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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. A bit busy at the club this evening, refurbishment is still in progress, laminate floors are being laid and then workbenches will be installed. Had a look at some mobile phones today, looking for one with a camera so that I can take a few pics at Warley. I will also be taking some pics of the £10 layout and recording the progress, its already penciled in for a show next year.
  2. I wonder if anyone will put one on a 9mm or 12mm gauge chassis.
  3. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Club night tonight, I missed it last week but as there is not much I could do other than get in the way but I'd better show my face. Tea is ready so I'll be back later.
  4. O dear, please remember that these coaches are generic.
  5. I went in to the library and asked if they had any books on paranoia. The librarian leant over and wispered in my ear "They're behind you."
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Woke up before 6 this morning to see the car covered in frost. Its disappeared now and the sun is shining and its been predicted to stay dry. I've found out that the coach taking us to doesn't have wi-fi so I'm going to leave the computer at home. Muggatee time, be back later.
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a good evenig at the Seers track night, both my recent purchases ran perfectly. Yogi Bear must be worried though.
  8. A family/picnic saloon would be a good idea, perhaps with alternative interiors. Not so sure about invalid saloons though as they often featured double doors like parcels vans for easy access for stretchers etc.
  9. There is berberis in the council shrubbery alongside my house. It is also of the prickley type. When they cut it back I collect the cuttings and spread them on the places in my garden favoured by the local cats as a latrine. It certainly seems to work.
  10. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. SEERS track night tonight so I will be test running a couple of recent acquisitions. Not much else to report, be back later.
  11. There is a pic of a six wheel former carriage in departmental service with each axle carrying different types of wheels. The only common feature was the diameter of the wheels.
  12. Morning yet again from Estuary-Land. That is the enter key, so now I can connect my new computer to my printer. You forgot Yellowstone, if that goes up its goodbye everything.
  13. Thanks Stubby and Andrew. It would help if they had marked it 'Enter' (as on all other keyboards I have used.)
  14. This is an image of the same keyboard. I've tried to enlarge it without success.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Very frosty this morning but at least there's no fog, nice and warm inside though. Slight problem with the new computer, it doesn't seem to have an 'enter' key? No doubt there is one right under my nose, if anyone can point me in the right direction its a Hewlett-Packard about 3 years old.
  16. You'd be surprised at some of the lengths that people would go to to avoid the detector van. My favourite was an igloo of chicken wire and aluminium foil. It did work but only one or two people could watch the TV at one time. His biggest problem though was a reaction between the chicken wire and the foil which disintegrated into a powder which once it got into the set started burning. Result one burning TV having to be removed from the house rather rapidly before the whole house went up.
  17. Evening all from Estuary-Land, Trying out the new computer (yet again). Still got to get a few more things on to it and link it to the printer.
  18. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Mention of global warming reminded me of this take on the John Lewis ad that I posted a couple of days ago. http://youtube.com/watch?v=9do5DWA_hnI I have my bag packed ready for Warley, I hope I've got everything.
  19. Morning all from Estuary-Land. In my yoof I worked for a year or two for the GPO and I can confirm that 80% of detector vans were fakes. As has been said the fake vans created a rush to buy TV licences. The favourite time to send the vans round was when popular programs such as Coronation Street or sports programs were on. The trick before things like the FA cup was shown was to send a van around 20 minutes before kick off, usually resulting in instant queues at the post offices. We seem to have avoided the frost this morning due to cloud but the clouds have gone and now we have bright sunshine. Today would have been my dads 100th birthday, happy birthday dad.
  20. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I went into town this afternoon. The 'Ch*****as Fayre' had been set up and was running but seemed a shadow of itself compared to previous years with only four or five stalls compared to the couple of dozen of a few years ago. Not that it bothers me as I'm of the Bah Humbug! persuasion.
  21. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Still haven't finished transfering everything over to the new computer. Not going to transfer everything over, just the important things like RMweb.
  22. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Spoke to my brother this morning. He's still in the hospital but the sepsis is responding to treatment. He hopes to be out of hospital by Christmas but still has a week or two before he is released. Not a lot to do today, cant be bothered. Thats it for now be back later. Lay Zee Buqqer
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