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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. When my late dad was on the buses in the early 60's they had a spare crew most days sitting in the canteen drinking tea and reading newspapers.
  2. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The PPI cheque arrived this morning and is now deposited in my account. As I'm going to the Brentwood toy fair/swap meet tomorrow I withdrew a few extra modelling tokens. When I went to draw my bedroom curtains at dusk I heard an insect buzzing around the bedroom. I then spotted it, one of the biggest bumble bees I have ever seen. buzzing from one window to the next trying to escape so I ushered it towards a fanlight, opened the fanlight and it flew away. How it got into the house is a mystery as all the windows and doors were closed and what vents there are are located downstairs nowhere near the stairs.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning but a bit nippy, got things to do so be back later.
  4. I've had the same problem, posts 'sticking' after you hit the button.
  5. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Had a couple of estimates for the shed base, theres going to be little if anything of that PPI payment left.
  6. My first car was a 100E Popular with a 3-speed gearbox and a useless syncromesh. Usual thing with side valve Fords was 'first catch your gear lever' before changing gears. Another vehicle I drove with a 3 speed gearbox was a Bedford CA Dormobile. The gear stick was on the steering column and the connecting rods were rather worn so despite there being only three gears getting any gear was pot luck.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit grey but not as cold as it was yesterday. Bath has run so its be back later.
  8. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I've driven automatics but still prefer a manual gearbox. When I first started to learn to drive over 50 years ago the instructor pointed to the gear lever and told me thats the control speed lever and thats stayed with me ever since.
  9. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. When I went to the States on a fly-drive I didn't have too much trouble driving on the right, probably because I had done a lot of driving on the continent. One incident sticks out though, when leaving a gas (petrol) station I looked to my right instead of my left, fortunately a horn blast from a vehicle approaching drew my attention and there was no accident. I was on my own, it does help to have another driver in the passenger seat.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit dull and overcast this morning but dry. An item on the 'fatberg' in Sidmouth on the BBC Breakfast show mentioned that in the fatberg was found a set of false teeth, I wonder if the owner wants them back.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. RMweb is still acting up, sometimes it takes ages to load and at other times its almost instant. It seems to take longer where there are photographs in posts. Thats it for now, be back later.
  12. Just as well Ronald Reagan wasn't so confused.
  13. I could see that the standard Imp radiator had been removed thats what made me think it was air cooled.
  14. Its very easy to forget which side of the road you should be on when driving in countries where the rule of the road is opposite to what you are used to. I have seen travelogues aimed at Americans visiting the UK to look right when crossing the road. Even professional drivers can get confused, I was on a coach visiting the WW1 battlefields in Belgium and the driver upon leaving one site proceeded to drive on the left until someone reminded him.
  15. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Been phoning around for concrete laying companies. There's plenty that will supply the concrete but not one that I phoned will lay it. I still have a couple of firms to call including one in Benfleet that advertises laying as part of the service. Measured up the area, 5 square metres only about two of which will require digging out.
  16. Surely the gearbox has been replaced as well but with what? A common modification was to fit a Fiesta Mk. I/II radiator in the front but as the BMW engine is air cooled it isn't necessary.
  17. I viewed this on Facebook were it became obvious that there were schoolchildren waiting to cross. What sort of message does it give them? Even worse what if they saw him being hit by a train.
  18. Even that could be misinterpreted.
  19. It should stand up pretty well, it would take an exceptional temperature of the sort that would cause other damage to a layout.
  20. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Commiserations to Debs upon the loss of her dad. Still haven't got round to sorting the shed base yet as I'm still not 100% decided where its going to go. There are other options but no option is perfect but with a metal shed there are more options. For the time being while its dry I'm going to give whats left of the brambles a good dose of weedkiller. Thats it for now, be back later.
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