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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit grey and cool this morning but at least its dry. The back copy of Backtrack that I ordered has just dropped through the letterbox so a bit of reading to do.
  2. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Still feeling a bit cream crackered from yesterdays exertions. Brooklands has got a lot bigger than when I last visited 25 years ago. I would like to go again though as theres one or two things that I missed. The young'n had a marvellous time and also wants to go back and have a go on the simulator driving a modern-ish Formula 1 car around the Brooklands circuit, in fact I'd like to have a go myself but the queue was too long.
  3. I tried a mini once, but she wanted her skirt back.
  4. The problem with many diecast vehicles is that many are based on preserved vehicles. The Morris Minor 1000 van in 'blood & custard' livery is a case in point. A preserved example is in that livery which it is too young to have carried when new.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just a quick hello as a hot bath awaits. Rain is persisting down outside and looks to be setting in.
  6. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a very good day at Brooklands and disposed of quite a few modelling tokens, a lot on books and ephemera, one item of interest was a District Line linear map. This is one of the long thin Beck style maps usually above the windows of Underground stock. Ordered for the 'D' stock as they were being replaced by 'S' stock, someone had blundered. I don't know if Rick made it but I bumped into a few familiar faces but none of them ER's. Thats it for now, be back later. PS glad to hear from Debs, now in view of the above I will have to hide from the awl.
  7. Cockwomble of the day week month year this morning. I was taking my friend and his young son to Brooklands this morning. As we approached junction 8 (M25) a BMW undertook me using the hard shoulder! This was in foggy conditions and heavy traffic. I really must fit a dash cam to the car.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit of fist and mog about this morning, hope it doesn't delay the journey to Brooklands. Arthur Itis informed me this morning that its going to rain later today as confirmed by the weather report. Rick, if you do decide to go to Brooklands I should be easy to spot, I'm the scruffy old tramp with the flowing white beard pushing a red wheeler. Thats it until I get home this evening, see you all later.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Everything ready for Brooklands tomorrow. If Rick decides to attend we might meet up, if I recognise him from his avatar.
  10. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I can't use the spare laptop that I dusted off, I've forgotten the password(s) to open it. Whats more the date is showing as June and the clock is an hour out. I will take it into a computer shop next week to see if they can do anything with it. If not I might consider buying a new one, as long as it does not have the dreaded autocorrect or even worse predictive text.
  11. The only doubt I have is as mentioned at the bottom of the article. The effect upon train drivers and witnesses to these accidents.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Thought it felt a bit cold last night before I went to bed, checked the thermostat to find that the batteries had died. Replaced the batteries and then had to clamber into the loft to restart the boiler. Muggatee awaits, be back later.
  13. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just been searching for replacements a couple of magazines that I had loaned out and had not been returned. Whilst doing so I came upon this website >> http://www.magazineexchange.co.uk/cw/ You can also dispose of your surplus magazines through the site. I did manage to get one of the magazines but I will have to continue searching for the other. Has anyone got a copy of Railway Bylines for April 2004 (vol 9 issue 5) to spare?
  14. Just found this website when looking for some back editions of railway magazines. http://www.magazineexchange.co.uk/cw/railway/ You can also sell your surplus magazines on the site.
  15. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Dusted off a lap-top that has hardly been used in the last 12 months and pleased to see that everything seems to be OK so its just charging up the battery at the moment. Prepared the 'day out' bag and the 'spare' lap top will be added to it when it is fully charged, being about half the size of the lap top I am using at the moment. Muggatee awaits, be back later.
  16. The teacher was giving a lecture on the evils of drink. To demonstrate she poured out four glasses respectively of whisky, beer, wine and water. She then dropped a worm into each glass and within a short while the only one still alive was in the glass of water. She then asked the class "What does that demonstrate?" Little Johnny stood up and said "If you drink whiskey, beer and wine you won't get worms."
  17. I've been told to avoid citrus fruits because of Arthur Itis. In fact anything that is acidic, about the only fruit that is low in sugar and acids seems to be raspberries. Red wine, and red meat are also no no's.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny outside but with a cold wind. GDB, Is the fruit to be avoided banana's? They do contain a lot of potassium, and a lot of sugar so if BG is high they are best avoided anyway. If you require potassium beetroot (without vinegar) has plenty. Getting ready for the trip to Brooklands on Sunday. The forecast is a bit warmer with the odd rain shower, the young'n is looking forward to seeing the Concorde especially as he now has discovered that he can have a go on the flight simulator. Thats it for now, be back later.
  19. There is a similar arrangement at the Saddlers Farm roundabout for buses coming from Pitsea. Though in this case the lights only operate when a bus is present, otherwise they are permanently showing red. Several times I have seen cars illegally using the bus lane finding themselves waiting for the lights to change whilst traffic using the correct lanes has a green light. Incidently the traffic lights are now fitted with cameras so theres no alternative but for them but to reverse and use the correct lane.
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