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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. It was reported on the BBC local news that they had indeed been 'train surfing'.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A hearty welcome to Modeller Chris. Congratulations to John and Sandy and great to see that Chris F is on the up. Thoughts of course with Aditi and Tony, Keith and Elsie, Debs and any other ailing ER's. I too am a bit concerned about Mal, hope to hear something soon. The sheet of ply being straightened will hold up work on the shed until it is straight. The reason is that it is 4 X 4 feet of 12 mm ply and I want to use it in one piece. I only have a jigsaw so I want to avoid too much cutting. I've worked it out that more than 90% of the ply I'm using for lining out the shed was free, coming from old furniture, packaging and rescued from skips plus a few left over offcuts. Muggatee awaits, be back later.
  3. If its used for hire or reward it has to have a tachograph. I have driven an 18 seat minibus that was fitted with a tachograph but as I was not driving it for hire or reward I didn't have to use it.
  4. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Didn't do anything much today, whats more I don't even care.
  5. Not at a level crossing but trespassing on the railway with fatal consequences. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/police-at-stratford-greater-anglia-delays-norwich-liverpool-street-1-5950133
  6. My last post crossed with Jamies, I suspect mine will take a little longer judging by the slowness of their reply.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The post has just arrived and with it an acknowledgement letter for my PPI claim. In fact it was two letters identical to each other. Well at least the claim is in before the expiry date so I will have to wait and see. Thats it for now, be back later.
  8. Evening all from Estuary-Land. When I went out to the club next doors van was again parked close to my drive though I did manage to get out without mishap. Surprise, surprise! when I returned it had been parked on his drive. Still have to bend the ears back of Barstewarts and Thieves the letting agents. Their 'to let' sign is screwed to my fence on my side of the property line, I'll give them a call and ask them for rental for their sign to see how quickly its removed.
  9. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Discovered a large sheet of ply in the garage, a 'freebee' recovered from a skip. The reason it was free is that it is warped. It is now laying on the garage floor on a groundsheet having been dampened and a quantity of old bricks placed on top. That should give me more than enough ply to line the shed.
  10. If anyone wants a challenge they should try replicating the one used on the construction of the elevated track for the experimental hover-train at Earith. This was fitted with rubber tyred wheels and metal out-riders to run along the top of the concrete beams.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Tony mentioning putting the bins out reminded me. My friend, who lives quite close to Tony was preparing his bins to go out a few weeks ago when a rat popped out of the waste food bin and disappeared behind the kitchen cabinets. Their dog, a terrier cross went in hot pursuit but seems to have given up after half an hour. There has been no indication since of its presence, so it probably escaped the house. The food waste bin is normally kept outside to prevent the dog rummaging in it and was only bought into the house for a few bits to be placed in it ready for collection. Fortunately there is no rat problem around here due to the large number of foxes, you just have to make sure that things such as waste food is well wrapped before putting it out for collection.
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Made a start on the final clearing of the shed today, its surprising how many screws and masonary nails came out of the brickwork. The concrete floor has been covered using off cuts of flooring chipboard, it is badly stained where oil has been spilt on it but I have some old carpet to cover that. Muggatee awaits, back later.
  13. I went into a pub in Sittingbourne where the single beer tap was for Shepherd & Neame mild. It was an unusual pub, the front room of a 2 up 2 down terrace house. That was in 1976 and the whole area was then being raised for redevelopment.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. NB and thoughts are with Debs and other ailing ER's. Had a reminder letter from Railway Bylines this morning about renewing my subscription so I phoned up earlier to be told that their computers were down so I'll try again in a few days time. Muggatee to be drunk, be back later.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. John, please pass on my best wishes to Debs and to you Dave I hope the X-rays show nothing serious. I have done very little re. my shed lately but the seaweed wranglers are promising warm dry weather for at least the next week. Next door is no longer parking his van in the street and now squeezes it onto the drive, another neighbour informs me that he received a ticket for parking on a dropped kerb, his own dropped kerb. It is an offence to park on a dropped kerb, even if its your own.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Out both days this weekend has left me knackered, one of the reasons why I won't be attending Alley Pally this next weekend. AndrewC, ever thought of using a stylus when using an i-pad? even a ball point pen will do. Currently de-scaling the kettle, its accumulated quite a bit of limescale despite my using water filters. Thats it for now, be back later.
  17. IIRC the trolleybus routes mentioned ceased in 1960/61.
  18. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a good day at the Southern Expo 2019 today. Purchased one plastic kit and won two items on the raffle, a set of Mini drill bits and a small display case, just big enough to hold a 00 scale wagon. The young man declined to come with us so the other half of his birthday cash is still intact. Thats all for now, be back later.
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