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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I saw my friend Ray Palmer on the Antiques Road Show this evening. Despite having known him for many years I didn't realise that he was a wartime evacuee and like my father fought in Burma as a member of the XIVth army (the 'forgotten' army). Sadly he has recently gone into a nursing home as his eyesight is failing and he's very frail.
  2. Many British cars were built under licence in Japan in the 1950's. Not just the Hillman Minx but the Austin A50 as well.
  3. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land, Spent the afternoon test fitting the hardboard 'underlay' for the bathroom, they just cover the required area with a bit of trimming. The old hardboard is staying in place for now as I intent to use it as a template for cutting the floor covering which will have to be done outside. Tea has brewed so its be back later.
  4. The only way that I can see 'platooned' trucks operating in this country is if they are restricted to running overnight/off peak. With less other traffic it should ease any difficulties with entering and leaving motorways.
  5. The problem with Matchbox models is not only the 'fit the box' scales but also some very odd proportions. They are not alone in this, even Dinky Dublo models ostensibly to 00 scale had a very strange appearance from some angles.
  6. They are both 1/64 scale, this becomes obvious when the pick-up is placed alongside the Dinky-Dublo Commer van.
  7. It was the rear quarter pillars that induced the claustrophobia, not the space itself. In the end I got a MkII Allegro Estate.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Usual Sunday morning lie-in today. Off to get the paper and bread shortly, after a mug of tea. Be back later.
  9. When I was looking around for a new car c. 1981 I was seriously considering a Princess. My mother tried the back seat and decided she didn't like it. The reason was she suffered from claustrophobia and found it to be too enclosed.
  10. They are both overscale for 00. The Farina is 1/71 acale and the 1500 is 1/67 scale.
  11. Managed to install Firefox on the computer, a lot better than Explorer.
  12. In one shot there is a Ford 105E Anglia, a model introduced in late 1959 and the trolleybuses are no more (closed May 1959).
  13. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Getting used to the 'new' computer, a few minor niggles but that's down to it not being used for about two years. When I take it in for its new battery hopefully they can restore some other things. It took the best part of an hour to update windows 10 this morning. There are some things you can't unsee!
  14. Or more likely looking at their phones and texting.
  15. I would say EFE, well the later revamped ones. They offer the greatest number of versions, RM, RML, RMC, RCL, RMA and RMF.
  16. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Getting used to the 'new' computer now but as long as I can read my e-mails and RMweb its not too bad. The battery is long dead however so that I can only use it if its plugged into the mains. Now to restore a couple of other forums but most can wait until things are sorted computer wise.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Last night my computer went belly up. Luckily I have this spare computer so I can keep in touch. Problem is that I have only a few of the more important things set up on this computer such as e-mail and of course RMweb. I will have to take the other computer in next week to see if anything can be done and any data retrieved.
  18. The 00 scale Consul Capri also had the grill and bumper upside down on the front cover of one of their catalogues last year.
  19. They are assembled with the mudguards back to front.
  20. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Couldn't find any stockist of waterproof MDF so I had to fall back on hardboard. The old hardboard underlay is in one piece cut from a 4X8 sheet except for where it goes round the wash basin pedestal and the toilet where various offcuts were shaped to fit. As I could only fit 2X4 sheets in the car I purchased 3 of that size and had one cut lengthwise to make 2 1X4 pieces. The bathroom is 5 feet by 5' 3" so the two full boards and one of the half boards will cover most of the floor and the other half board can be cut to fit around the loo and pedestal. I might even have a new floor covering, I have found a forgotten roll of Cushionfloor that should fit and as the old covering is getting a bit tatty thats going to be replaced. Incidently that covering replaced the carpet that was fitted in the bathroom when I purchased the house. When I lifted that old carpet I found that a piece had been cut and fitted inside the wash basin pedestal.
  21. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Spam calls is another reason why I do not have a mobile. I have had an answerphone for many years and that filters out most of those sort of calls. Must get on now, tea to be drunk, be back later. EDIT. Nearly forgot, after my 'bleeding' incident last Sunday I have found that some of the blood seeped under the waterproof floor covering in the bathroom and has stained the hardboard underneath. I will have to replace it and I was wondering if thin MDF would be suitable considering the damp enviroment. The actual floor is conventional floorboards so something is neccessary between them and the Cushionfloor covering.
  22. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The credit card that the company needs my mobile number for I use very rarely and only for Paypal transactions. I am considering doing away with it altogether. My credit card usage is minimal anyway, I don't bother remembering the the pin numbers which means I use credit cards hardly at all. Now time to put the kettle on, be back later.
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