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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. As stated above the ride height of the units is going to be adjusted/lowered so probably not a lot of work will be neccessary.
  2. Vivarail have rebuilt the cab area to increase the impact protection.
  3. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Congratulations NHN, I don't have any kids/grandkids but my friends young son does not have any grandparents, all had gone before he was born. I have slotted in to the role, as Jamie said, its not cheap.
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Persisted down last night but dry now. Sad news is that the Heaton Park heritage tramway is closed indefinately due to the theft of their overhead wiring. A fund has been set up to replace it but that will take time. Personally I think that the scrap dealer if found in possession of said wiring should be made to pay for the reinstatement of the wiring plus compensation for loss of business. Tea has been drunk, be back later.
  5. I was expecting hoping that one of the idiots would fall in. Goodnight all.
  6. I very rarely see the ads, I'm usually putting the kettle on or finishing the crossword.
  7. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Dry at the moment but still very wet underfoot, I'm staying in tonight anyway. Time for dinner, be back later.
  8. Many happy returns Roundhouse. (And many happy rounds as well by the looks of it.)
  9. Quite unusual in that the Oxford Diecast caravan is exactly the right style as the one in the photo.
  10. The only other 1930's airliner still flying* today is the Junkers Ju52m3 though a Dakota was probably the easiest to obtain. *That might be doubtful now as there was a fatal crash involving one a few years ago and the handful that are left might be grounded.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday John. Breaking news in the last hour or so, the Supreme Court have ruled the proroging of Parliament illegal. Thats all I'm going to say here on the matter though it is more legal/constitutional than political. Tea to be drunk, be back later.
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. A rather damp evening as well with heavy rain setting in for the night and a bit windy too. Time for dinner so its be back later.
  13. I'm getting used to a thread for each episode but some people aren't. Might I suggest that when each episode is aired the thread for the previous episode is locked with a link to the next episodes thread. All threads can be unlocked after the final episode.
  14. The Great British Bake Off was on Channel 4 at the same time. Perhaps the viewing figures would be even better if they didn't clash.
  15. I assume your talking about a seat belt?
  16. I'm wondering where Ferrari's sudden improvement in form has come from. No doubt the scrutineers are thinking the same.
  17. I think I can see evidence of the scratchbuild challenge there.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit later than expected as it appears the RMweb server went down for a while as I was reading the posts here on ER's. Bright and sunny here at the moment but forecast to cloud over later with thunderstorms. Tea has been drunk so its be back later.
  19. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Popped into town this afternoon, quite busy but theres a lot of rebuilding going on. I went to an event where Oxford Diecast had a stand. They were selling off some damaged models for £1 each. Among those models that I bought was a van in perfect order but with a cracked perspex box. Other models had just come apart and only required re-assembly.
  20. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The wind and rain arrived about two this afternoon and its now very dark and grey. Time to put the dinner on, be back later.
  21. The road and pavement look newer than the wall so perhaps its from before the road was there. Also the road looks rather steep so perhaps loading and unloading in that particular place is not a good idea.
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