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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. One thing I forgot to mention. I mentioned this morning that there was no Breakfast show or any other TV on Virgin this morning and nothing appeared until 9:15 when Murder, Mystery and my Family came on. I switched on at 6 this evening and watched the news until the local news came on when it just showed a sign saying it was not available on HD. I then noticed that it was on the HD channel though I hadn't touched the controls. Only a simple matter of switching back to the correct channel. Virgin must have switched to the HD channel due to a problem with the normal channel.
  2. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I don't have a Sat-nav and I don't want one. Many years ago when the Chatham show was held in the old dockyard another club member wanting to show off his brand new car offered to give us a lift. Said car was fitted with Sat-nav and he was using that to navigate. As many of you will know the current entrance to the dockyard is near the exit to the Medway tunnel. However the (brand new) Sat-nav took us too the old long bricked up entrance. I like many others rely on the old paper maps or a road atlas, only problem is that as I get older they are more difficult to read.
  3. Most east European cars were designed for home maintenance. A colleague had a Lada Riva that came with enough tools to do a complete engine overhaul.
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. No TV this morning until after 9 o'clock so I missed the weather reports, whatever happened its OK now. At least the internet is OK at the moment. I noticed the other day that a new barbers shop has opened at the end of my street. I need a haircut so I might give them a try, its actually in the side room of the local pub. Thats it for now, be back later.
  5. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I see my last missive has survived the timing out. I'd just hit the submit button as the site conked out. Everything seems OK at the moment so fingers crossed. TMI!
  6. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. RMweb seems dreadfully slow again, it took 5 minutes to load some threads. I checked the sheet of ply that is being straightened, its straighter than it was but still needs a couple more weeks by the looks of it so it was just a case of dampening it to avoid splitting. Could be worse, a wasp inside the box that wasn't noticed.
  7. Did you catch the wasp as well? I was at a cricket match were a fielder made a perfect catch then acted as if the ball was red hot and dropped it. It turned out that the ball had collected a wasp in flight and that despite being stunned stung the catcher.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I was going to give an erudite comment showing my brilliant mind. But my mind is completely blank, nothing new there then.
  9. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Booked the tickets for Brooklands this Sunday. £31 in all, ouch! Thats for just one senior, one adult and a child. Mind you with £800 to spend on wine, women and song and the rest I will just fritter away.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeIPcA2Dz2c.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit of bad news last night, I telephoned my sister and she informed me that my 72 year old brother who lost a kidney a few years ago and his other kidney is beginning to fail. At the moment it is a question of dialysis or transplant. My nephew, his son has offered one of his kidneys if it is suitable. I am not in a position to do likewise as one of my kidneys is rather battered about by my having a kidney stone a few years ago. They'd probably make a better job of it. (I hope thats not too political).
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Went down to the old garden shed this afternoon to see if there is anything to be rescued. The shed itself is disintegrating rapidly but considering that it has stood for over 30 years with only the occasional coat of preservative its not done too bad. No news from the mix-and-lay people but in retrospect a smaller storage unit on the patio should suffice, there is space in the corner for quite a large one. A happy birthday to Stationmaster and get well soon Rick and C&C's to other ER's as required.
  13. Anything to do with todays date?
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. My body clock is still an hour behind, it will take me all week to catch up. Be back later.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Went into Tesco's this afternoon and the number of people buying flowers is remarkable, talk about leaving it to the last minute. Dinner now to be prepared, be back later.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I now only have my watch to change, all my clocks bar one change automatically. That one clock is such a PITA to change that I leave it on GMT. Going to Brentwood yesterday was a bit of a bind due to roadworks/accidents including one on the roundabout above the Halfway House (A127) where an expensive looking sports job had had an argument with the Armco and lost. Police were in attendance and they seemed to be everywhere pulling up the boy racers.
  17. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Successful day at Brentwood if the number of modelling tokens expended is anything to go by. The bulk of the expenditure went on 'collectable' diecasts and some model lorry bits. I still have quite a few left but a trip to Brooklands next Sunday is planned.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just a quick hello before I'm off to dispose of some modelling tokens at Brentwood.
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