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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhDwz2bmey0
  2. Strange, the cab side windows and the other glazing seems to be unaffected so its unlikely to be how they have been stored. Its more likely something to do with manufacture, either faulty materials or the adhesives used to attach the screens. I would suggest getting in touch with Oxford Diecast.
  3. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. My Euro elections ballot paper dropped onto the mat this morning (postal vote). I have duly recorded my vote and dispatched said ballot paper. It remains to be seen if anyone on the ballot paper will take their seat in Brussels though.
  4. Just remembered, I mentioned the Cherry Orchard brickworks and its NG railway. I did look it up on Google Earth to find that the site is now obliterated by a housing development.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Very damp here this morning and with the dampness Arthur Itis is having a field day but he better beware paracetamol is on its way. Not much else to report, muggatee to be drunk, be back later.
  6. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The track pins were not were I expected to find them so I will probably have to buy some more, one sure way of finding them. However it has meant that I have been able to sort some other items out and marked the containers with the contents. I was thinking of a small micro layout of that particular line in 009.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Late last night I remembered where I put the packet of track pins so I'll dig them out later. Chris, your not the only one feeling tired after a little exertion, its called getting old. Also your mentioning Bylines reminded me as this is just up their street. I have recently discovered a local narrow gauge industrial railway that started operations as recently as the early 80's but regrettably ceased operations in the mid 90's. It was worked by the Cherry Orchard brickworks near Southend, in fact it ran along between the western boundary of Southend airport and a road called Cherry Orchard Way and then turned 90 degrees across that road to the clay pits. The course of the line is still shown on my 2018 Essex A-Z map as an unmade road. I will be checking Google Earth later to see if anything is visible.
  8. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Spent a couple of hours this morning looking for my Dremel. I found it eventually, right underneath the box of drills/cutting discs etc. that goes with it. I was preparing to fix the track for the mini-micro layout to the place mat that will form the baseboard. But could I find my track pins? of course not. If I cannot find them I should be able to get some at the Billericay exhibition on Saturday. No doubt the original track pins will re-appear very soon afterwards. Theres two local exhibitions this Saturday, the aforementioned Billericay exhibition and the small one at South Benfleet, (St. Mary's), Tony's 'local' exhibition. I normally 'do' St. Mary's first then its on to Billericay. Yours etc. Total E Disorganised.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. It was bright and sunny earlier but now its clouding over. I was considering going to the big orange emporium for a few bits but I might put it off until tomorrow, after the bank holiday crush. Muggatee to be drunk, be back later.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Rather nippy this evening so time for a muggatee.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Condolences Rick on the loss of your friend. I wasn't very sporty even when I was at school, the only sport I was any good at was cricket and even then I had difficulty in catching the ball (this turned out to be because of an eyesight defect that wasn't identified until 40 years later). Not much else to report, be back later.
  12. It was indeed but I was mindful of the awl.
  13. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Returned from a visit to a certain emporium in Chelmsford clutching a pack of 009 Setrack for a certain young mans layout. A slight problem is that the baseboard required will need to be larger than that envisaged however its a stock size as produced by Tim Horn so I think thats the way we'll go. Now for a mug of tea and a brace of paracetamols, the changeable weather and a certain Arthur Itis is having a party and invited all his friends along.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A quick hello as off out shortly to dispose of some modelling tokens. Be back later.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Visiting a couple of model railway emporiums tomorrow in preparation for building a layout for my friends young lad. Last week at the Romford show he acquired a Bachmann TTTE 'Skarlowy' 009 locomotive so we are going to build a small 009 layout for him to run it on. It will only be a small layout (100 X 50 cm) with a loop of track so it shouldn't take too long to knock up a baseboard. We had a chap on the payroll by the name of Richard Head.
  16. Afternoon from Estuary-Land. Still struggling with Farcebook though its a real PITA. How many digits can they have?
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday Stewart. As far as I know the only childhood illness I had was chicken pox but my sister had measles but didn't pass it on to my brother or myself. The most serious childhood illness I suffered was a quincey when I was 5. So serious in fact that I spent Christmas in hospital, the only other child to do so then was only two years old and seemed to be asleep most of the time. Thankfully I recovered largely due too massive doses of penicillin. One advantage of being a child in hospital over Christmas was the number of toys delivered by Santa, much more and better quality than my parents could ever afford. The results are now in for the local elections and we now have a hung council, now where did I put that rope?
  18. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Went up to lay down on the bed for forty winks after lunch and it turned into about eighty winks. Arthur Itis then woke me up to tell me that its going to pour down about ten tonight. Good news is than I've found a suitable baseboard for the 'Mini-Micro' layout in Tess Coe's. Its a wooden place-mat about 6 mm thick and is the perfect size. Thats it for now, be back later.
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