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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I got the blame for one of those when it was the dog that done it!
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday to Ian A and Tiger. The van next door has gone, but whether it is temporary or permanent remains to be seen. That depends on whether or not the estate/letting agents live up to the commonly used version of their name, Bar Stewarts and Thieves. C & C's to all that require them, be back later. Reason for edit, the blasphemy software removed part of the agents nickname so I have given a substitute.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. They've moved the van next door but only about two or three feet. At least it gives me a bit more room to get on and off the drive but it still doesn't deal with the original problem. I still cant see any approaching traffic or they me. Whats more they have a drive that can hold two vehicles, one half is occupied by a car that has not moved since they moved in and the other half is occupied by an old settee.
  4. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The house next door is finished and the tenants have moved in and almost immediately have started causing problems. He has a large (Transit sized) van that he parks right next to my drive. This causes a problem as it obstructs my view of any approaching traffic from the right and the driver of any vehicle approaching will not be able to see me. I just telephoned the letting agents and they're just not interested.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit greyer and cooler than of late, but a lot better than this time last year. Nothing much doing at the moment so the intention is to get moving on the shed. The shed is actually warmer now than it has been recently due to it being in the shade all day this time of year so it keeps the night time chill so with the (slightly) warmer nights its not as cold. Have a good POETS day all, be back later.
  6. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just after I mentioned the problem with Farcebook everything went back to normal. Got to go now and catch up with my other groups on Farcebook.
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had to cancel the visit to SEERS tonight, my friends daughter had an infection and she had a bad reaction to the penicillin. I see Mal has been posting on the Jock 67B cancer ward thread, I'll pop over there after this to see how he's progressing.
  8. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. At the moment it is persisting down but its needed after the relatively dry spell since Christmas. Facebook is playing one of its awkward tricks. On one of the groups I follow its only showing the header but only blank pages where the posts should be. Others have reported the same problem so its not just me. Got to be out sharpish this evening for a SEERS meeting, hope the rain eases off. Thats it for now, be back later.
  9. Morning yet again from Estuary-Land. Surprise surprise, the sun is actually shining through the murk at the moment. The bin wagons dawn chorus is in full swing with the lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon in full voice, that must have been quite some party. Muggatee to be drunk, be back later.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit greyer this morning and some dampness predicted for later. Off to run a bath so its be back later.
  11. Military model maker Montaz produce a Ford model T ambulance in 1/72 scale that has a number of extra such lamps.
  12. London Transports Sentinels ran with special match wagons as their wheelbase was too short to operate track signal circuits. Is this another reason for 08's not venturing onto LT tracks?
  13. I had problems with this after an accident many years ago. (Other drivers fault, he shot out of a side turning into the side of my car.) He was insured but not for the car he was driving though his insurance gave him legal cover. What complicated matters was that the other driver, the other vehicles owner were all insured with the same company. When I went to renew my insurance I found that I had lost some of my NCB. It didn't take long to sort out after I mentioned taking it up with my solicitors and the insurance company quickly backed down.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit frosty here this morning but predicted to be almost as warm as yesterday. Club night this evening and I have some things picked up at Tenterden for some of the lads constructing a layout. Muggatee awaits, be back later.
  15. Yes they did, in one of the photographs you can just make out the driver behind the window you mentioned.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Trying to sort out a diary for the rest of the year. Swap meets, exhibitions and various other none railway events. Next on the agenda is the Brentwood swap meet on the 9th Mar. followed by Alley Pally. More modelling tokens required. When I was a trade union rep the union (GMB) held courses at their establishment at Whalley Grange in Manchester. The building was a former None Conformist seminary. The bar was the former library and the actual bar itself was built from the original library bookcases. I wondered what the strictly teetotal None Conformists would think of that.
  17. There's also a German WW1 gun captured by the Australians.
  18. Sounds like a subject worthy of its own thread. I should imagine that in the case of British stock it would be more complicated as much of it would have been abandoned by the British army at the time of the Dunkirk withdrawal. Any other stock in civilian hands could have been commandeered by the German occupying forces.
  19. The old adage about after a car accident is to never admit liability, even if it is your fault.
  20. Problem for me is my nearest Underground station is Upminster.
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