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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit grey this morning but dry and forecast to brighten up later but with the (slight) possibility of a thunder storm developing. The extent of my gardening yesterday was zapping a few weeds with weedkiller and I will probably do a few more today. The patio needs a good clean so its time to break out the Karcher, once the weedkiller has done its work. Thats it for now, be back later.
  2. They look a bit heavy for streetcar overhead, interurban perhaps?
  3. On the matter of insurance I fully expect some of the victims will discover that they are under insured or that the insurance companies will pay out less than the items are worth. Perhaps its time to look at agreed value that is often used when insuring vintage and classic vehicles.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Not making much progress with the young mans layout. Went to the local Orange emporium only to find that they don't stock all of the required items. Only that particular store the assistant informed us that other larger branches did stock what was required but we're going to try Homebase and Wickes first.
  5. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I don't have a satnav neither do I want one. However I'm seriously considering a dash-cam, Halfords offer to fit one for £30 looks good.
  6. Our club Basildon suffered a disaster of similar sort about 22 years ago when we lost everything in a fire that destroyed the premises where we held our meetings. Fortunately the club recovered but it took a lot of hard work on the part of the committee and members to do so.
  7. In my experience many layout owners tend to undervalue their layouts and stock for insurance purposes. When claims have been made and settled we will be able to reassess any financial help required.
  8. With self driving cars speed limits will become unnecessary anyway and they should reduce journey times by making more efficient use of the roads.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit cloudy this morning but predicted to brighten up. Was there a soccer match yesterday? I listened to the BBC radio 2 news this morning and there was no mention of any game. There was plenty about Eurocrap but little else. Not that I'm bothered anyhow as footie registers only slightly above Eurocrap on my interest scale. Little else to report so be back later.
  10. The extent of this crime goes far beyond the immediate victims.
  11. Some of the traders could also be affected with much of their stock destroyed or possibly stolen. Indeed some might even be put out of business or forced to cease trading.
  12. The area will be closed off until the police are satisfied that all the evidence has been gathered. I'm not sure about the insurance, or for that matter who's insurance is liable, the schools or the exhibition organisers but thats another can of worms.
  13. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Returned from Brentwood a few modelling tokens lighter. Just been reading the thread about the terrible happenings at Stamford. A suggestion was made about a whip round for those affected but any financial loss should be dealt with by insurance so I suggested perhaps groups or individuals help in restoring what was lost or damaged. That is for the future however as I understand the premises is sealed off as a crime scene and until the extent of the damage is known then further action can be decided on.
  14. That will be a matter for the insurers. Many of the layouts and models destroyed would have taken years to create by modellers who are now in their senior years. A more practical assistance would be help in recreating and rebuilding what has been lost.
  15. I am utterly shocked and dismayed by this news. I can only hope that the perpetrators feel the full effects of the law.
  16. Don't think so, Blue Box may be crude but never that crude.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Quite warm here this morning, sun and showers predicted by the seaweed twirlers. Thanks pH, I'm not sure that Andy would approve of us using unofficial emoji's, perhaps we could suggest a review of the emojis when Andy has the time. Muggatee to be drunk then off to Brentwood to dispose of even more modelling tokens.
  18. Its obviously based on the Thames 400E but unlike any die cast of the same.
  19. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The traffic hold up at Sadlers Farm had been cleared by lunch time. My friend had no hold ups coming from South Benfleet but there was still evidence of the accident. Off to Brentwood tomorrow for the toy fair, modelling tokens at the ready then the orange emporium for materials for the young mans layout. Thats it for now, be back later.
  20. I have only just recognised were the incident took place, Corbets Tey. I also realised that most if not all mini roundabouts hereabouts differ in one significant way. They all have islands or meridian strips on approaching roads. This discourages 'short cuts' and would have prevented the incident that you described. Perhaps you should contact your local highways authority and suggest they do the same.
  21. Forgot to mention, handbags are out on the HS2 thread. I wish we had a smiley like one on another forum I frequent. He/she is sitting down to watch the entertainment eating from a bag of popcorn.
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