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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. They probably do but the hirers ignore it or don't listen.
  2. Perhaps movies with trains could have a thread of their own?
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Something I have been thinking about for some time is leaving my body to medical science. On the BBC breakfast show this morning there was a piece on just that. I carry a donor card but at my age I doubt if they'll find anything useful when I leave this mortal toil, whats not worn out has had more than 70 years of abuse. Of course I will have to consult my family first before I make a commitment.
  4. I think I might have got the films mixed up. Yes, checking my movie guide the film I was thinking of was 'The Cassandra Crossing'. The revue states 'When Burt Lancaster tries to blow up the train he should have made sure that all copies of the film were aboard.'
  5. Lord Nelson stood just over 5 feet tall, his statue in Trafalgar Square is about 16 feet tall. Thats Horatio of 3 to 1.
  6. That van must have been going at quite some speed to do that. The front part of the roof has either been ripped off or crushed. (Note damage to top of windscreen.)
  7. PhilJ W

    Oxford N7

    Should not the connecting rods be red?
  8. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Just had notification that a locomotive I ordered is on its way so should arrive tomorrow or Thursday. I'm due for an eye test soon, up to now the pressure test has been normal and I see no reason for it to change but better safe than sorry. My sister has glacoma but that is the result of an eye infection bought on by wearing contact lenses.
  9. The BBC London news yesterday were talking about a group of young men who forty years ago took a round the world trip in a 'Routemaster' bus. The 'Routemaster' bus turned out to be a Bristol KSW with ECW lowbridge body in Tilling green! The bus that they used not only got back to the UK but is now preserved. Unfortunately the registration and/or fleetname wasn't visible in the clip but the bus is apparently now in East Anglia so an Eastern National vehicle is a possibility.
  10. In Avalanche Express the locomotive occupied by the 'baddies' could not have had an engine as the engine compartment was an empty space. Such an awful movie anyway that I can't remember the plot, if it ever had one.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. For keeping modelling bits such as frets I use those small sets of drawers intended for screws and other fixings obtainable from pound shops and sometimes DIY emporiums and even some that I obtained second hand. My only problem is that I haven't labeled any of the hundred or so drawers in use. If I'm looking for something I often have to open and close a dozen or so drawers before I find it.
  12. Have you thought about registering the house as a second home and claiming the 50% off the council tax?
  13. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I never had the TB jab nor the smallpox inoculation. I'm pretty sure few if any in my school had a TB jab and I escaped the smallpox because I'd had chicken pox not long before. The jabs I did have at school were for polio which was still a serious illness at the time, as was TB and smallpox.
  14. Apparently its the old Airfix/GMR lowfit fitted with pick ups.
  15. Unlikely, but if a purchaser does not require the wagon he/she might sell it on. Once the sales of this model are established you could allways ask here or in the RMweb wants if someone has one to spare.
  16. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Spent this afternoon catching up on a bit of housework, no ironing was involved. Time to put the dinner on, be back later.
  17. Because I opened the link E-bay keep asking if I'm still interested. I opened the notice and clicked on a link for an unmolested model at £71:99. I duly ordered it when I noticed that the dealer is a regular here on RMweb.
  18. PhilJ W

    Oxford N7

    Possibly for short trip workings but they were principally passenger engines. For freight it was more often a J15, and for parcels probably a D16.
  19. I absolutely hate having needles stuck into me. I put it down to when I was at school and there was mass innoculations. This was before the days of disposable syringes, they had about 3 interchangable needles to use on a class of 40 kids. They used the (alphabetical) class register and went down it doing each child in turn. My surname begins with a W and I was about two from the bottom of the register. This meant by the time my turn came round the needles were blunt.
  20. Surely council tax is not payable on an empty property after it has been empty for a certain period*? *Six months IIRC.
  21. There was a Fruit 'D' and another wagon in a yard not far from Finsbury Park station that were gradually disappearing into the shrubbery about 20 years ago.
  22. Morning all from Estuary-Land. And a somewhat damp one as well but Arthur Itis was giving plenty of warnings last night until Para Cetamoll told him to keep quiet. I will be taking my spare computer in to be upgraded and a new battery fitted. The problems are caused by it having sat idle for 18 months, the battery died like Monty Python's parrot it is deceased and it sulks when trying to absorb W10 updates. Its only a small cheap laptop but it came in handy when my main computer needed fixing. Thats it for now, be back later.
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