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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Thoughts are with John and Sandy.
  2. That is more likely the late 60's. In about 1974 I visited Wales and stayed at a B&B in Dolgellau. The B&B was a house built on part of the old station site, although the house was new it was not brand new.
  3. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Warley is now all sorted and paid for so we can arrange an ER's meet up nearer the date. I walked into town to pay for the trip and I decided to walk back again (uphill most of the way) rather than wait for a bus, the first time I have done that in ages. I will have to do that more often as I need the exercise. I nipped into WH Smiths while I was in town but there was nothing interesting there.
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning, just as well as I will have to go down to the bank to deposit the payment for the trip to Warley, coach and entrance fee to the organisers of the trip. As Tony said the lightning was absent last night, either that or I slept very well. Boasting or complaining?
  5. It might have been Joannesburg rather than Cape Town. Apparently they were practically identical to the Sunbeams that preceded them, possibly built under licence.
  6. The proposed generic four and six wheel coaches from Hattons would be ideal for a 'preserved railway'.
  7. Evening all (yet again) from Estuary-Land. After reading Johns blog I am lost for words but I'm glad that Kerry was able to see her mistress. I haven't contacted my brother yet to find out how his dialysis is going, thankfully my own kidneys though not 100% are still doing their job. I can confirm that I will, all being well, be going to Warley next month. I just have to nip down to the bank tomorrow to transfer funds.
  8. Ford D series and the later Cargo were not used very often either probably for the same reason. A heavyweight chassis is a requirement for cement mixers due to the enormous strains put on it by a constantly moving load with a high centre of gravity.
  9. Lancia provided trolleybus chassis to Cape Town for bodying as double deckers. British manufacturers had ceased producing trolleybuses.
  10. I wouldn't chance this just in case the medica got it wrong.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Persisting down outside but no sign of the leak in the flat roof. I suspect that its been driven in by strong wind so its going to be a job to find the exact spot were the leak is. Time for dinner, be backlater.
  12. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. No sign of rain at the moment but very grey and stormy outside. Not much else to report, be back later.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Yesterday I decided to catch up on HIGNFY on I-Player. When I went into I-player the child lock as mentioned by Chris popped up. All I had to do was click on the bottom box and I was in and able to watch the show. KZ that sounds like a bit of @r$e covering by the lawyer, when I moved in to my house 31 years ago next doors extension was already there. When they sold the property about seven years ago there was no apparent problem but when the property was sold again it came to light that the extension had been built without planning permission as required at the time. This should have been picked up seven years ago with the first sale. Thats it for now, be back later.
  14. You forgot to mention that the P4 turnout will work but the S4 turnout will not.
  15. That is why some of the layouts that have been produced for the show have been broken up. Yet the builders have been criticised for doing so.
  16. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Made a couple of purchases at the bus rally today. Both road vehicles to 1/43 scale and from French part-works. One is a CMP Chevrolet C8 radio truck and the other is a Lada Niva with a tent on the roof, part of a motor caravan series. I met my sister who informed me that our brother is now undertaking dialysis three times a week. Due to other health issues a kidney transplant is not possible. To enable the dialysis he has had a canula fitted in his upper arm, in doing so they found that his veins and arteries were back to front! it hasn't affected him in nearly 73 years but I did wonder if it had something to do with his being left handed.
  17. This highlights a slight drawback of a genetic model. If you run stock on your layout representing two different companies you need to have a few more differences other than livery. They only have to be small differences, the easiest would be the type and amount of light fittings, as proposed by Hattons. But other items such as step boards and grab handles could also be changed.
  18. Might I suggest another body style? An invalid/family saloon or with an open veranda at one end as an inspection saloon. Though I can see many reaching for the razor saw when these become available.
  19. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I will be going to the bus rally at Canvey later despite the high chance of rain. I just had a call from my sister saying she and bil will be there, bil is a bus enthusiast. ChrisF, I had that come up many moons ago and I done something that by-passed it. Unfortunately it was so long ago that I can't recall how it was done but I have not had any trouble since. Rereading what you said above try not turning on parental lock. Look for a 'continue ' button. I think the problem is that Chris cannot input any number.
  20. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Two events to attend tomorrow, weather permitting. One is the toy fair at Rayleigh and the other is the end of season bus rally at the Canvey bus museum. The last time it rained at the Canvey event the field where it is held was a quagmire and the car park was flooded. My friend has taken his lad to Darlington and Shildon for the weekend, at lest its dry further north.
  21. Its not a Maltese plate. All current Maltese plates are three letters and three numbers. The British style plates used in Malta up until the 1970's were number only, no letter M.
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