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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Up until 01:30 this morning but finally caught up with Farcebook. My Eco-drive watch is finally giving up, either the photo-electric cell or the battery is going. Its more than 20 years old so I've decided on a replacement, Argos at Rayleigh Weir have a good selection and are open until 8 so I'll probably pop down this evening. Also need to get the car checked, suspect clutch cable as the clutch pedal sometimes sticks down then suddenly springs back making the car jerk. Sad about the Koala but with the extent of his injuries I'm not surprised.
  2. Amazon has failed me, I sent for four kindles and they sent me a 2 Ronnies video.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The knees have stopped aching after my perambulations at Warley. Taking a day out meant that theres quite a bit of catching up to do on RMweb but I've now caught up, still to catch up on Farcebook, their new layout is a real PITA.
  4. They should be able to get his DNA, assuming its his own and no one elses.
  5. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I missed a lot more at Warley than I thought going by the vids that have been posted on the relevent thread. All is not lost however, I just Googled Youtube Warley 2019 and theres a couple of dozen to choose from. I must have avoided the cameras though but my friends young lad can be seen in one shot watching a layout. It was originally on a Land Rover.
  6. On mine the headlights go off with the ignition and all lights when the key is removed.
  7. I attended on the Sunday but was only able to view a fraction of the layouts so the videos are useful to me also. If you want to see more videos Google Youtube Warley 2019, theres dozens!
  8. Sounds as if there is something slightly out of line with the pin on the bucket loader. It only needs to be a few thou, not readily obvious.
  9. I intended to but forgot. I was going to suggest the option of a flatter, lower roof profile with the option of a clerestory. It all depends on the sales of the initial production, if they fly off the shelves a few more options could well be considered. As the sides are separate it should be relatively easy to replace them.
  10. Hello again from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis has informed me that rain is due later this afternoon, he didn't bother me yesterday at Warley or last night. My concern about walking around Warley was that my ankles were swelling up like baloons in the days leading up to my visit. I needn't have worried as when I went to bed last night the swelling had disappeared and has not returned. Perhaps exercise is the key to stop the ankles from swelling again.
  11. Yesterday I spoke to one of the Hattons staff at Warley and I asked him about other types of four and six wheelers (saloon and milk van specifically). He said that they are seriously looking at a saloon version and that it would be relatively simple to produce as the sides will be separate mouldings. This of course opens up the possibility of aftermarket replacement sides such as produced by Shires for the Ratio four wheelers.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Managed a good nights sleep last night, five hours dead to the world. I'm sorry that I missed Chris and a few others at Warley yesterday but it was so busy that I'm not at all surprised. Now to top up those five hours followed by a long warm soak in the bath. Be back later.
  13. It is neccessary for me to use a walker nowadays and its not allways easy to avoid people in a crowd. It usually ends up with various bags hanging from the handles which increases the width somewhat.
  14. Two eggs got married. On the wedding night the bride dressed in a see-through nightdress. Upon seeing her the groom immediately donned a crash helmet, when she asked him why he said "Last time I got hard someone hit me on the head with a spoon."
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a great day at Warley, saw a couple of RMwebbers but the only ER I was able to speak with was Barry. My friend was well happy when Barry told him that his kit built locomotive was Portescape powered. His young son enjoyed himself thouroughly. He came away from the childrens build a model stand with a small signal box for his £10 layout that he built himself with a little help. Also he has been watching Jenny Kirks modelling videos on Youtube and he hero worships her and he was well chuffed to meet his heroine and even more so when she returned his greeting. I spent my WFA on a couple of locomotives plus some model buildings from Petite Properties. Now completely knackered, be back later.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Off to the Warley show shortly, hope to meet up with a few ER's. I am easily recognisable, long white beard and pushing a red wheeler with a yellow cool bag attached.
  17. That depends on the venue. The best major show for parking must be Peterborough, free and plenty of it. Ally Pally IIRC is also free but some distance from the venue. Doncaster I haven't visited for a long time so I cant comment.
  18. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Everything packed and ready for tomorrow and alarm set for before sparrow fart. I think I have everything, if I haven't its just too bad.
  19. I'm glad that I'm going by coach tomorrow, no worries about car parking and dropped at the door of the NEC.
  20. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Getting stuff ready for Warley tomorrow, got a list, well two lists actually of the exhibitors, one by stand order and one alphabetical, sixteen pages in all. Only problem is the plan I have is squeezed onto an A4 sheet and I need a magnifying glass to read.
  21. Any news of the NER railcar from Rails of Sheffield?
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