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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Afternoon from Estuary-Land. Committee meeting tonight (SEERS) hopefully will not be too late. Definitely have to hire a skip, unless someone wants 25 year old paint.
  2. The crumple zone of a 105E Anglia was between the A and B posts, where the driver and front seat passenger sat.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. While the sun is shining I will continue to clear out the garden shed which itself is only fit for firewood. So much rubbish has accumulated that I am considering hiring a skip but I will try to recover as much as I can. NFN? Don't forget concrete is very hard, with GDB's tendencies it might not be a good idea.
  4. Where's the fallen Madonna?
  5. Quasimodo "Now where did I put my cigarette?"
  6. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Starting to feel the first effects of hay fever, technically not hay fever as it is largely tree pollen this early in the year. Not a lot planned for the bank holiday weekend except for the small show at Canvey on Sunday. Club night tonight and I need to consult the electrickery experts. Be back later.
  7. When I visit the Transport Museum I never follow the signs pointing to the museum. There is far less traffic on the route I use and it is shorter and more direct.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I've made some adjustments since having the smart meter installed, reducing the amount of water I put in the kettle and switching on some lights only when necessary. I also reset the fridge/freezer as it was set for summer temperatures, it is also in dire need of a defrost. I was considering a water softener but after what Kingzance said about them raising sodium levels I'll give them a miss. I am just keeping my BP within safe limits without popping pills and I want to keep it that way. Thats it for now, be back later.
  9. I take it you didn't stay long with them.
  10. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can we have a GROAN button!
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Now that I have the smart meter I'm beginning to see what uses the most power. Rather surprisingly the 'low energy' lights use quite a bit compared to the LED bulbs that I have replaced most of them with. Also the 35-year-old washing machine only uses about 45p worth of electricity for the entire wash cycle including rinse and spin dry. Very few people seem to have heard of the Burston School Strike though.
  12. Satnavs might not be as useful in future.>> http://www.livescience.com/64685-magnetic-earth-model-updated.html Apparently North Pole drift has speeded up considerably over the last 20 years and satnav maps have to be updated more often.
  13. There is little heavy traffic in both regions, it must be easy to forget that you should drive on the 'other' side of the road.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright sunshine this morning but now clouding over as the seaweed twirlers said it would. Not a lot else to report, be back later.
  15. Getting back to the Husky model. The wheels will need replacing, the ones from the aformentioned JB/Airfix 101 kit are of the correct pattern with the step rings. The cab top is a bit crude with heavy window pillars, these can be filed down but I am looking into the possibility of replacing it with the cab top from the Oxford series II. The 101 kit could also provide other bits such as axles, seats and steering wheel.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Talking of hard water my newish (6 months) kettle has already had one dose of de-scaler and looks as if it will require another before long, that is despite filtering all water used in the kettle. I have found that for de-scaling one of the best products is 'Oust' that uses formic acid which is the active ingredient in nettle, wasp and ant stings but perfectly safe.
  17. So has Malta, Cyprus (both before joining the EU) Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
  18. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Rick reminded me that I have a load of washing to do. The first since the installation of the smart meter. I checked and it costs 2-3 pence to boil a kettle but is that good or bad? The kettle is only a few months old so it shouldn't use too much power.
  19. The cars weren't seized because the drivers were using mobile phones but because they were uninsured.
  20. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny and a bit warmer this morning so out to zap the brambles (with weedkiller) before they get a hold, and this time I'll make sure I'm wearing gloves. I had a similar problem many years ago with a Fiesta. A wire had become dislodged and fell against the exhaust manifold. Luckily I was only doing 25 mph when all the electrics died.
  21. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Johns comments in his blog about socks reminded me that I had recently received an e-mail from the LT museum shop with their latest offerings. One of the offerings was socks replicating some of the LT seat moquettes, and at similar prices, thanks but no thanks.
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