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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I still think about car fuel consumption in terms of miles per gallon, not so easy now that petrol comes in litres. Although once after a day out I realised that I had done 10 miles per litre so the mpg was easy to calculate at 46 mpg (1 gallon = 4.6 litres). GDB is strangely quiet?
  2. Morning (yet again) from Estuary-Land. The rain has arrived and as of a few minutes ago was persisting down. Not that I'm complaining as its knocked out the pollen and therefore the hay fever.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. No sign of any rain (yet) but its still predicted this morning. The flying ants are out, the starlings were making the most of the bounty earlier. Chris, when I had the same problem with a gas leak I had the replacement pipe diverted through the ceiling, this made it easier to extend it to the attic when the back boiler went belly up and I replaced it with an evaporation boiler in the loft. Now time to put that boiler to use and run a bath, be back later.
  4. It doesn't have to be clean but the last time it was cleaned was a year ago before the last service.
  5. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Congratulations to JD and Mrs. JD on your anniversary. A few large drops of liquid fell from the sky as I returned from the club but all it seems to have done is up the humidity. The car goes in for its annual service and MOT Friday morning so it will need a clean tomorrow. I was looking at second hand hybrid and/or electric cars. they are suprisingly cheap second hand but then you get to the bit that says 'needs new batteries'. Apparently they can cost anything up to £5,000 to replace, if it can be done without taking the car apart.
  6. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. A bit sticky this afternoon though we have been promised some rain overnight. The long range forecast is that this time next week the temperature hereabouts could hit 30. You will find even more tractors blocking the roads in rural Essex. Thats Norfolk, where Bob's not only your uncle.
  7. There is a bus stop at the end of my street. At the moment due to the water company digging the road up it is suspended and there is a large yellow sign to that effect. Despite a temporary bus stop 50 metres away passengers still wait at the stop and buses still stop there though they can't enter the layby.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I agree with Tony, south Essex is roadworks central at the moment. Apart from the never ending saga of the A13/A130 interchange they are spreading like wildfire. Last night instead of my nipping around the back of Tesco's I had to go home via Pitsea which appears to be where they breed traffic cones. I purchased them quite recently for not very much from a trader who has a very good reputation. Perhaps because they are in a common livery (LNER teak) and unboxed. I sort of expected it to happen as the axles not being pin-point were a bit stiff and they were quite heavy compared to modern rolling stock. The locomotive is powered by a single spud bogie so after the experience with the tube stock I wasn't going to chance it. We have dodgy house surveyors on this side of the pond as well. Next door when it was sold about 6 years ago they didn't pick up that the extension was built without planning permission. They didn't know about it until they came to sell the property which was delayed by it. Thats it for now, be back later.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Took my models to the SEERS track night this evening, regretably they did not run too well. The District box cab was quite happy to trundle around solo but was not happy with three old 00 Farish suburbans. The fact that the Farish stock had plain bearings and the locomotive is very light probably has something to do with it. I then tried my motorized EFE tube stock, it completed a couple of circuits then stalled. When I picked them up to examine them the motor bogies were red hot. the general consensus was that the gears had stripped/seized, a common problem with Tenshodo's.
  10. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Its SEERS test track night tonight so I've dug out my London Underground stock for a try out. The reason for the London stock is the test track will be attending the Southend show and the theme will be 'District Line 150'. Thats it for now, be back later.
  11. The one day game (50 overs each side) seems to be the way the game is going. Very few people unless they are retired or of independant means have the time to watch a three day test match in its entirety.
  12. The only thing said about that by the commentators IIRC was about the gravel being thrown up and getting into some very awkward/uncomfortable places. I did observe some entering the cockpit in the slow motion replays and thought that if it got into an intake and thence the engine it would be race over.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Great to see you back Bill and sorry the way things turned out Rick, better luck next time. I will have to take a look at the cricket world cup thread, I've signed up to 'follow' the thread. Not a lot else, be back later.
  14. It all depends on whether the drivers had third party cover. Its compulsory here in the UK but might not be in other countries/states.
  15. Almost forgot, purchased a new desk lamp today. First problem was I didn't have the correct bulb, it needed a screw fitting and all my other light fittings are bayonette so I had to buy a bulb as well. When I had set it up I realised that the string of LED's that had been flickering were working perfectly. This turned out to be because I had placed the switch on its side. The desk lamp was intended to replace the string of LED's but it will be useful for the modelling bench.
  16. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Just got the latest Travelzoo list. Post Office railway trip £9 instead of £16 I think I'll have some of that. Hope things go OK for Mrs. Rick. Time to prepare dinner, be back later.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit overcast here this morning but a few breaks predicted later. Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Rick and to Bill. Muggatee awaits, be back later.
  18. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I wonder how many watched the Cricket World Cup worldwide, there seemed to be as many Indian fans at Lords today as there were either English or New Zealanders.
  19. Its real sure enough, it was built for the steeply graded Pikes Peak Railway.
  20. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Cricket watched, fingernails chewed down to the quick, must be the closest finish in cricket ever. Managed to fit in the British GP as well, the last few laps fitting in with the break in the cricket. Now for a cup of tea, be back later.
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