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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny here this AM but still a bit breezy but forecast to be a bit warmer mid-week. Taking the young man out to spend some more of his birthday money soon as I've finished off a muggatee or two.
  2. Mines the same except I've set the time period at 7 days. The default time period is 30 days resulting in it taking ages to return to the activity stream (It was reloading 30 days worth of data every time you hit the return button.) And don't forget to save it when you make changes.
  3. Definitely 1/76, though most of the Keilcraft/Knightwing kits are 1/72.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Took the young man out today to spend his birthday money, so far he's only spent about £40, half of what he had, he's saving the rest for later. After spending some time at the toy store we went on to Battlesbridge to look over the model railway shop there. We also took his sister with us at her request. This surprised me as she is normally very withdrawn, but its great to see her coming out of her shell. Off tomorrow to Southern Expo 2019, a modelling show but not railways. Usually a good show with plenty of interest for railway modellers such as scenery items.
  5. They were originally part of the Merit range which Peco took over many years ago. There was also a horse drawn van that was quite good and a Scammell Scarab that looked nothing like the real thing.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Taking an 11-year-old to the toy shop to help spend his birthday money later. It was actually last Sunday was his birthday but due to his sister being rushed into hospital last week put things on hold, she's now out of hospital and recovering. Blowing a hooley outside at the moment but no sign of rain fortunately. Thats it for now, be back later.
  7. I found some of it, it had slipped down behind some pipework in the cupboard that once held a hot water tank. I'll have to fish out the rest of it later.
  8. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Last night I mentioned the acquisition of a stock box and that I had some rigid foam to construct the dividers. I went to check the rigid foam this afternoon only to find a couple of small pieces. I know its somewhere but now I will just have to search for it.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis woke me up at 3 this morning so it was a brace of paracetamols and I was soon back asleep. The rain is holding off and the sun is even shining this morning but its still blowing more than a bit. Terrible news from Christchurch, I can't even imagine how anyone could contemplate doing such a thing.
  10. My dad wasn't a POW but he spent most of the war out in Burma. He said that he was thankful that he was on the front line when she was out there and missed seeing her.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just returned from the SEERS meeting. More items from the deceased member, this time some kits, scenic items, model road vehicles and a few bags of ballast and scatter. Prize purchase for me was a trio of Piccollino model cars, £5 for the 3. And a freebee, a stock box without the interior dividers, no problem as I have a plentiful supply of rigid foam. Muggatee awaits, be back later.
  12. I've found one thing that helps. I've reduced the number of days history from 30 days (the default) to 7 days. It has speeded up things quite a bit.
  13. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. RMweb is dead s-l-o-w this afternoon, I've had a couple of time outs waiting for something to happen.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not raining at the moment but very overcast and windy. I won't be going to Alley Pally, I had hoped to go but I didn't fancy the journey either by car or public transport. I hope GDB has put some of his win aside for plasters and bandages. Based in Nigeria?
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Not many attendees at the club tonight, several cases of the lurgi around. Muggatee awaits, be back later.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Had a good nights sleep last night and woke up in the middle of a dream which rather unusually I can remember. She was just about to remove her unmentionables when I woke up . Happy birthday NeilH, and many more of them. A bit wild and windy outside at the mo but the sun is shining. Muggatee(2) to be drunk, be back later.
  17. We really do need that GROAN button.
  18. One of my followed posts has actually appeared in the listing, problem is I was the last to make a post, in 2011. Seriously though, would it be possible to have a list of new threads instead? I for one would find it very useful, what do other RMwebbers think?
  19. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Happy anniversary Neil and Mrs Neil. Like Tony I have no intention of switching suppliers and the chap from the people installing the smart meter explained how it worked. Also its quite simple as both meters share a space beneath the stairs. It was persisting down until just after lunch then the sun broke out but it was, and still is blowing a hooley. Dinner about to be consumed, be back later.
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