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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. The Matchbox Flower Class Corvette is still available made by Revell.
  2. Don't forget the Minix models that wheels apart were very accurate and detailed models. Some Matchbox models such as the J2 pickup were very close to 00 scale but lacked such basics as glazing.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Theres a lot of flood warnings about http://www.itv.com/news/anglia/2019-09-30/flood-warnings-along-the-coast-of-norfolk-suffolk-and-essex/ The problem is heavy rain coupled with high tides and a northerly wind. The next high tide hereabouts is about two in the morning, fortunately I live on high ground. Tea is ready to be drunk, be back later.
  4. Perhaps the 'ram bows' were retained to deal with submarines?
  5. I wasn't aware of it until I saw it mentioned in a book on 1938 stock. It seems strange that such a small alteration was deemed neccessary.
  6. BREAKING NEWS... Theres been a fight in the biscuit tin. A lad called Rocky hit a Penguin over the head with a Club, tied him to a Wagon Wheel with a Blue Ribbon and made his Breakaway in a Taxi. Police say that Rocky was seen just After Eight in Maryland with a Ginger Nut known to the police as Rich T. They didn't leave a crumb of evidence so the Jammy Dodger got away with it.
  7. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Nothing much has happened this afternoon.
  8. The 1938 units currently in use had their bodies raised by just over one inch before going to the I-o-W.
  9. They do get slated when they make errors, you just have to read some of the groups on Facebook. They have rectified some mistakes in the past at some expence to themselves.
  10. That put me in mind of the Hornby ad that popped up during one of the breaks.
  11. An employer organises a 'Bring your child to work day'. One proud father takes his seven year old daughter to work with him. After about half an hour the little girl burst into tears. Her father asked her what was the matter, she answered loudly. "Where are all the clowns you said you worked with?"
  12. Forgot to mention. The errant umbrella has now been totally demolished by the wind. I will leave the remains by the owners front door for them to do what they want with it. Another problem recently has been a woman parking her car half on the pavement opposite my drive, as the street is narrow it causes problems for me manouvering on/off my drive. Well this morning I noticed an official looking letter on the windscreen, hope she has to pay a fine.
  13. We have his twin on this side of the pond.
  14. Also, if something else comes along to replace them and they still have some life left in them it would make it easier to cascade them. The ride height question is also a none starter, if it can be altered once it can be altered back again.
  15. I was wondering if the sudden upping of performance by Ferrari and the failure of Sebs car are connected?
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just caught up with the news/weather, the first was mostly about a certain conference in Manchester . Apparently hurricane Lorenzo might now head in the direction of the Bay of Biscay but wherever it goes it will no longer be a hurricane just a storm. It looks though as if it will be quite spectacular riding a train through Dawlish Wednesday or Thursday.
  17. Hurricane Lorenzo is causing problems for our weathermen. Normally today we have a long range (5 day) forecast on the Countryfile program. Tonight they said that they could not predict with any accuracy beyond Wednesday. This is because its not possible to predict the course Lorenzo will take after it hits the Azores. If it tracks north to the west of Ireland it will draw up warmer air across the British Isles which will give us relatively warm weather with the odd shower. If it tracks east up the English Channel we'll have very strong winds and a lot of rain as will northern France.
  18. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The umbrella is still in my back garden. I went out to inspect it earlier and its broken. This is the third time said umbrella has appeared in my garden and I have returned it to its owners twice. This time I'm leaving it where it is. All they have to do is fold the thing up to stop it being blown away.
  19. I know of a young man who might be interested.
  20. I have recently purchased an example of this model with a Cromwell tank. One question, should these wagons have jacks fitted to the underneath of the buffer beams?
  21. The WD had some very small vans, similar in size to the GWR shunters trucks.
  22. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Belated birthday wishes to Mrs. Baz and Mrs. GDB and I hope Aditi is OK. The wind is still blowing and a large garden umbrella was depoited in my back garden this morning, now it looks as if it is about to exit. I was tempted to move it but decided I didn't want to do a Mary Poppins. Dinner to prepare so its be back later.
  23. The intention of plain white models is that you can finish them off in any livery of your choice.
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