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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Who/which team had the most fastest laps in 2018?
  2. Where did your skeleton trailer come from?
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The bin wagons dawn chorus is in full swing, including the one that needs oiling, definitely no sleeping in when thats about. Talking of dawn choruses the sparrows are back in the bushes, it appears that the bushes only received a shave not the full hack and burn. Any tickets going spare?
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Next doors van was parked about a foot over my drive when I got home from the club tonight, I just managed to squeeze my car on to my drive. I thought that something had been done about it but it appears not.
  5. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The local council are having a real go at cutting back hedges and other plantings around the town. Problem is that they are removing all the new buds so reducing the potential food for birds and other wildlife.
  6. Only about 5 years in all without a car, in fact some years I've driven over 40,000 miles.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Overslept this morning but only by about 15 minutes but it meant I missed the weather forecast. I was woken by the council workers giving the hedges alongside my property a shave, completely the wrong time of year to do it. At least the sparrows are already moving back in, they were a bit premature last week due to the unseasonal warm weather. GDB reminded me that I'll have to order a base to be laid for a new garden shed. The old one is now in a state of collapse and its position at the bottom of the garden is far from perfect.
  8. There would be very little smoke from firing the gun as 'smokeless' charges were developed during WW1 and used throughout WW2. The reason was the same as the use of diesel locomotives to move the guns, clouds of smoke would give the position of the gun away.
  9. The answers simple, don't put yourself in the position of having to pay a fine. It's just over 51 years since I passed my test and I've never even had a parking fine.
  10. For anyone interested in old petrol stations and your on Facebook check out the group "The golden years of the great British petrol station". Plenty of scenic modelling ideas there as well.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Popped in to the big orange warehouse this afternoon. I not only bought a couple of small sheets of 9mm ply but found some more pieces in the off cuts box, I will probably need some more anyway. That reminds me of when I lived in Burnham-on-Crouch. The main road into the town has no less than nine right angle bends at most a couple of hundred yards apart and plenty of ditches on either side. On a Saturday night they were sure to catch out a few drunk drivers.
  12. I did have some but not all of the Modellers Back Track. Then I had a chance to buy the whole series bound for a very low price which I purchased. I made almost as much as I paid for them by selling on the individual copies.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Welcome home Baz and Chris from places that I would just love to visit, problem is that I hate flying. Proceeding with emptying the shed, making use of the dry weather to shift some items to the garage. I have quite a bit of 9mm ply which I will be lining the walls with, should cover about 75% of the walls and most of that I'm using is 'recycled' a lot of it from the packing of a photocopying machine that was delivered to work about 15 years ago and diverted from the skip. Thats all this morning, be back later.
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a phone call from my friend earlier this evening. Daughter # 2 had a chest infection so he took her to the doctor who prescribed an antibiotic. It turns out that she is allergic to that antibiotic and had a severe reaction. She is now in hospital but should be home for the weekend. The shelving unit is looking a lot tidier but theres still not a lot of space created. I've taken Back Track since issue number 1, about 35 years ago IIRC. I have every issue bar one that was loaned out and never returned. Some of the photographs in current editions now post date the early editions.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Yesterday on another forum there was a discussion about cannabis after a member mentioned smelling it. The basis of the discussion was that many were unaware of what cannabis smelt like. I then informed them that it smelt like strong cats pee, now many are saying that they have smelt it but were unaware of what it was. I will be making further efforts to clear the shed today and probably continue to do so for the rest of the week. If I stop the rubbish seems to accumulate once more. Freya has come and gone and the wheelie bin is still upright but last night it poured down but this morning the sun was shining. Thats it for now, be back later.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Still blowing a hooley outside but the rain seems to have stopped. According to the seaweed twirlers it should all be out over the North sea by morning, well lets hope so.
  17. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Done a bit more clearing of the shelf unit but it still looks full and I haven't even started on the shed yet. I did however find several unopened packs of torch batteries, and some opened ones so I won't need to buy any more for some time to come. Wet and windy outside at the mo so definitely staying in. Muggatee to be drunk, be back later.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Spent a few minutes clearing the rubbish from the temporary shelves in the utility room to make way for the rubbish from the shed. In doing so I discovered a great many low energy bulbs most still in their boxes. I've now gone over to LED so I'm sure that the local charity shops will appreciate them. On the subject of power tools, I do use them but sparingly, such as drilling into brick or other hard substances. Thats it for now, be back later.
  19. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Started on clearing the shed this afternoon, problem is the amount of stuff in there. If its dry tomorrow I'll take some of it round to the garage, if theres enough space in there. Time for a mug of tea, be back later.
  20. Afternoon from Estuary-Land. The van re-appeared overnight but has since disappeared again, hopefully it will now only appear occasionally. Getting windy up here as well though only a sideswipe is expected from Freya.
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