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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Wild and windy (weather) this morning and it looks as if its going to carry on until tomorrow afternoon at least. Will only venture out for bread and papers today. I often open boxes to find things I didn't know I had and often I can't remember why I bought it. Muggatee awaits, be back later.
  2. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a phone call from my gas/electricity supplier this afternoon. They're coming to fit a smart meter or should I say meters in a months time. It will save me having to bend down to read the bl@@dy things.
  3. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Found the on-line Citibank claim form (for PPI) and duly completed same. A good sign perhaps is they still retained my details (address, tel. number) so they should still have my account details despite the account being settled ten years ago. Glad to hear from Andy R, hopefully we should hear from a few other absentees soon.
  4. Or a telescopic jib. I think axle weight would be the biggest problem though.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning but still a bit breezy, its forecast to stay the same for today. Not a lot else to report, C & C's to all that require them, be back later.
  6. Evening all from Estuary-Land. That explains why with your record Bob you were still able to claim. According to the statement I found I paid £19:95 per month and IIRC that was over 2-3 years, not to be sniffed at.
  7. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I'd just got into the car to trip down to Tesco's when the hail started hammering down. However by the time I left there it was bright sunshine. I once made a successful claim on PPI, back in early 1976 I was buying a car on hire purchase. At the time I had had an accident, I had badly sprained an ankle on a broken pavement. I was so bored that to pass the time I was reading anything that I could lay my hands upon. I must have been really bored that I was even reading the small print on the hire purchase agreement where I discovered the PPI details. So, nothing ventured, nothing gained I put in a claim and much to my surprise they paid out the equivalent of two months payments on the h.p. agreement. I suspect that they were so stunned by someone making a claim that they paid out.
  8. Thanks for the advice all re. PPI. I've taken a peek at their website (Citybank) and it appears that I may be able to claim on-line.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sorting through a box of old papers I came across an old credit card statement. The credit card in question had long been paid off and forgotten. On looking at it I realised that I had been paying PPI. I was wandering if I could claim any back? Its probably too late now as the circulars imploring you to claim it back (and give a hefty percentage to the people doing it for you) have ceased. However the clearing of the shed has now taken on something of an emergency. I am negotiating the purchase of a micro layout and it just occured to me this morning that I have nowhere to store it. Thats it for now, be back later.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Didn't do anything to the shed today, pottering about with other things seems to have taken up more time than I thought. Tomorrow I'll have to remove a shelf which is saturated in brake fluid from a leaking bottle but at least I can rescue the brackets. Also to be removed are some masonry nails hammered into the brickwork, the claw hammer I have I inherited from my cabinet maker grandfather, it must be well over 100 years old.
  11. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. A bit of a ding this morning among the neighbours. It didn't involve me or the van man but the next two down. The neighbour the other side of the van man hasn't got a drive but the woman next down has one that can hold one car. She has a daughter who has just passed her test and so there's two cars. Since they've been living there I've rarely seen a car parked on the drive, the woman prefers to park in the street. This morning both her and her daughters cars were parked in the street, one of them in front of the other neighbours house leaving him with no space to park his car. When I came back from Tesco's there was only the daughters car parked there in front of the drive. This took me back to about 25 years ago before there was a residents parking permit scheme. Being only a short ten minutes walk from Basildon station the estate used to fill up with commuters cars every weekday. One day I passed one of my neighbours arguing with someone who had parked his large German car across her drive. When she remonstrated with him he just tossed her the keys and told her she could move it if she wanted access to her drive and just walked away towards the station. I then offered to move the car for her. So I did so, a lot nearer the station for him on a nice pair of yellow lines. Later that evening a rather irate car owner came knocking on the door as apparently his car wasn't where I left it, it was in the car pound at Chelmsford. I did get a visit from the police but the guy admitted he had told my neighbour she could move the car (she didn't drive). When my neighbour explained what had happened the officer gave me a ticking off for parking on a double yellow, whilst trying to stop laughing. EDIT The puritan blasphemy software strikes yet again, ding should read ding d0ng.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny with the odd passing cloud. A bit noisy outside as they're clearing the garden of a house just around the corner, in fact the house faces the end gable of my house. There is a large space at the side of the house large enough for a second house but as the house also has a large back garden they are going to build three houses on there leaving the space for an access road. They did plan for half a dozen apartments but the planning department turned it down. Muggatee to be drunk, be back later.
  13. But many years ago time was measured by the day rather than seconds and the sun moved faster across the sky than a human or indeed a horse could run. Every town and city had its own 'local' time judged by the rising and setting of the sun, that was until the coming of the railways and 'railway time'.
  14. Just a 'heads up'. http://www.ipmsuk.org/calendar/southern-expo-2019/ A pretty good show, but a word of warning. Use public transport as the car parking is very limited.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I was up at 7 this morning where did two of the last 3 hours go? I now have almost enough ply to finish off lining the shed. In the garage I had stored an old bed, this has a solid plywood base so out with the tape measure to find that its 92 cm X 190 cm, as near as dammit the size of the end wall of the shed. It will only need a 10 cm piece between it and the ceiling, now all I have to do is get it from the garage to the shed. Speaking of which I'll have to get on with clearing it, be back later.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Looks as if its going to be a fine day tomorrow if a bit chilly so I should be able to get on with clearing the shed. Not a lot else to report, be back later.
  17. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. After the bright sunshine this morning its now wet and windy. At least the seaweed wranglers are promising all day sunshine tomorrow. Still got to clear the shed but every time I clear a bit it seems to make no difference. Someone mentioned wood turning, Jamie IIRC, well I have found a 'forgotten' coffee table top. Its a solid elm plank about an inch thick, four feet long and 12-15 inches wide, the width varies because one side is the sapwood and is uneven where the bark used to be. Its free to a good home or preferably a wood turner.
  18. Cancel that ticket PLEASE! Carry on using it and get in touch with yourself.
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