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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Indeed it was the first Super Dreadnought according to the speaker. He illustrated his talk with a picture of all four in line at the Battle of Jutland where Thunderer fired off quite a few shells to little effect. That would have been a later vessel. Thunderer was the last of the class to be scrapped in 1928, such was the advance in naval technology.
  2. Thanks, thats the one. The livery is just crying out to be done.
  3. Some more liveries there. Another livery for Hornby to consider would be Express Dairies who had one in a creamery in the west country IIRC. It was in navy blue with Express Dairies in white on the cab back. There was a photo on Facebook of it shunting milk tankers but I now cant find it.
  4. Most if not all of the East London Line was fourth rail so it was only a matter of removing the centre conductor rail. The only extension was the new link at Shoredich connecting it to the former Broad Street lines which were third rail as was the other lines with which it was combined.
  5. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/breaking-bradley-airport-crash-world-20388303#source=push
  6. It can be run with or without the wagon. With such a short wheelbase however you may have problems running over insulfrog points.
  7. Shunters trucks are built low so as not to obstruct the drivers view so a van would not be suitable. Some brake vans were built with very low roofs for that reason.
  8. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Still no model railway club but we should be able to go back next week. I hope they've levelled up the floor properly, the part that had subsided was noticably sloped as you walked across it. Kettles boiled so I'll be back later.
  9. The oil drum could also be mounted on some sort of trolley to be wheeled up to the locomotive.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny at the moment but Lorenzo is on his way. Neil had better watch out as its heading towards Fraggle Rock. Muggatee to be drunk, be back later.
  11. It could be fueled from an oil drum raised up on a wooden or brick pier (gravity feed). Other than that fuel would be delivered as and when required either by road tanker or in the case of a large and scattered site even a rail tanker, not the normal tanker seen on the main line but an old wagon with said oil drum(s) and a hand pump. The oil drum with hand pump is the most likely combination.
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a very enjoyable evening at the SEERS meeting. A very interesting talk not just about HMS Thunderer but the many other and varied products of the Thames Iron Works followed by a very interesting talk about Allhallows by the Tower with which the speaker is also involved. Now its muggatee tim, be back later.
  13. Husky made a model of the forward control LR, whats more its spot on 1/76 scale.
  14. In fact eggs contain all the nutrients you require and in the right proportions. I keep hard boiled eggs in their shells in the fridge for snacks.
  15. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Persisting down outside at the moment, just looked outside and the street is like a river. Out for a SEERS meeting tonight. One of the members is giving a talk on a none railway subject, HMS Thunderer, the last RN battleship built on the Thames.
  16. For that period there is Cararama, Yat Ming and Real-X. The latter produces mostly Japanese prototypes most of which were seen in the UK. The added advantage is that the Japanese drive on the left so most of the cars are right hand drive.
  17. I was just wondering how it compares size wise with the Bachmann Wickham trolley. Has anyone photographed them side by side?
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A tad late as I spent some extra time soaking in the bath. Breaking news this morning, theres been an incident at the Houses of Parliament involving petrol and armed police. It was bright and sunny this morning but now a bit cloudy with rain predicted later. It looks like Lorenzo is tracking north which means all the wet warm air is heading our way so a soggy weekend is in prospect.
  19. The bottom line is that most of us in the developed world eat too much. Obesity, whatever one eats is going to shorten your life. Of couse if an overweight person dies who can say how much longer they would have lived if they had less weight?
  20. Bacon butties are the mainstay of many exhibitions but if your worried about the health risks worry no more >> http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/you-can-now-eat-steak-20358412#source=push
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