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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I just paid for a 12 month gym membership and the bank phoned me to check that my cards had not been stolen!
  2. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Been clearing out some more old magazines this afternoon but the pile seems to be growing bigger rather than reducing. Certain titles I will be keeping but many will go for recycling. Time to prepare dinner take a quick walk to the chippy, be back later.
  3. A bit lot beyond my wallet but I took a look at what else was on offer. One item caught my eye was an ex-BR goods van sans running gear and buffers etc. nicely converted to a den/man cave advertised as free! (Whether it is or not is another matter.) It is based at Colchester.
  4. When it comes to locomotives to pull these coaches aren't you forgetting the J15? A locomotive introduced at the end of the Victorian era and was still hauling trains consisting of four and six wheelers into the BR era.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. When I hear of these people who have died before reaching retirement age makes me glad that I was able to wangle early retirement. This in fact was one of the reasons for my decision to take early retirement, I saw many of my former colleagues carry on working right up until they were 65 and very few if any made it to 70 whereas those who took early retirement are still with us and they retired before I did not far short of 12 years ago. On to other things, travel this morning in the Orpington area is chaotic to say the least after a serious accident involving two buses and a car, the car driver has been arrested. A mini exhibition taking place in Wickford tomorrow at the Salvation Army citadel, parking could be a problem as its close to the town centre/Saturday/end of half term.
  6. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Spent some time preparing my 'winter' jacket. Transfering things such as keys and wallets from the lighter summer jacket. Then the weather forecast says its going to get warmer! But not for long though, the long range forecast is clear and cold for this time next week. I've seen a squirrel several times recently in the shrubbery alongside my house. This is the same one that walks along the fence ignoring me and any other human beings even if they're only a couple of feet away. I suspect he (she?) resides in the shrubbery as any trees that can provide cover are some distance away.
  7. I can also see modellers hacking and chopping the Ratio coach kits to go on the Hattons chassis.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday Dom and best wishes to Sharon (and Rick) and any others indisposed. I have spent in the last few years Christmas day on my own. I do mark the occassion with a special meal but never being a great lover of turkey I usually have a piece of salmon but not of the farmed variety.
  9. Many of the cars driven without insurance dont have MoT's and often the drivers don't use seatbelts either so that wouldn't discourage them anyway.
  10. In all the film/photos of the bridge that I have seen the trains have been passenger trains.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Spent the evening at the club splashing magnolia emulsion on to the walls. Other alterations to the clubroom are taking place including the wholesale removal of walls. Actually I found wielding a 3 inch paintbrush quite theraputic.
  12. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Just took a peek at the Hattons 4/6 wheel coaches thread. The froth boils over at times, many posters seem unaware of what the word generic means. Happy anniversary to Brian and Sheila. Got to sort out some old clothes for the club night tonight. Most of the building work except for a few bits is done so its out with the paint pots and brushes.
  13. This was more than five years ago. The driver spent several months in hospital.
  14. Alas no more. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raptWPQbkMg But only by 8".
  15. I found that answering the door naked helps deter trick and treaters. Theres two more at the door now dressed as policemen.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. After a grey and cloudy start the sun is beginning to filter through but its still cold outside. When I went to fetch the milk in I put it in the fridge to warm up. Not much else to report, be back later.
  17. Wife "This broom causes callouses on my hands." Husband "Well use the car then." Thats when the fight started.
  18. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I have too many magazines. I am gradually disposing of some of them but others will stay. Problem is the clouds of dust thrown up when I move them, a sure sign though that its time to get rid of them. Dinner now to be prepared, be back later.
  19. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy anniversary to Ashers and Dudders and happy birthday to Jamie. It looked as if it was going to stay dry this morning but it looks as if there has been a shower. ChrisF's mentioning of bread pudding set the taste buds salivating. The least said about my attempts to produce bread pudding the better. At least it was an improvement on some of the cardboard that certain emporiums try to pass off as bread pudding.
  20. There is more use of NPR cameras to catch these scrotes. Problem is of course unless they are repositioned often the scrotes get to know where they are and thus avoid them.
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