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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The bin wagons dawn chorus this morning was added to by the road repair gang visiting my street to repair some of the potholes that keep appearing like a rash. Only problem was they closed of part of my road therefore denying access to the bin wagons, you couldn't make it up. I too have already cast my vote by post and I will also vote in the Euro elections which should be interesting as the parties at the extremes of the argument can't even agree among themselves. Belated birthday wishes to KZ, thats it for now, be back later.
  2. Be very careful this Saturday. http://www.youshouldgrow.com/world-naked-gardening-day/
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Congratulations Jamie, is it Granddad Jamie from now on? The thong or the Farmer Giles?
  4. The dodgy ad is appearing in the banner again. It says 'Congratulations you are our 1,000,000th visitor' and invites you to 'click here'. My security software throws a wobbly if I click on it.
  5. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I will be doing battle with Farcebook again shortly. I'm sure that they must have a department that thinks up new ways to p!ss off their users. I spotted one banner ad this morning that had appeared on another site that when I clicked on it my firewall threw up the shutters. I use an ad blocker but on RMweb and other free sites I disable it but if that sort of ad pops up I might reconsider it.
  6. Morning yet again from Estuary-Land. Been trying to work as best I can with the 'new' Facebook, user friendly it is not. I think I've viewed all of the new posts on the groups but I cannot be certain.
  7. Many times I have followed older diesel vehicles, even buses where the fumes are so bad I am forced to shut all the vents on the car.
  8. Jim, no heater is a sign of no pressure. On older cars in the event of water pump failure the trick was to remove the radiator cap to prevent further damage.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Quite warm this morning with hazy sunshine but not going to last according to the seaweed twirlers. I hope that Bob has alerted the necessary emergency services that he is using an angle grinder. Thats it for now, be back later.
  10. I found the sidebar, eventually. Whatever happened to 'If it aint broke don't fix it'? And with that, goodnight all.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Facebook seems to have made changes that make it more difficult if not impossible to keep a check on ones groups. In fact the group listing has disappeared altogether to be replaced with a list of recommended groups. It was bad enough when they put them in sh1t order but now I can't see my groups in any order.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Planning the 009 layout, it will only be an oval on a 100cm X 50cm baseboard on a softwood frame, that should fit nicely inside the car. I am trying to sort out a suitable base for the 'mini-micro' track, I did try a small shallow wooden box that once contained liqueur chocolates, the width was OK but its about a centimetre too short. Thats it for now, be back later.
  13. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Recovered now from the weekends exertions. Still chasing up my energy supplier about the 'dead' gas meter, I suspect it was not turned on when it was installed a couple of weeks ago so its not recording my gas usage. I have now informed them twice without reply. I haven't seen any this year, normally they are visible at dusk near our clubhouse. Now to settle down to watch a 'House through time' on BBC2.
  14. There was one available on a trade stand at the Romford show this weekend for less than £100. My companions young son, an avid TTTE fan now has it.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I get regular updates from a website called Travelzoo, a sort of remainder shop for holidays and days out. I received a list from them this morning that included a trip to a brewery. The brewery in question is the Brentwood brewery, one that I'd never heard of despite it being 'local'. For those that may be interested its a micro-brewery and its on the Ongar Road. Thats it for now, be back later.
  16. Most bottled beers are filtered and pasteurised to remove the yeast and stop fermentation. If this is not done fermentation continues until the beer is opened/drunk. Most Belgian Trappist beers are bottle fermented. You should avoid getting the yeast in your glass as it has the same effect as Ex-lax! PS Joseph beat me to it.
  17. Pity that the other one (No. 3 Happy Harold) now has a diesel engine. My grandparents used to live at St. Leonards and I was able to ride on No. 3, when it was electrically powered.
  18. Evening all from Estuary Land. Sorting out bits for the 009 micro layout I found a forgotten 009 locomotive, from 25 years ago. Only problem is that its in pieces, some one had dismantled it but everything seems to be there including the screws. I hope I can get it back together again though its going to be a bit fiddly.
  19. The two surviving operating Hastings trolleybuses will be in service at the East Anglia Transport Museum near Lowestoft on the 11th as well.
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