Tesco's. I thought it was a bladder stone? it effectively gave him a vasectomy at the same time.
  19. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I noticed in the last half hour a surprising amount of traffic outside so I looked out to see a large bus (40 foot) turning from the road that runs alongside my house into my turning. It required a fair bit of shunting to get around the turn but the driver did so in the end. I can only assume that there must be a blockage on the main road.
  20. I was contemplating buying one a few years ago. A heavily modified 4 wheeler with Mini mechanicals.
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