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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Any other ER's involved with stands/layouts?
  2. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Not a bad little show at Thundersley today, though being local most if not all of the layouts were familiar to me. After we left the show I went to check out the £10 layout. Locomotives were stalling in a couple of places and these I checked. I found that electrickery was flowing as it should do on all lines so a close examination of the 'dead spots' revealed a few bumps in the ballast. These are going to be reduced over the next few days and hopefully will solve the problem. The layout I understand is about 40-45 years old, four times the age of its new owner. He now has a second locomotive to run on the layout and hopefully it will be ready in time for the SEERS On Show exhibition on 8th Feb 2020. The layout still hasn't got a name yet, any suggestions?
  3. A chap goes to the dentist to have a tooth pulled. He was offered an injection but refused because he hated needles. The dentist then offered him gas but again he refused because he didn't want the mask over his face. The dentist then offered him a pill which he accepted. The dentist then told him that the pill was Viagra. He then said "I didn't know Viagra was a painkiller?" The dentist said "It isn't, but it gives you something to hold onto when I pull the tooth."
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Rather grey and overcast but predicted to stay dry. Tony, you might consider walking over to the mini exhibition in the Baptist church at Kennington Avenue. I intend to get there from about 12 to 1. Its only a short walk from your house.
  5. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Back on the old computer as I haven't transfered everything over yet. Had a look again at the £10 layout, it looks as though a rewire is in order. Taking a few things to test it tomorrow after visiting the Thundersley show.
  6. Hello again from Estuary-Land. I am posting from my new computer as a try out. In many ways it is better than my old one which is no surprise really as this one is an HP and my old one is a Lenovo. Its quite a bit more powerful and the screen is a lot clearer. I have now to load some of the other items but not all of them from my other computer. I'm afraid that I wont be able to make it but I hope to see you and possibly a few other ER's at Warley, I'll be there on the 24th.
  7. It is loaded completely wrong. As Duncan said the heavier digger should be loaded first with the arm to the rear.
  8. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. New computer collected. It is now 'tuned in' to my Wi-Fi and set up for my E-mails and RMweb. I need to add a few other links and connect to the printer over the weekend and then it will be ready to go.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit grey at the mo but it has been raining. Collecting my new (second hand) computer today and I'll spend part of the weekend setting it up. Any American 00 on show?
  10. We had a talk by Simon Kohlner at our railway group this evening and I asked him about the possibility of an Express Daries version. In fact he was unaware of that particular locomotive but he promised to look into it.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a very good talk from Simon Kohlner with a greater insight about how he started with Hornby and what really went wrong between when he left and then returned to Hornby. I did ask him what was in the pipeline but he said that if he told me he'd have to kill me. I lived in Romford for some years opposite the brewery and the smell was sometimes overpowering but it got to the stage were most locals didn't notice it. The spent malt grains were left in heaps waiting to be collected and turned into cattle feed much to the delight of the local pigeons. Problem was the grains still contained alcohol and we found great amusement watching drunken pigeons trying to fly.
  12. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Bit busy today and attending a talk by Simon Kohlner this evening so I will leave collecting my new computer until tomorrow, I wasn't expecting it to be ready until Monday anyway. Got to get ready for this evening, be back later.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The bin wagons dawn chorus is in full song this morning, the squeaky one has disappeared fortunately. I was just going to say that it was bright and sunny here but the sun has just disappeared behind a cloud. The John Lewis C********s ad is now out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9D-uvKih_k
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Glad that Tony had his chest problems examined. What can seem like a minor ache could be signs of a more serious problem. As in my brothers case, he put down the back ache he suffered to doing a lot of bending at work. It turned out to be a kidney stone blocking the tube from kidney to bladder. I am fortunate that when I had a kidney stone it passed through without blocking anything. Just before it did so I suffered some backache which I had put down to arthritis but thinking back it was not on my spine but to one side.
  15. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Just checked the RM and discovered that there is a small exhibition this Saturday only a few streets away from Tony at Thundersley, I hope to go there sometime during the day. Normally club night tonight but I might have to give it a miss in case of any news of my brother. Thats it for now, be back later.
  16. His lawyers could have the film ruled as inadmissable because he could be identified. We have to wait until he is prosecuted before all can be revealed.
  17. Quite simply, if his face was shown it would possibly impede or even prevent prosecution.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright sunshine at the moment but Arthur Itis is very insistant that rain is on the way, confirmed by the weather forecast this morning. What was his name? We had a member of the Basildon club who was a whiz at soldering.
  19. Evening all from Estuary-Land. My sister called earlier this evening with news of my brother. He has now been moved to the Whitechapel hospital which is more accessible. It has been confirmed that is what I suspected, he has sepsis. Fortunately the antibiotics are working and he should recover but its going to be slow. I'm going by coach, trouble is a very early start.
  20. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. A bit of good news, double yellow lines are going in in front of my house, why is it good news? I live on a corner and cars parked close to or even across my drive are a right pain in the @r$e. The lines are only going to extend 10 metres from the corner but will cover the front of my property.
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