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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. It seems that Nissan got it right during the 1980's. Its a shame that there seems to be few survivors. Probably due to a shortage of replacement parts and the scrappage scheme.
  2. Dave, have another look at Hanover Trust, they and quite a few others do care packages 'at home'. And with that goodnight all.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Intended for American tourists rather than British methinks.
  4. And all the citizens are related to each other, several times over.
  5. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. ChrisF, as others have said, ditch the Xxxxxx, either he'll go away in search of another victim or he will show his true colours. Either way your best rid of him. Nothing planned for the Bank holiday weekend, its either been there, seen that or too far away/roads will be congested. Club night tonight were no doubt events in Stamford at the weekend will be discussed.
  6. They weren't singled, the tracks were interlaced.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. First of all best wishes to Debs and Sandy and any other ailing ER's. Inspected the bottom of the garden, the brambles are back. Not a surprise as they come through from an adjacent property that is rented and frequently changes tenants. I shall have to finish emptying the old shed and remove it to get better access. I mentioned that my (not so) old house in Romford is being demolished to make way for blocks of flats. The Romford signal box was quite literally at the bottom of the garden, perched on the embankment. I can't help wondering if the Japanese knotweed that used to come through from the embankment has been dealt with. One of the last things I did before I moved was too cut the stuff down to about six inches and fill the hollow stalks with rock salt. This was effective within my own garden but there were still some on the embankment.
  8. I noticed on Facebook last night that the other fund raiser has closed the account and is passing all funds raised to the official site.
  9. And there is some sort of sling over the bags. Being transferred from shore to ship perhaps? (In the book it says that the dock was used for the export of china clay.)
  10. Great news re. Sandy John. Wishing you both all the best.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Chatting to my neighbour across the way, he was busy laying a patio to the shed/summerhouse he built in the back garden. Dave, glad to hear that you've found a place for your dad. I'm lucky in that Hanover trust have some properties locally, even better they're only about a quarter mile from my model railway club. Teas brewed so its be back later.
  12. Two cars that I had owned 20 years have all but disappeared. The Suzuki SJ jeep, only a handful remain and all are Sorned, none whatever on the road. The other was a Nissan Prairie (1988 F reg), one of the best cars I have ever owned, only three registered for the road.
  13. Follow the road south and it ends at the California University Desert Research Centre.
  14. Mine downloaded last night. The blue screen with the revolving dots saying 'do not shut down your computer' carried on for ages despite saying that the download was 100% complete.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Breakfast has been had and tea drunk, not a lot else to be reported. Dave, check out the Hanover Trust*. They provide sheltered housing from warden controlled independent housing to care homes. My grandfather spent his final years in one of their warden controlled apartments. I have put my name down with them for when the time comes when/if I can no longer live independently. *Other similar organisations are available.
  16. My thoughts exactly, they probably have many projects in the pipeline that are 'when funds are available'. My own club for example wants needs to extend its club room and no doubt our treasurer is imagining what can be done. However what is to be done with this money is for the future, at the moment the immediate aftermath of this event has to be dealt with first. On a more serious note, this money has been donated to the official club site. There is also a near identical 'unofficial' site that has also received several thousand pounds. Has this been merged with the official site or at least closed down?
  17. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I don't seem to have done anything today, unless you call getting up to date on my Farcebook groups doing anything. Whoever thought up the new layout is an idiot, thats assuming any thought process was involved. As I mentioned they now list ones groups in a narrow column on the left. You can only page down about a dozen groups before 'more groups' pops up which you have to click on to get the next dozen or so groups. Now here's the rub. Every time someone posts on one of your groups an information panel pops up, right over the 'more groups' button. Several times a notification has popped up as I'm clicking on the more groups button and I find myself looking at a group that I wasn't intending at that time. Regrettably I will not be there despite having two free tickets for the show. I don't want to see them going to waste so I will be offering them at my club on Wednesday evening and if theres no takers at the SEERS meeting Thursday. I won't want anything for them but I'll ask for a donation to be made to the Market Deeping club.
  18. Its not clear in the report whether the accident took place on the busway or at a junction with the public highway. If on the busway the car shouldn't have been there in the first place.
  19. The question of overnight security is a tricky one. Our show is similar in many respects to the Stamford show. It is held on school premises and we book (and pay for) time to set up on Friday evening. A condition of that is that we vacate the premises at 10 pm and we are not allowed entry until 7 am the following morning. A similar arrangement probably applied in this case. If it did so the school would be responsible for security between those hours, something that the insurance companies will certainly look at. The concern is the long term effects, if the school or their insurers have to pick up the tab will they in future not allow any such shows?
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