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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Still a bit warm tonight but should cool down over the weekend. Removed the dead weeds and other detrius from the patio and over the weekend get the Karcher out to give it a good clean. After that the front path needs the same treatment, once the weedkiller has done its work. Thats it for now, be back later.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I am listening to the bin wagons dawn chorus as I type. The lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon is in good voice and getting well fed after the bank holiday, which has also delayed the BW dawn chorus. Tony, if you have the time you might like to visit here >> http://www.nytransitmuseum.org. Thats it for now, be back later. EDIT For some reason the site is rejected as unsafe?
  3. The pound is going down compared to other currencies which is inflationary as it is. We all know the reason but that takes us into territory that I for one do not want to go on this forum.
  4. Glad they sorted out the date, it was getting a bit confusing.
  5. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Its cooled down a bit more and the forecast for the weekend is its going to get a lot cooler especially Sunday when the winds are veering round from SW to NW but it should stay largely dry. A good dose of rock salt will keep it away for a few years, thats if you don't want anything to grow there. I saw some rolls of astro-turf for sale 'reduced to clear' at £20 per roll, I'm thinking about it.
  6. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Been zapping a few more weeds with the weed killer, most have now been zapped. Now the patio needs a damn good clean but thats tomorrows job. Not been feeling so tired over the last day or so so it must have been the heat making me feel lethargic.
  7. One of our traveller friends?
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A fair bit cooler today but dry and the suns shining. I received almost £1800 from PPI which I had forgotten about until I discovered an old statement. What had happened I had a credit card on which I had being paying PPI unknowingly. The credit card company was taken over by Citibank and after a year or so the account was transfered. It was then that I saw that I was paying PPI so I then cancelled it. This was a couple of years before the scandal came to light. When I found the old statement I put in a claim and received £825 in compensation. Then a few months ago they wrote to me saying that they had found that they owed me another £950. A little tip, if a PPI claim is paid out after 2016 you can claim back all of the tax paid on the interest, call HMRC on 0300 200 3300 and they will advise.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The club was a bit busier than I expected but there will be a distinct lack of members next week as several announced that they are going on holiday. I spotted the article on Andy's shop and the Great Model Railway Challenge, I missed the first episode but I'll be watching the rest.
  10. Its now just started to rain, quite heavy in fact.
  11. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. A fair bit cooler than yesterday and a lot more comfortable. A fairly strong SW breeze at times but that keeps it fresher. Might be something to do with the end of PPI claims tomorrow. RBS have just had a slapped wrist for not informing customers that they may have a claim.
  12. At current exchange rates thats about 12/6d.
  13. It could be that the area is used for loading stretchers into ambulances.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Managed about four hours sleep last night, woke up about half past four and it was too hot and sticky to get back to sleep until about an hour later when it suddenly turned a lot cooler and I then dozed for a couple of hours. Then as I was getting up there was a short shower, barely enough to damp the ground but just enough to raise the humidity to 'sticky'. Not a lot to do today, club night tonight, not that many will be present as some are still on holidays.
  15. If your happy to use 1/72 scale models Real-X do some very good models. Mostly Japanese prototypes but most of them are common in the UK but at least they have right hand drive.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Despite the time hot and sticky here still. A slight possibility of thunder but it looks as if it will be to the north and west of us. Time to put the kettle on, be back later.
  17. Nearly forgot, the grasshoppers excelled themselves this morning, making so much noise that they drowned out the birdsong.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Chris, I too seem to tire easily now but we are both fully paid up members of the coffin dodgers club (over three score and ten) its no surprise. I will probably carry on doing what I done yesterday, absolutely zilch, maybe tomorrow when its a bit cooler I will do some more.
  19. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Thought the house was getting a bit stuffy then I realised what was wrong. When I go out I shut all the windows as the house will be empty but when I got back I forgot to open them again. They are now open and the house is beginning to cool down. When I did get back the grasshoppers were kicking up a racket, it must be the mating season.
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