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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. The D stock is only a couple of inches narrower than the A stock but is still wider than any 'tube' stock. The replacement bogies were to the same dimensions as the originals. The single leaf doors caused problems with ventilation which was solved by installing forced air ventilation.
  2. I like the chestnut fencing, something not very often modelled but very common up to the 1960's.
  3. That is because they used the same low profile bogies as the 1983 tube stock. Ironically the 1983 stock was once mooted as a replacement for the 1938 stock used on the Island Line but was rejected because of the single leaf doors of which it was said would cause problems for people laden with heavy luggage. This apparently is no longer deemed to be a problem as the D stock also has single leaf doors. The platform alterations will be neccessary because of the greater width of the D stock.
  4. Perhaps having the fire brigade on standby wasn't budgeted for?
  5. IIRC one end is single bore. Its quite possible that they would tweak the track alignments to ease some clearances and/or impose speed limits where clearances are tight.
  6. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I've been looking at the Inside Track website and I'm considering taking one or maybe even two of their holidays next year. I've always wanted to visit the Isle of Man for one thing. Only thing is they haven't published next years brochure yet, theres still a few trips this year to go.
  7. A guy wakes up in hospital bandaged from head to foot after a bad accident. The doctor then comes up and tells him "Sorry but your male appendage was severed in the accident and the paramedics couldn't find it. But the good news is you are going to get compensation of £9,000 and we can reconstruct your appendage for £1,000 an inch." The doctor then said "If you had a 9 inch and settled for a 5 inch one your wife might be disappointed and if you decide on a 9 inch in place of a 5 inch one you might give your wife a shock. I see you've been married 30 years so you'd better talk it over with your wife." A few days later the doctor sees him again and asks if he discussed it with his wife he then asked what was the decision. The guy answered "We're getting a new kitchen."
  8. This is a grey area where the law is concerned as it doesn't apply to car derived vans. Vans such as the Belingo and Ford Connect use a modified car platform but above that are entirely different. I have driven a Transit 17 seat minibus, that had a speed limiter fitted but set for a higher speed than the plain van. My sister and her husband have a coachbuilt motorhome on the same Ford Transit base weighing more than three tonnes and that does not have a limiter.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit chilly last night/this morning but now warming up nicely. Got in a bit late last night after the SEERS meeting in which one of the members gave a very interesting talk on his railway themed trip to Cornwall. He went with a company called Inside Track http://www.railwayholidays.com . He did mention that a couple of years ago he booked with them for a European trip. They were due to go by Eurostar but when they arrived at St. Pancras they found that their train and the following one had been cancelled. Their courier took them to a private room in one of the watering holes at the station and all drinks and food was on the company. He then charted an aircraft from London City Airport to take them to Frankfurt and a coach to take them on to their final destination. In all they arrived there at midnight only six hours late so apart from a slight loss of sleep the rest of the holiday went as planned.
  10. Thats my main worry about driving a classic car today, crash worthiness. I sold on a classic vehicle five years ago, it was a Reliant Kitten fibreglass body and all. The reason for selling it on was I could not continue restoration due to declining health not for any crash worthiness worries.
  11. The other alternative is to fit the new stock with batteries as well as the third rail collectors to make them an all electric hybrid. It depends of course if the running cost reductions can cover the cost of the batteries.
  12. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Off out shortly for a talk at SEERS tonight, be back later.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Hope your feeling better Tony and best wishes to other ailing ER's. Robert, I didn't realise that electric/hybrid cars had different plugs for different countries or do you just mean to plug into the mains? If its the latter its only a simple matter of carrying an adaptor plug. I will try to make more progress today on the modelling room, I might even be able to reach the far corners of the room for the first time in ages.
  14. The last one seems to fit the bill.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I don't know where the day went but I've done nothing much today except the newspaper crossword and sudoku. Now to catch up on Farcebook, be back later.
  16. Apparently there is sufficient clearance for the new trains.
  17. Those were 'Easiclean' wheels. The Artillery wheels remained on heavier vehicles as they could withstand abuse better than wire wheels. The name 'Easiclean' explains itself when compared to wire wheels. The one advantage of wire wheels was their light weight which is why they continued in use for sports cars and motorcycles.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit dull and grey this morning but from now until this time next week its looking up with high temperatures by the weekend. Now to run the bath for the morning soak, be back later.
  19. Evening all from Estuary-Land. According to the weather forecast next weekend is going to be another scorcher. I assume it is a gravity feed so just disconnect the the pipe to the carburetor and drain the tank in to a suitable container. Time to put the kettle on, be back later.
  20. They were sold in the UK but were nowhere near as popular as the 4-door Devon. They were originally developed for the North American market where they outsold the Devon. There is only seven known UK survivors.
  21. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Didn't spend a great deal at the swap meet/toy fair. I picked up four EFE buses for £10 the lot, very happy. Not a lot else to report, be back later.
  22. NZ number plates. They used the front suspension units on the rear in place of the lighter units on the passenger cars.
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