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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. A lot of people got their gongs for doing far less. A colleague of mine had the Military Medal, more than well deserved in his case. He was a R.E.M.E. sergeant and in the push up through Belgium to relieve the Paras at Arnhem he was awarded the MM for erecting a Bailey Bridge under heavy fire. His officer who at the time was a couple of miles back drinking himself stupid received a Military Cross for the same action. When he mentioned it he was told to keep quiet else no medals would be given. My dad certainly earned his Burma Star, two bouts of Malaria and wounded twice.
  2. Back on track >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doSaAFX-0BY
  3. Indeed, and the XIVth Army continued attacking the Japanese through the monsoon season which they didn't expect.
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit damp when I looked out this morning but it had stopped falling from the sky. Wall to wall liquid sunshine is predicted by the seaweed wranglers but Arthur Itis apparently doesn't agree as he's keeping quiet at the moment. Speaking of Kohima my dad was out in Burma 75 years ago, not that far away at Imphal, also surrounded by the but luckily we were able to keep an airstrip open for supplies.
  5. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I have an 'outgrowing' toenail that attempts to make a hole in the toe next to it. Despite cutting and filing it it still rubs on the next toe. I found that the best way to deal with it is to place a sticking plaster over the toe were it rubs and even then it wears a hole in the sticking plaster. My friend phoned earlier this evening, his electrics has blown again and this time he couldn't get them working again. I've agreed to loan him some extension leads so that he has power for his washing machine and fridge but it looks as if a rewire is on the cards. PS nearly forgot, glad to see Rick back in the land of ER's, hope the cough goes PDQ.
  6. The LNER Claytons were just as successful as the Sentinels only Claytons went bust c. 1931.
  7. A couple of the pedestrians were wearing headphones on the Luas clip.
  8. With the results so far this year you might think the needle has stuck.
  9. Or even worse, converted into flats.
  10. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The predicted rain seems to be holding off for the moment. Ordered a few more items for the lads layout from e-bay but most items I have already from the stash marked 'It might come in handy some day'. Muggatee awaits, be back later.
  11. Foxes do catch and kill rats and I've seen one chase and almost catch a squirrel by leaping up as the squirrel ran up a tree, alas it couldn't leap high enough.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Condolences to Jamie and LE. The bin wagons dawn chorus is over now but it began with the lesser spotted glass & bottle in full song so no one slept in. Have to try and finish the lads baseboard today as its predicted to pour down tomorrow. The D-Day flypast was nearly two hours late yesterday, I feel sorry for those who went to watch it at the appointed time.
  13. Its the foxes that have had a few squirrels. I have seen them with dead squirrels but never seen them catch one.
  14. No sympathy here, they are allowed on the beach only to launch their jet skis and then they should park in the car park provided. I expect (hope?) their insurance company shows the same amount of sympathy.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a parcel arrive this morning when I was out and I received the usual card from the postman. As the local sorting office is open late Wednesday evenings I took a chance and called in on my way to the model railway club, and it was ready for collection. Well done Royal Mail.
  16. Haven't seen a hedgehog for nigh on 25 years. Not only is there a long established badger sett locally but plenty of foxes as well. Mind you they keep the local grey squirrel population in check.
  17. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The Dakota D-day fly past has been delayed 1.5 hours so I'm glad I didn't go after all. I was going to watch it on the box anyway.
  18. Its meant to be wood. As tanks and other tracked vehicles will damage the floors they are wood that can easily be replaced. Apart from anti-rot treatment they are unpainted.
  19. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I have just heard that the D-Day flypast has been delayed by an hour or more. I have decided therefore not to go and watch it. Probably get a lot better view on the news this evening anyway.
  20. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Good news from Debs and hope the recovery continues apace. BBC Breakfast this morning was all about the D-Day celebrations. Best bit was when the presenter asked one of the veterans about all the various bigwigs attending. His answer was "The bl@@dy politicians should have stayed away!" Well said sir!
  21. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just watched the second part of The Planets on BBC2. Interesting history of Mars which was once like Earth with oceans and an atmosphere. Still debating as to whether or not to head for Southend tomorrow for the D-Day flypast, I mentioned to a friend the other day that the end of the pier would be the perfect place to see it and it seems that a lot of others have the same idea if social media is anything to go by. Muggatee awaits, be back later.
  22. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Nothing much done on the young lads layout today, too wet outside and not enough room inside. I have checked my measurements and marked out where holes are to be drilled. I have also been perusing E-bay for a few more items. I am considering going into Southend tomorrow to watch the Daks fly over but that depends on the weather. Dinner to be prepared, be back later.
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