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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Cleared my e-mails, its surprising how much they accumulate over five days. At least with my e-mails back I can get on with a few things. Time to put the kettle on, be back later.
  2. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Just spent the last hour ploughing through almost 400 mostly junk e-mails, I have kept only 8 of them and deleted the rest. As you can gather I have regained access to my e-mails but only by using Microsoft Edge. Time for a computer clean-up methinks or a new computer.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A fair bit cooler today so a bit more comfortable, will find out shortly if it will last for the week (5 day forecast, BBC news 1 pm). Fingers crossed that I will have my e-mail back shortly, I'll probably have loads of junk e-mail to clear. As this and other forums are accessible I presume that its a server problem. I call them rising butt hinges.
  4. A good chance for Leclerc to show what he can do, if Ferrari let him.
  5. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Spent today doing s*d all except for bringing in the sheets when they had dried, they took less than two hours to dry. They are now in the airing cupboard, sort of folded as folding sheets unassisted is not easy. And if she wasn't she might object.
  6. I have the first and second editions of this mag but then it disappeared.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Doesn't feel too hot at the moment but I'm at the front of the house which faces almost due north and is therefore always cooler. Hope you give him the bill. Got to go now and put the sheets out to dry, got to make the best of this hot weather.
  8. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just gotten dark now but still 24 degrees. I am looking at changing my car for a hybrid, I would prefer a full electric but but I do a few long journeys every year and until there are more charging points and a range of at least 200 miles on an electric car before I would consider one. I have looked at electrics and hybrids on flea bay and they are surprisingly cheap second hand, until you get to the bit that says 'requires new batteries'. The other day there was an item about electric buses on the news, they had the batteries fitted on the roof! Modern batteries must be pretty light then.
  9. I've had to abandon the car with all the doors open on some occasions.
  10. Its usually the larger female sparrowhawks that take pigeons.
  11. PhilJ W

    Oxford N7

    The smokebox ring was a feature of most if not all GER locomotives. As different boiler diameters were used perhaps they could be made available in several sizes. This could also reduce production costs by producing them concentrically on one fret one inside another.
  12. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Checked with Virgin Media again about not being able to open E-mails. Apparently it is a local problem and they expect to get it fixed by 12 on Sunday, so here's fingers crossed. Only thing is I expect to have a lot of junk e-mail to wade through. Going to make the most of the hot weather tomorrow by doing a lot of washing, it wont take long to dry in tomorrows heat. Thats it for now, be back later.
  13. There are usually murmations of starlings over a nearby golf course but this years are smaller than usual.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sorry to hear about the cat Mick. Mention of fans reminded me that I have a fan that only needs dusting off. I hadn't thought of it despite said fan being in full view as I type. I will probably stay at home tomorrow as the roads will almost certainly be chocker. Still no E-mail so I will have to get on to Virgin shortly. Thats it for now, be back later.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a pleasant evening at the SEERS meeting with members showing off their various collections. Not much else, still no e-mail if its not up in the morning I'll have to get on to them again.
  16. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. A quick look in as its SEERS tonight. The young ladies are wearing less even today so if this carries on until the temperature hits 32 on Saturday I fully expect them to be walking about almost naked. I hope at my age I can endure the excitement.
  17. Morning yet again from Estuary-Land. Another hour in bed and then woken by the bin wagons dawn chorus. A bit cooler due to the easterly breeze which as I'm near to the east coast is blowing all the pollen away. And as the temperature rises those lithe young ladies seem to wear fewer and fewer clothes.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Very early riser this morning, even beating the bin wagons dawn chorus. No sign of the flying ants now but after I had sprayed I could smell the formic acid. I wasn't sure what it was at first though the smell was familiar until I remembered kettle descaler also uses formic acid. Now going back to bed, be back later.
  19. Best idea too. I also asked one of the companies that offered a PPI recovery service and they did identify the Citibank PPI but by then I had made the claim. Theres nothing to stop anyone using these companies to find if you have any PPI claims and then applying yourself.
  20. Don't forget that as late as the 1950's paint used for locomotives was not ready mixed in tins but came in the form of a 'cake' of pigment that had to be pounded to a powder and mixed with linseed oil. Quite often pigments varied and had to be mixed with other colours to get the right match and the proportions of oil to pigment could also affect the final colour.
  21. Evening all from Estuary-Land. John, very sorry to hear about Scruffs but in the circumstances perhaps its for the best. Mick, I would have been tempted to wait until they set the flares off and then used the fire extinguisher. At our exhibition we (again) will not be able to have our usual second hall and we will have to make do with a gymnasium which although slightly larger is some distance from the other hall and does not have disabled access. Our usual hall is required for a tap dancing exam. We were diverted to the other hall back in 2017 at even shorter notice.
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