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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit late this morning after the Sunday morning lay-in/soak-in. It certainly persisted down last night. Had a quick perusal of this mornings posts and Smiffy's mentioning horse apples has given me the nasal equivalent of an earworm (noseworm?).
  2. They do plain white versions of several of their models, all without number plates.
  3. Thats a shame as I intend to fit Kaydees. Hopefully I can fit pick-ups to another wagon fitted with NEM pockets.
  4. If its the plain white one yes, it doesn't carry number plates.
  5. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Had a good morning at the mini exhibition. Quite a good variety of layouts and a few traders and societies there. I managed to find a bargain on a trade stall, an Oxford Rail rail mounted gun for £40! I also purchased a few model buildings and vehicles. When I collected my friend we noticed that his next door but one (new) neighbours had set up a stall on their drive selling home made cakes and drinks on behalf of McMillan Cancer Relief. When we returned from the show we partook of the cakes. I had a really delicous banana cake but I don't think it done my BG any good.
  6. I've ordered the Army one from Hattons and they have informed me that it won't be here until December.
  7. Might not be a bog standard Moggie, Minilites and bright red paint?
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A quick hello as I'm off out to a small exhibition at Thorpe Bay, will be back later.
  9. Great show, The Railmen of Kent were worthy winners and raised the bar a couple of notches.
  10. Thats why we have three legged stools, they sit without wobbling on any uneven surface.
  11. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Welcome back Smiffy and Peter B B. Are there any other ER's on the missing list? I know Dutch Master and Horsetan will not be back having upset the powers that be. Time for dinner, be back later.
  12. If you turn around and look the other way you can see where the tracks have been removed from the stone setts.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning but very windy (outside not inside) but heavy rain predicted for later. I've mentioned SEERS several times here on ER's. We will be holding an open day on Saturday 7th April 2020 at Leigh Road Baptist Church where our test track (00, 0 and 1 gauge) plus a separate N gauge test track will be available for visitors to test their own stock. More details when they become available.
  14. Thanks Keith, I thought the Flying Hamburger had been scrapped, but apparently not (unless its a replica).
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just had a very enjoyable evening at SEERS. Members slide and film show starting off with Leipzig trams. The narrator visited the city in January this year and included in his pics the last Tatras in service as wellas the very latest stock. Of particular interest to me was that in the local rail terminus one platform is used for storing museum stock. There was a steam locomotive, type unknown as it was not possible to take a photograph. An electric locomotive that appeared to date from the 1920's and best of all no less than the Flying Hamburger railcar. Hopefully Dom can fill in the details when he's next here on ER's. Earlier this evening the speaker on my computer was getting very crackly and faint but it seems to be OK now.
  16. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I'm surprised Smiffy hasn't posted yet, he's certainly been looking in on ER's as he left a 'like' on one of my recent posts. I'm also looking forward to some more re. the goings on in Sarthe.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I see another absentee has been in ER's this morning but hasn't yet posted. Smiffy its about time we had an update on the Whelkmen! Was persisting down this morning but has now stopped. Just had a newsflash, ex French President Jacque Chirac has died RIP.
  18. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Glad to see you back Pete, what with Olddudders, Ashcombe and Debs returning as well its getting a bit crowded. (Not that I'm complaining.) As has been said it can vary from company to company. Best to use the internet to shop around.
  19. As stated above the ride height of the units is going to be adjusted/lowered so probably not a lot of work will be neccessary.
  20. Vivarail have rebuilt the cab area to increase the impact protection.
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