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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Thanks for the heads up Tony, hopefully things will get sorted by lunchtime. When talking of pronouncing place names how about Happisburgh, pronounced Hays-ber-ro.
  2. There is only a single lane approaching the roundabout so they should have remained behind the car turning left and then checked that the road was clear. Also no road onto the roundabout has priority in this case but very few drivers seem to be aware of what signifies priority anyway (a double broken white line at the threshold of the roundabout).
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday Rick (yet again, GDB was misleading me). Slightly delayed this morning as the internet went AWOL for about ten minutes just after nine. Muggatee to be drunk, be back later.
  4. The insurance industry has other ways of screwing you.
  5. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just found out that my old house in Romford is going to be demolished. In fact the entire estate including two tower blocks is scheduled for demolition. Rather surprising as they were well built houses constructed as recently as 1962. The replacements will be high density flats, more dwellings but much smaller.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The bin wagons dawn chorus is in full swing as I type with both the lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon and the one squealing out for lubrication. On the subject of snoring that has been discussed recently. As I live on my own I don't snore but every now and then someone sneaks in and wakes me with a snore but I can never catch them.
  7. No, the club room is adjacent to the cricket ground.
  8. Evening all from Estuary-Land. When I left the club this evening it wasn't completely dark so I was able to see several bats flitting around over the cricket ground.
  9. Our clubroom is adjacent to a cricket ground, plenty of midges for them. Not sure where they roost though unless its in the mature trees around the cricket ground.
  10. This evening at dusk several bats were to be seen in the vicinity of our clubroom.
  11. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I have just received my car insurance renewal notice so I assume I have been insured for the last 11 months, I've been paying in for it anyway. Club night tonight so its be back later.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. As reported bright and sunny this morning and the bees are already swarming over the Ceanothus (California lilac) just outside the patio doors. At least three varieties of bee, bumble, honey and one other that I'm not sure of. Sorting out some more stuff for the lads layout, found a small building suitable for a station and a few other bits. Thats it for now, be back later.
  13. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I once didn't use Tesco that often I used to stroll down into town almost every day but now as I'm growing older the pins are not up to it. If I'm going to use the car Tesco's has the advantage of free parking, the parking fees in the town centre are extortionate and many of the stores have closed leaving it like a ghost town. TMI!
  14. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Tesco vouchers dropped onto the mat this morning including a 'double points' voucher, that means making out a shopping list to make the most of it. Another 'shopping list' is being prepared for the layout, in this case however a lot of stuff is 'in stock'.
  15. The reason for using tender locomotives rather than tank locomotives in the US was probably the greater distances between service points for coal and in particular water.
  16. Their own or grandma's? A recent check here found that almost 70% were being used by people who were not entitled to them. One of which was for someone who died 12 years ago.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit late as Virgin were doing some work and the internet was down. Thanks for the extra bit of advice Andrew, the insulation foam will be well supported, solidly under 75-80% of its area. Sun is shining so best to get out before the pollen, be back later.
  18. I do believe that the frame and wheels for this railcar survived up until about ten years ago. After service at Spurn Head it was sent to Bicester and cut down to a flat wagon for use as a crane runner. About ten years ago a lot of surplus equipment at Bicester was auctioned off, mostly for scrap which was probably the fate of this.
  19. Evening all from Estuary-Land. All this talk of the side effects of some medicines makes me glad that I don't have to take any on a regular basis. I was taking Ramopril but now I manage to keep my BP within reasonable limits by other means. Thanks KZ for the advice. No legs are planned as a folding table of adequate size is available. I was thinking in terms of 5 mm plywood (thats what they stock at the local orange emporium), the width will only be 50 cm's and I'm planning for there to be four 10 cm wide longitudinal slats the outer ones forming an 'L' with the sides. No problem with exposed cut edges as they will be all enclosed by the sides and ends. One item that I will be adding is felt pads underneath to protect any surface it is standing on, they are available from Tesco's at £1 for a pack of about 40.
  20. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. As the layout will only be 50 X 90 centimetres max 50 mm should suffice. I have worked out that I'll only require a single sheet of 50 X 100 cm ply to make the ends and sides with additional longitudinal slats to add strength and rigidity, rather like the old wooden seed trays. Any left over Cellotex might be put to use in constructing the required tunnel.
  21. I'll have to take a look at that. The boys dad is owner of the shed I mentioned a day or two ago that requires insulation, I'm sure a suitable offcut can be procured.
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